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Shutterstock / Matthew Munsell
The Florida-based amusem*nt developer is also behind the 200-foot St. Louis Wheel.
An amusem*nt-development group plans to build an entertainment complex two blocks from the Alamo anchored by a 200-foot-high Ferris wheel offering expansive views of the city.
The Grandismo project will include not just the towering wheel bearing the same name but a miniature golf course, acustom carousel ride and a food and drink hall, according to details shared online by Jacksonville, Florida-based developer Icon.
Icon is under contract to buy nearly an acre of land for the development at 902 E. Houston St., according to the Express-News. The site is currently home to a Days Inn by Wyndham budget hotel.
The Grandismo wheel will include climate-controlled gondolas that provide 20-mile views in all directions, according to the daily. Thirteen-year-old Icon has developed similar projects including the 180-foot Capital Wheel at Maryland's National Harbor and the 200-foot St. Louis Wheel, the paper also reports.
Icon's San Antonio project represents something of a homecoming for company managing partnersCurtis Parks and Eli Stoval, who got their starts in the amusem*nt business working for New Braunfels-based water park Schlitterbahn, according to an online bio. In addition to large-scale Ferris wheel projects, the pair have also worked on water parks, carousels and speedways around the country.
Icon expects to complete the downtown development next year, according to details shared online.
The cityâs Zoning Commission this week voted to recommend a zoning change allowing the project to move ahead, the Express-News reports. City Council will make the final decision on the change based on the commission's input.
In 2017, an anonymous developer planned to develop a 900-foot Ferris wheel along the Mission Reach stretch of San Antonio's River Walk. The planned wheel was touted as the world's largest such attraction, but plans to build it ultimately fell through for unclear reasons, the Express-News reports.
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