“And wow, that was a beautiful Viktor—I mean, a beautiful Quad Flip by Viktor.” Yuuri visibly winces and he covers his face. Morooka glances at him in concern but Yuuri shrugs it off quickly, shaking his head as he continues, “Really, others try to do it, but no one does a Quad Flip quite as well or quite as clean as Viktor—if they even manage to land it.”
Morooka coughs, thankfully away from the mic, and gives his co-commentator an amused look before picking up where he left off, “Ah, yes, you can hear the crowd cheering! You can tell the crowd loves Nikiforov, he’s the favorite as usual for tonight’s Men’s.”
“Who wouldn’t love Viktor?” Yuuri says without thinking, not even looking as if there’s anything off with his statement. Knowing him, he’d probably rewatch the commentary and then later die of embarrassment.
Morooka can’t help but snort for real this time. “And coming up, Triple Salchow, Triple Loop—and yes, Viktor lands the combination, beautifully executed as usual.”
“Now, going into his final quad, a Quad Lutz, the difficult entry gives it more points and oh no, a little bit of an over-rotation there but hey, I can’t believe I’m being picky over a Quad Lutz,” Yuuri muses.
“Yes, Viktor’s jumps are arguably his strong points. I feel like he was born doing Quad Flips. He’s a very strong technical skater,” Morooka starts, but Yuuri quickly cuts him off.
“I’d have to disagree with you there. Yes, he’s great with his technical, but Viktor always scores high in the program component too and there’s a reason for that. I think Viktor’s musicality and interpretation are unmatched,” Yuuri says passionately, his eyes fixed on Viktor’s form.
“I see your point,” Morooka concedes, knowing better than anyone to contradict Yuuri during a Nikiforov skate. “Beautiful spin right now, nothing less than expected for the defending four-time Champion. Will Viktor take gold today?”
“With the lead he has from his beautiful Short Program and with the way he’s skating right now, I’d say it’s impossible for him not to,” Yuuri offers.
“No surprise, Viktor is no doubt the number one skater in the world.”
“Viktor in his final pose now and wow, what a beautiful performance, really! It’s so rare to have such a perfect, well-rounded skater like Viktor. He is honestly a complete package, I can’t believe he’s real sometimes.” Yuuri sighs wistfully.
Viktor makes his way around the ice, a charming smile on his lips as he waves at the audience.
“Honestly, Viktor makes it look effortless. Other skaters look like they’re struggling sometimes, but Viktor makes it look so easy,” Morooka praises and Yuuri nods enthusiastically. Thankfully, they’re off-camera. Yuuri’s words are incriminating enough, really.
“Something insanely special would have to come around to actually beat him,” Yuuri agrees. “They don’t call him the Living Legend for nothing.”
“Now, we can see Viktor waiting in the kiss and cry with his coach, Yakov Feltsman, and it looks like Mr. Feltsman is berating him as usual,” Morooka says clearly. The two of them quiet down as they wait alongside Viktor for his score.
The announcers announce the score and Viktor smiles widely as he bows his head and makes a heart sign at the camera.
“Amazing! So close to beating his world record. His score puts him firmly in first place. Viktor Nikiforov wins Gold for the NHK Trophy and proceeds to the Grand Prix Finals!”
“I don’t think anyone’s as excited as me to see what he brings to the Grand Prix Finals in Sochi this year.”
Morooka hides his smile. No, he really doesn’t think anyone is as excited as Yuuri Katsuki
“So, um, h-how does it feel to win the NHK? Are you excited for the Finals in Sochi?” The Japanese reporter asks him, obviously flustered before he shoves the mic up to Viktor’s face. It hits his chin and Viktor's face is jolted back, unprepared for the assault.
The (admittedly adorable) reporter squeaks and immediately pulls back the mic. “I am so sorry!” he blurts out, bowing deeply.
Viktor grins, and when the man looks up from his bow to meet his eyes, his grin widens. He didn’t know it was possible, but the reporter’s face seems to redden even more in embarrassment. Viktor glances at the camera just in time to see the camera-man cover his mouthto hide his snicker.
“It’s okay,” he croons once the reporter raises the mic to his face again, this time slower and more carefully. He thinks about saying something flirtatious, but the man already looks like he’s about to faint so Viktor thinks better about it. “It’s a great feeling, I’m glad. I hope I managed to surprise the audience today, but I’m looking to beat my record by the end of the season.”
“You did!” the other man says immediately, “I don’t think anyone was expecting your free skate to be like that. It was amazing to watch.”
Viktor smiles in pleasure. The sincerity is practically oozing out of the younger man and none of his words felt like the empty flattery reporters often use on him. There's just something genuine and real in his adoration of Viktor.
“Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed watching me.” And because Viktor can’t help himself and the man was just too cute, “How did you like my SP though?”
“It was enough to get me pregnant,” the man breathes, and he honestly doesn’t sound like he knows he said that out loud. Viktor blinks at him. Wow. That was very flattering.
There’s a moment of silence. Viktor sees the exact moment the man realizes what exactly he just said. He drops the mic and it clatters as it hits the floor, the man's face scrunching up in horror. They stare at each other before the man quickly picks the mic up and says briskly, “We’ll let you go now, Viktor. Thank you so much for the interview.”
The cameraman makes a hand signal, assumedly to show that they’re not live anymore, and the moment he does, the reporter crouches and hides his face in his hands before he lets out an audible groan.
Viktor hides his smile behind his hand before he crouches down too and tilts his head at the man mumbling something unrecognizable.
“Hey,” he says cheerfully and the other man looks up through his fingers.
“I am so sorry!” the man moans, squeezing his eyes shut, “I knew I shouldn’t have been the one to interview you and that I’d just mess up. I’m so sorry for embarrassing you, Viktor-san!”
“Aww,” Viktor pouts as he places a finger on his lips. “If you weren’t the one to interview me, how else would I have met a cutie like you?”
The man opens his warm brown eyes and stares at him in shock. “Excuse me?” he squeaks. Viktor beams a heart-shaped smile. Was he coming on too strong?
“I—I’m sorry, I have to go,” the man apologizes furiously before he picks himself up and hurriedly walks away.
Viktor frowns. He stands up, pouting. “Aww,” he repeats, genuinely bothered, and the camera man laughs at him.
“Sorry, Nikiforov. Yuuri loves you, but he probably can’t handle being around you just yet.”
Viktor hums thoughtfully as he watches Yuuri embrace one of the other skaters, Phichit, if Viktor remembers correctly.
Yuuri, huh?
Golden Skate
Thread: 2015 NHK Trophy Men FS
Viktor’s LP is probably my fave of the season. For SP my faves r probably JJ’s and Chris’
"Originally Posted by etaaaa
Viktor’s LP is probably my fave of the season. For SP my faves r probably JJ’s and Chris’"
but anyway chris’ sp is vastly different from JJ’s so it’s pretty hard to compare
"Originally Posted by etaaaa
Viktor’s LP is probably my fave of the season. For SP my faves r probably JJ’s and Chris’"
I honestly can not get into Chris’ SP, or most of his skates really. It makes me so uncomfortable to watch!! I feel like I’m watching porn.
"Originally Posted by MamaMaria
I honestly can not get into Chris’ SP, or most of his skates really. It makes me so uncomfortable to watch!! I feel like I’m watching porn."
Looool well that’s ur opinion, Chris’ SP is art!!! Raw sexual appeal, lemme tell u.
speaking of sexy SPs, I’m just wondering what was with that post-skate interview for Viktor?? lol “enough to get me pregnant”
"Originally Posted by quadoff
speaking of sexy SPs, I’m just wondering what was with that post-skate interview for Viktor?? lol “enough to get me pregnant”"
ur obviously new here. in consideration though, that’s probably the best/worst Katsuki quote so far.
"Originally Posted by quadoff
speaking of sexy SPs, I’m just wondering what was with that post-skate interview for Viktor?? lol “enough to get me pregnant”"
someone pls send the link to that compilation vid of Katsuki’s love for Viktor!!!
"Originally Posted by lolcat
someone pls send the link to that compilation vid of Katsuki’s love for Viktor!!!"
got u fam! this is the compilation with subtitles for his commentary
new ones probs coming out in light of today’s commentary and interview hehe. I think that’s the first time Katsuki actually had to interview Viktor for real instead of just commentate behind the scenes and he probs got nervous.
ur right, the pregnant comment is the best quote but his other stuff sounds pretty funny too.
does Viktor know Katsuki has a big gay crush on him?? how did u guys even notice a random commentator’s love for Viktor
If you watch Katsuki’s commentaries on other skaters, it’s much more impersonal and technical haha so the difference is huge. You can tell he knows his stuff, though. But yeah, people probably only noticed him because he’s best friends with Phichit. In fact, Phichit’s programs are the only ones aside from Viktor’s that Katsuki actually gets passionate about.
can we go back to talking about skating? lol anyway, no surprise Viktor won but I’m surprised Crispino took silver over Christophe
"Originally Posted by ruffledturkey
can we go back to talking about skating? lol anyway, no surprise Viktor won but I’m surprised Crispino took silver over Christophe"
im not worried chris always peaks during the finals itself and he qualified for the GPF anyway so thats what matters. as long as chris skates clean during the finals he’ll beat mickey with no problem at all
"Originally Posted by dd_skate
I wouldn’t be surprised! If you watch Katsuki’s commentaries on other skaters, it’s much more impersonal and technical haha. You can tell he knows his stuff, though."
Lol, pretty biased commentating if u ask me. Katsuki’s just another Viktor fan boy.
Hey, Katsuki was a pretty big deal here in Japan when he used to skate in Juniors. It sucks he got injured during his first year in Senior’s and never came back, I was honestly rooting for him.
"Originally Posted bymeowlord
Hey, Katsuki was a pretty big deal here in Japan when he used to skate in Juniors.
that’s probs why Katsuki knows his FS shit lol if he used to be a former skater
Page 50 of 71
“Oh my god, what’s with that fucking look on your face,” Yuri grumbles when Viktor finally makes his way to them.
“This adorable reporter just interviewed me,” Viktor sighs and shakes his head. “Cutest thing ever. A part of me hopes he’ll be there during the Final.”
Yuri rolls his eyes and grunts, “Idiot.”
Viktor eyes him and then he smirks as he tilts his head, “He has the same name as you, actually—”
“What,” Yuri interjects, a sudden horror filling him. “Please tell me you’re not talking about Yuuri Katsuki.”
“Oh?" Viktor perks up and smiles, wide and bright. "You know of him? