The problems drivers have been having with cashless tolls on the Gov. Mario M. Cuomo Bridge may be new to New York, but they’re by no means new.
In April 2016 the Hudson River crossing's predecessor, the Tappan Zee Bridge,joined the expansion of cashless-tolling systems in New York state, a major addition toGov.Andrew Cuomo’s new transportation program, which aimstodo away with toll booths.
Cuomo had long touted the benefits of cashless tollingin glowing terms.
What he hadnotmentioned, however, was therash of outrage and backlash across thecountry, from Texas to California, that cashless tolling has sparked. Critics of cashless tollinghave responded with class-action lawsuitsand grassroots campaigns to roll back tolls.
In San Antonio, home of a famous last stand at the Alamo, a group has even succeeded in getting tolls removed from some roads.
REVEALED: Conduent, the corporate giant behind cashless tolling
THE PLAYERS: Three companies run the cashless tolling system
CASHLESS TOLLS: Tappan Zee and Mario bridge drivers hit with thousands in fees
The case for going cashless
Cuomo's praise for cashless tolls went from the practical to the ecological to the fiscal.
No longer would drivers wait in long traffic lines to hand over cash. No more fumbling for wayward quarters, or waitingfor change.
Cars wouldn't idle at toll booths, reducing pollution.
Authorities would save on the cost of moving all that cash. They could shift personnel from toll booths to security and safety roles.
The cashless system could take New York’s transportation into the 21st century, a better system for all.
The system looked promising for other reasons, too: It would get the state out of the toll-taking business.
A corporate partner could handle the billing and customer service. The state Thruway Authority already had a contract with Conduent — a company that provides billing and invoicing, among other things — to help run its system.
Conduent, which controls about half the cashless tolling in the United States,alsoruns the tolling system for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.
Conduent operates the back office for tolling in parts of California and South Carolina. It controls Maryland, Texas, New Jersey, New York and Florida. It has lost contract bids in Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
Troubled rollout, steadfast governor
It took a while for cashless tolls to start earning money on the Rockland-Westchester crossing.
After opening in April 2016,the TollsByMailsystem showed its first revenue four months later, when, according to Thruway reports, it took in $6 thatAugust , the first proof the system could work for the Thruway.
Six dollars, or $1 more than a single trip over the bridge, which had been crossed by thousands of cars every day since its April start.
In July 2017, drivers began complaining of outrageous bills and violations. A $5 trip across the bridge, if unpaid, carried a $100 violation.
Cuomo was undeterred by the rising tide of complaints, which became a drumbeat in coverage by The Journal News/lohud.
The governor touted the system's successes in his 2018 State of the State address, declaring its eventual expansion to the rest of the Thruway.
"Wewill ... bring cashless tolling to the New York state Thruway system, because we should make it faster and cleaner the way it's working so well in downstate New York," Cuomo said.
Reporters at The Journal News/lohud have spent three months investigating cashless tolls to find out why drivers are getting out-sized fees without prior notice, who's running the system and where the breakdowns might be happening. Changes that have come about as a result of our reporting so far include:
- A toll amnesty program forgiving hundreds or even thousands of dollars from individual bills.
- A new web page for the amnesty program instead of using the faulty TollsByMail site.
- More distinct envelopes so drivers know they've received a bill.
- New toll signs on the Gov. Mario M. Cuomo Bridge.
- StateThruway officials personally helping drivers with their out-sized bills at our forum.
Deja vu
Conduent's systems reach from coast to coast, and the complaints did not begin inthe Empire State.
Errors and problems —including faulty mailings, misread license plates, massive late fees and more— plagued the system long before it came to New York.
Thesame system New York put in place —and which Cuomo plans to expand to the streets of Manhattan and across the state —has resulted in amnesty programs, suspensions and lawsuits in many of the states whereit operates. Some states, where the system has gone awry, are seeking to dismantle it. Other states have avoided it entirely.
Cashless tolling — brainchild of a man who lived and died in Westchester
The idea of tolling without collection booths may seem like a new idea, born of the smartphone age, but itis actuallymuch older. And it has its roots in Westchester.
Hastings-on-Hudsonresident and eventual Nobel laureate William Vickery came up with the idea of using transponders and receivers ontoll roads in 1959.
A Canadian-born professor of economics at Columbia University, Vickery also developed the Cuomo-adopted idea of congestion pricing — similar to the idea of surge pricing of Uber rides — the ability to change the price of a toll lane based on traffic demands.
Vickery's idea would come back home 20 years after his death. But not before leaving its mark in Texas and in other states.
UNPAID BILLS: Nearly $8 million in cashless tolls unpaid at bridge
LIST:Top 10 Tappan Zee Bridge toll scofflaws owe $1.75 million
YOUR STORIES, YOUR BILLS:Part 1,part 2,part 3.
Conduent holds a few key states
Of the 27 states with toll roads The Journal News/lohud has contacted, few actually deal with Conduent.
States that do contract with the company sometimes end up in a cycle of amnesty programs like Texas, or with lawsuits like in California.
Drivers in California faced the same problems with Conduent systems as New Yorkdrivers.
Drivers in both Texas and California claimed that erroneous billing practices led to massive late-fee charges.
The issues in California eventually led to a class-action suit in 2017 that's still active. The suit charges that Xerox — Conduent's parent company — sent out 16,000 violation notices to people who never received theinitialbills.
Conduent's near 50 percent hold onthe tolling market comes by way of afew key contracts in largestates. Even then itdoesn’t controlevery road in states where itoperates.
In 2015, Conduent's — then operating as a part ofXerox— collection systems made more than $3 billion in revenue for the MTA bridges and tunnels and the Port Authority alone, according to a survey by the International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association.
Conduent works the back office operations for sevenof the top 10 toll authorities, according to IBTTA's numbers. It also appears to be working on boosting that dominance, filingnumerous Freedom of Information Act requests for it's competitors’ proposals and invoices in Illinois.
Most statesopt to run their tolling operations themselves, or deal with aConduent competitor such as Transcore.
States that run own system
Washington state runs its own system, and has developed a different way for dealing with hiccups to the billing system.
Instead of one-time amnesty programs, like New York's Thruway Authority, it offers a rolling mulligan policy.
Ethan Bergersonof the Washington state Department of Transportation explained the system, and its benefits.
“If a driver calls in, we give them a one-time waiver for civil penalties and late fees,” he said.
Since the process is a continual policy, Washington doesn’t need to offer special programs like Texas and New York.
Those calls also help to update the system if there’s any inaccurate information, Bergerson said.
South Carolina takes a different approach for toll dodgers. It doesn't have laws to suspend violators' registrations; It goes after a violator’s tax refund.
It's able to go to its revenue office and apply to take the tolls from the alleged violator’s refund, according to officials there.
Ohio and West Virginia also run their own programs. Each hasdifferent plans for the future. Ohio plans to add more cashless features in 2022, according to officials there.
Preponderance of transponders
The way to make cashless tolling pay off is to encourage drivers to sign up for E-ZPass-like transponder tags, which reduces mailing costs and the work involved in tracking down toll-payers by their license plates.
A2007 Texas report recommended the need to discourage mailing methods and encourage the use of transponder tags to make the transition feasible,much like NewYork Thruway officials have encouraged.
West Virginia isn’t moving from its system anytime soon, according to Doug Ratcliff, director of tolling at the West Virginia Parkways Authority.
With limited E-ZPass usership in West Virginia, the move to all electronic tolling wouldn’t make sense there, he said.
The limited use of E-ZPass tags across West Virginia — about 60 percent of drivers own one — means that too many people would need to use a pay-by-plate system, and that would create uncertainty with how many tolls could be collected.
“You’d be chasing 40 percent of your revenue stream,” Ratcliff said.
That's in stark contrast to the 94 percent ofdrivers who had anE-ZPass when crossingthe Henry Hudson Bridge, according to Cuomo.
Cuomo's plans to expand cashless tolling upstate may face a similar hurdle, as E-ZPass use is lower there.
A Texas'nightmare'
Perhaps no place personifies cashless-tolling problems like the state of Texas.
The Lone Star state started the use of transponder-style tolling in 1989, making it the first in the country to adopt the technology. In 2007, it took another leap and experimented with removing human toll-takers and tried all electronic tolling on some of itsroads.
Vickery’s dream came to life in Texas, but the early trial exposed some of the problems that continue to haunt the system wherever it is put in place.
The system that captured license plates had issues from the start, according to a study by the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority.
The technology has advanced, but the problem persists.
The New York state Thruway Authority wrestled with a similar plate-reader problem. In 2016, it misread 3,600 license plates, an issue that may have led to people receiving tolls for trips they never took.
Billing has been a continual stumbling block. Many toll violators weren’t frequent users, and most were from out of town, making tracking and billing more costly.
In the September 2007 test in Texas, toll violators came from more than 2,000 ZIP Codes. Of those, 75 percent violated no more than twice.
Those who violated the system more frequently were also strangers to the system; Most were driving rental orleased vehicles.
The study came to the conclusionthat the pay-by-plate system was — at the time — “not a cost-effective way to collect from infrequent customers.”
Some Texas drivers who took part in the 2007 survey bristled at the use of the technology, saying they preferred to hand money to a person, to pay cash on the barrelhead, not rely on a camera and a computer to tell them where they had been and what they owed.
Les and Barbara Faulkner, of Austin, complained about the tolls and the system's lack of a cash alternative.
