BP10754 for Lifesafety Power LLC (2024)

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Power Supplies, Burglar Alarm System

BP10754 for Lifesafety Power LLC (1)

UL Certified




Product Code (UL CCN):


The document listing is represented by a combination of the UL CCN and File Number. A UL CCN (Category Control Number) is the code that represents the Product Category (Category Description). See below for more info on those terms.

BP10754 for Lifesafety Power LLC (2)

Product CategoryBP10754 for Lifesafety Power LLC (3)The Product Category, also known as the UL Category Description, describes the product classification under which an item or product is listed.

Power Supplies, Burglar Alarm System

BP10754 for Lifesafety Power LLC (4)

File NumberBP10754 for Lifesafety Power LLC (5)A code UL has assigned to identify and track this listing.


BP10754 for Lifesafety Power LLC (6)

Model Number(s)BP10754 for Lifesafety Power LLC (7)Model numbers included in the listing. Multiple model numbers may indicate different products, different components within the products or both. This document also may not show all models included in the listing.

R8P, E8M, E8M1, NL4, E8S, E8V, RB5, R8, RB2, E8L, E4M1, NL2, RGM, E8A, E8, E5M, E5, E4V, E4M2, E2M... More


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R8P E8M E8M1 NL4 E8S E8V RB5 R8 RB2 E8L E4M1 NL2 RGM E8A E8 E5M E5 E4V E4M2 E2M E4M E4A E4 NLX E2V E4S FPO75 E2 B100 C4 FPO250 FPO150 D8P D8 A8P A8 M8P M8 C8P C8 C4P SS1 E1V E, followed by 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, or 12, may or may not be followed by A, B, BL, H, G, K, L, M, P, S, SO, X, T, V, may or may not be followed 1 or 2. E1M E12 E1 F8P F8 BDM FPV6 FPV4 FPV104 FPV102 FPO75(G2), FPO150(G2), and FPO250(G2) Power Supply Boards FPG50 EB-80 AH1 and AH2 AC Helix Modules Model FPG50/H" qaaqaaeeee-v Where:H indicates presence of AC Helix module q either has no entry or 2 through 22 to indicate the number of each accessory board provided aa contains B100 E6S1 and E8S enclosures v either has no entry or E to indicate input supply is preset for 230V. The HLXwww/H model includes one Helix module. E6S UT8X describing the type of Software House panels inside the E4S C4 where x = SE8 UT8 SE8X SO X SE16 UT16 C8 C8P T or E8V enclosures. sss contains SWH/x RB5 8 5 4 2 followed by 1 R8P accessory boards eeee contains E or 12 may or may not be followed by A B BL SO H C4P K D8 D8P F8 F8P M8 R8 L RB8 G M8P NL2 NL4 RB2 6 P M8P C8 C8P D8 D8P F8 R8 M8 or FPO250 boards. H indicates presence of AC Helix module q either has no entry or 2 through 22 to indicate the number of each accessory board provided aa contains B100 NL2 NL4 NLX RB2 RB5 T F8P eeee - contains E, followed by 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, or 12, may or may not be followed by A, B, BL, H, G, K, L, M, P, S, SO, X, T, V, may or may not be followed 1, 2 or 3 to represent enclosure/backplane configurations aaa - contains either B100, C4, C4P, C8, C8P, D8, D8P, F8, F8P, M8, M8P, NL2, NL4 ee - contains either E1, E2, E4, E5, E6 or E8 for the enclosure provided bbb - contains either A, B, BL, G, H, K, L, M, P, S, SO, T, V, SLX, or X, may or may not be followed 1, 2 or 3 to represent enclosure/backplane configurations v - is either blank or contains an "E" if voltage setting jumper is in the 230 VAC position. q - either has no entry or 2 thru 22 to indicate the number of each accessory board provided C4P sss - contains SWH/x, where x = SE8, SE16, SE8X, UT8, UT16, UT8X describing the type of Software House panels inside the E4S, E6S, E6S1 and E8S enclosures C4 HLXwww/H - qaaqaaeeee. Where: www contains 75 150 or 250 to indicate inclusion of two identical FPO75 FPO150 R8P accessory boards. eeee contains E aa - contains B100, C4, C4P, C8, C8P, D8, D8P, F8, F8P, M8, M8P, NL2, NL4, NLX, RB2, RB5, RB8, R8 or R8P accessory boards E8 X V V may or may not be followed 1 RB8 or 3 to represent enclosure/backplane configurations.1 M 2 B followed by 1 2 4 5 6 8 S may or may not be followed by A P BL H G K L or 12 E2V E1M E1V E4V E2M E4 E4A E4M E4M1 E4M2 H ¿ indicates presence of Helix board E2 E5 cc ¿ either M8 or M16 to indicate presence of M8 or M16 board respectively e is either blank or contains "E" to indicate a preset 230 VAC input voltage. F8P BX75 F8 FPV102 FPV6 E5 BX50 D8 C4P C8 C8P M8 M8P E4S NL4 D8P E5M E8 E8A E8L E8M E8M1 C4 R8 RB2 RB5 NL2 respectively E8S 150 E8L E8M E8M1 E8S or E8V enclosures. v either has no entry or E to indicate input supply is preset for 230V respectively Where:mwww contains 75 E5M or 250 to indicate inclusion of either an FPO75(G2) FPO150(G2) or FPO250(G2) power supply board respectively H ¿ indicates presence of Helix board aa ¿ either blank or indicates presence of D8 board RCwww/H ¿ aaccN/e E4A 2 or 3 to represent enclosure/backplane configurations E1M E1V E2 E2M E8A E4 M E4M E4M1 E4M2 E4S E4V cc ¿ either blank or indicates presence of D8 board E2V or X for empty chassis drawer q is either blank or contains "N" to indicate inclusion of either the NL2, NL4, or NLX accessory board. guide. z is either blank or contains ¿Z¿ to indicate inclusion of articulating wire management guide. e is either blank or contains ¿E¿ to indicate a preset 230 VAC input voltage. n - is either blank or contains 2 thru 22 to indicate the number of each accessory board provided aaa - contains D8, D8P, F8, F8P, C4, C4P, C8, C8P, M8, M8P, RB2, RB5, RB8, R8, or R8P accessory boards or X for empty chassis drawer q - is either blank or contains N to indicate inclusion of either the NL2, NL4, NLX accessory board z - is either blank or contains Z to indicate inclusion of articulating wire management guide aa ¿ either C8 or C16 to indicate presence of either C8 or C18 board RGaawww/yyy/H - naaanaaaqz/e. Where: aa contains A, B, BL, C, D, E, F, G, H, HR, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, SO, SX, T, U, V, W, X, Y, ZB that may or may not be followed by 1, 2, or 3 to represent backplane configurations. www contains 75, 150, or 250 to indicate inclusion of either an FPO75, FPO150, or FPO250 power supply board, respectively. yyy contains 75, 150, or 250 to indicate inclusion of a second FPO75, FPO150, or FPO250 power supply board, respectively. H indicates presence of AC Helix module n is either blank or contains 2 through 22 to indicate the number of each accessory board provided. aaa contains D8, D8P, F8, F8P, C4, C4P, C8, C8P, M8, M8P, RB2, RB5, RB8, R8, or R8P accessory boards www - contains 75, 150, or 250 to indicate inclusion of either an FPO75, FPO150, or FPO250 power supply board RSwww/H ¿ aacc/e Where: www contains 75 150 or 250 to indicate inclusion of either an FPO75(G2) FPO150(G2) or FPO250(G2) power supply board respectively N ¿ either blank or present to indicate network option e is either blank or contains "E" to indicate a preset 230 VAC input voltage. RDwww/H ¿ dn/e Where: www contains 75 150 or 250 to indicate inclusion of either an FPO75(G2) b - is either blank or contains B to indicate inclusion of the Model B100 secondary power supply or FPO250(G2) power supply board yyy - contains 75, 150, or 250 to indicate inclusion of either an FPO75, FPO150, or FPO250 power supply board H ¿ indicates presence of Helix board d contains either 8 or 16 to indicate the number of outputs N ¿ either blank or present to indicate network option e is either blank or contains "E" to indicate a preset 230 VAC input voltage. may or may not be followed 1 FPO150(G2) where x = SE8 R8P accessory boards. sss contains SWH/x RB8 SE8X FPV6 respectively. H indicates presence of AC Helix module q either has no entry or 2 through 22 to indicate the number of each accessory board provided aa contains B100 UT8 FPV102 G V T X SO S P M SE16 5 UT16 UT8X describing the type of Software House panels inside the E4S E6S E6S1 and E8S enclosures eeee contains E followed by 1 L 4 K 6 8 may or may not be followed by A BL H 2 eeee - contains E, followed by 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, or 12, may or may not be followed by A, B, BL, H, G, K, L, M, P, S, SO, X, T, V, may or may not be followed 1 or 2 to represent enclosure/backplane configurations sss - contains SWH/x, where x = SE8, SE16, SE8X, UT8, UT16, UT8X describing the type of Software House panels inside the E4S, E6S, E6S1 and E8S enclosures aa - contains B100, C4, C4P, C8, C8P, D8, D8P, F8, F8P, M8, M8P, NL2, NL4, NLX, RB2, RB5, RB8, R8, R8P accessory boards q - either has no entry or 2 thru 22 to indicate the number of each accessory board provided yyy - contains V4, V6, V102, or V104 to indicate inclusion of a second power Listed Model FPV4, FPV6, FPV102, or FPV104 board (FPV- models are covered in BP10754, Vol. 1, Sec. 2) v - either has no entry or E to indicate input supply is preset for 230V. eeee - contains E, followed by 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, or 12, may or may not be followed by A, B, BL, H, G, K, L, M, P, S, SO, X, T, V, may or may not be followed 1 or 2 to represent enclosure/backplane configurations sss - contains SWH/x, where x = SE8, SE16, SE8X, UT8, UT16, UT8X describing the type of Software House panels inside the E4S, E6S, E6S1 and E8S enclosures aa - contains B100, C4, C4P, C8, C8P, D8, D8P, F8, F8P, M8, M8P, NL2, NL4, or NLX accessory boards q - either has no entry or 2 thru 22 to indicate the number of each accessory board provided FPOwww-qaaqaassseeeev, where www - contains 75, 150, or 250 to indicate inclusion of two FPO75, FPO150, or FPO250 boards, respectively S n - is blank or contains a number to indicate the number of accessory boards that immediately follow yyy - contains 75, 150, or 250 to indicate inclusion of a second FPO75, FPO150, or FPO250 board q - either has no entry or 2 thru 22 to indicate the number of each accessory board provided aa - contains B100, C4, C4P, C8, C8P, D8, D8P, F8, F8P, M8, M8P, NL2, NL4, NLX, RB2, RB5, RB8, R8, R8P accessory boards sss - contains SWH/x, where x = SE8, SE16, SE8X, UT8, UT16, UT8X describing the type of Software House panels inside the E4S, E6S, E6S1 and E8S enclosures eeee - contains E, followed by 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, or 12, may or may not be followed by A, B, BL, H, G, K, L, M, P, S, SO, X, T, V, may or may not be followed 1, 2, or 3 to represent enclosure/backplane configurations v either has no entry or E to indicate input supply is preset for 230V. B or 12 6 FPVwww/yyy/H - qaaqaassseeeev. Where: www contains 4 6 102 or 104 to indicate inclusion of a FPV4 respectively. yyy contains 4 102 or 104 to indicate inclusion of a second FPV4 or FPV104 board or FPV104 board may or may not be followed 1 or 2 to represent enclosure/backplane configurations v either has no entry or E to indicate input supply is preset for 230V. FPVxxx-naaanaaaeebbb/v, where xxx - contains 4, 6, 102, or 104 to indicate the power supply models: FPV4, FPV6, FPV102, or FPV104 eeee - contains E, followed by 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, or 12, may or may not be followed by A, B, BL, H, G, K, L, M, P, S, SO, X, T, V, may or may not be followed 1 or 2 to represent enclosure/backplane configurations FPVwww/yyy-qaaqaassseeeev, where www - contains 4, 6, 102 or 104 to indicate inclusion of a FPV4, FPV6, FPV102, or FPV104 board yyy - contains 4, 6, 102 or 104 to indicate inclusion of a FPV4, FPV6, FPV102, or FPV104 board q - either has no entry or 2 thru 22 to indicate the number of each accessory board provided aa - contains B100, C4, C4P, C8, C8P, D8, D8P, F8, F8P, M8, M8P, NL2, NL4, RB2, RB5, RB8, R8, R8P accessory boards sss - contains SWH/x, where x = SE8, SE16, SE8X, UT8, UT16, UT8X describing the type of Software House panels inside the E4S, E6S, E6S1 and E8S enclosures RGaaeewww/yyyb-naaanaaaqz/e-TAA, where aa - contains A, B, BL, C, D, E, F, G, H, HR, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, SO, SX, T, U, V, W, X, Y, ZB that may or may not be followed by 1, 2, or 3 to represent backplane configurations e - is either blank or contains E to indicate a preset 230 VAC input voltage TAA or blank. The TAA is a Taiwan manufacturing designation. TAA or blank. The TAA is a Taiwan manufacturing designation. FPOwww/yyy/H-qaaqaassseeeev-TAA. Where: www contains 75, 150, or 250 to indicate inclusion of a FPO75, FPO150, or FPO250 board, respectively. yyy contains 75, 150, 250, V4, V6, V102, V104, G50 to indicate inclusion of a second power Listed Model FPO75, FPO150, FPO250, FPV4, FPV6, FPV102, FPV104, or FPG50 board, respectively. H indicates presence of AC Helix module q either has no entry or 2 through 22 to indicate the number of each accessory board provided aa contains B100, C4, C4P, C8, C8P, D8, D8P, F8, F8P, M8, M8P, NL2, NL4, NLX, RB2, RB5, RB8, R8, R8P accessory boards. sss contains SWH/x, where x = SE8, SE16, SE8X, UT8, UT16, UT8X describing the type of Software House panels inside the E4S, E6S, E6S1 and E8S enclosures eeee contains E, followed by 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, or 12, may or may not be followed by A, B, BL, H, G, K, L, M, P, S, SO, X, T, V, may or may not be followed 1 or 2 to represent enclosure/backplane configurations v either has no entry or E to indicate input supply is preset for 230V TAA or blank. The TAA is a Taiwan manufacturing designation. FPOwww/yyy/H - qaaqaassseeeev-TAA. Where:www contains 75, 150, or 250 to indicate inclusion of a FPO75, FPO150, or FPO250 board, respectively. yyy contains 75, 150, or 250 to indicate inclusion of a second FPO75, FPO150, or FPO250 board, respectively. H indicates presence of AC Helix module q either has no entry or 2 through 22 to indicate the number of each accessory board provided aa contains B100, C4, C4P, C8, C8P, D8, D8P, F8, F8P, M8, M8P, NL2, NL4, NLX, RB2, RB5, RB8, R8, R8P accessory boards. sss contains SWH/x, where x= SE8, SE16, SE8X, UT8, UT16, UT8X describing the type of Software House panels inside the E4S, E6S, E6S1 and E8S enclosures eeee contains E, followed by 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, or 12, may or may not be followed by A, B, BL, H, G, K, L, M, P, S, SO, X, T, V, may or may not be followed 1 or 2 to represent enclosure/backplane configurations v either has no entry or E to indicate input supply is preset for 230V TAA or blank. The TAA is a Taiwan manufacturing designation. v either has no entry or E to indicate input supply is preset for 230V FPOwww/yyy-qaaqaassseeeev-TAA, where www - contains 75, 150, or 250 to indicate inclusion of two FPO75, FPO150, or FPO250 boards v - either has no entry or E to indicate input supply is preset for 230V TAA or blank. The TAA is a Taiwan manufacturing designation. FPOwww/yyy-qaaqaassseeeev-TAA, where www - contains 75, 150, or 250 to indicate inclusion of a FPO75, FPO150, or FPO250 board Includes one Helix module.TAA or blank. The TAA is a Taiwan manufacturing designation. HLXwww-qaaqaassseeee-TAA, where www - contains 75, 150, or 250 to indicate inclusion of two identical FPO75, FPO150, or FPO250 boards E2-BS1, -2BS1, E4-2BS1, -3BS1

BP10754 for Lifesafety Power LLC (8)

CompanyBP10754 for Lifesafety Power LLC (9)The Company that holds the listing with UL.

Lifesafety Power LLC


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Phone number: 1-877-854-3577 — Email: CEC@ul.com

BP10754 for Lifesafety Power LLC (2024)
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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.