“This is ridiculous as we are being fined because you don't want to build a booth that accepts cash," the Faulkners wrote. "Now say that out loud and tell me that isn't ridiculous!"
By 2009, Texans near San Antonio were getting getting so upset with the expansion of tolling they began to organize.
Terri Hall formed an all-volunteer grassroots group, Texans for Toll-Free Highways, to combat a wave of Texas tolls.
Hall took issue with the billing, saying people were getting unreadable bills fortrips they never took.
"My pastor got a bill with a fuzzy picture of what was allegedly his plate. You couldn't even read (it) with the human eye," Hall said. The pastor told Hall he hadn't been on that toll road for years.
Erroneous billing was a concern in 2007. The Texas study admitted thatdata-inputmistakescould lead to billing the wrong person.
Finding the driver could be a problem, too. The study questioned the “database accuracy” for billing.
The billing problem, flagged in the 2007 Texas experiment, persists in New York more than a decade later.
Pain, shame &jail
The study came up with another problem: There was no way to guarantee the driver would pay the bill.
Texascame up with a few solutions to hold toll-dodgers accountable: pain, shame and jail.
It passed legislation that allowed the stateto suspend people's registrations and driver's licenses for failing to pay toll bills. Threatening to revoke a Texan's driving privileges was a surefire way to get his or her attention.
For years, Texas also used the court of public opinion to goad toll-dodgers to pay, publishing a list of the top 25 toll violators, with names, ZIP Codes, counties and amount owed.
It stopped thatpractice in 2013, when people on the public list claimed they hadn't been using the system.
Vickery's dream was changing into something else in Texas. Hall described what ithad turned into for many Texans.
“It’s an absolute nightmare,” she said.
Texas came up with another fix for violations. Jail time.
Courts can issue a special warrant for failing to pay a fine.
In a similar structure to New York's E-ZPass and the Tolls By Mail system, a driver who fails to pay after three billing cycles gets thebill sent to collections. Texas law allows authorities to add an extra step.
Failing to pay the collection agencygets the bill moved to criminal court. From there,the tolling agency and collections agency can’t do anything to stop the process.
Judges may order drivers to sit in jail to pay off the fine. Judges come up with schemes that makenights spent in jail worth credit toward the balance of the fine. Those credits can be worth as little as $50 per night, according to Texas Appleseed, a nonprofit working to change laws in Texas. For a $700 violation people could spend up to two weeks in jail.
How many people spend time in jail for toll violations is not readily available. But the general practice of using jail time for fines in 2015 came to 677,000 cases with people behind bars for failing to pay, according to Texas Appleseed.
New York state can issue the same warrant.
High noon for Texas tolls
Faced with a flood of complaints, the Texas DOT launched tollamnesty programs in 2009 and 2011. In July 2017 — well into Conduent’s contract with the state's TxTag program — the department suspended sending out bills for the pay-by-mail systembecause it had generated so many erroneous bills.
In a Facebook post, the DOT asked customers not to call in, as it was “working with those tolling agencies to reverse the erroneous charges.”
By then,Hall and the Texans for Toll-Free Highways had had enough.
“They opened Pandora’s box,” Hall said.
Texans for Toll-Free Highways and its legislative allies introduced a series of amendments in the DOT's March 2017 funding bill.
One amendment — to decriminalize toll violations and cap fines at $73 every six months — passed136-3 in the Texas Legislature.
One representative in the Legislature spoke about his frustration over an erroneous violation. While the bill passed with the amendments, a back-room conference changed the wording of the amendment to expand the pool of violators, enraging Hall and her group.
“You betthere will be a revolution," Hall said. "Texans don’t want tolls.”
Hall's group has had success in moving public opinion, and spurred government action.
In August, she crowed on her blog, in a story withthe headline "Victory! Tolls come off several Texas highways."
"Texans have been calling for tolls to come off roads once they’re paid for and, thanks to passage of Senate Bill 312, the Texas Transportation Commission voted to do just that on Camino Colombia SH 255 in Laredo and on Cesar Chavez Border Highway in El Paso.
"To add icing on the cake, the Dallas City Council also voted to deep six the controversial Trinity Toll Road after a 20-year battle, and the commission is also mulling changing plans on US 183 North in Austin to expand it as non-toll instead of tolled."
Hall is also getting ready to set her sights on the economic impactof tolls and the billing problems in Texas. People are being forced to move because of tolling prices near Austin, shesaid.
With tollsas high as $1 per mile on some Texas roads, people are contemplating selling their houses, a situation Hall finds ludicrous.
“They’ve lost their minds if they think people can pay a dollar a mile,” she said.
Once the smoke had cleared from the last battle, Hall knew the next legislative session in Texas would be another fight;one she’s ready for.
“They are pulling the trigger on what is going to kill jobs and the economy,” she said. “We won’t stand for it.”
Has this happened to you?
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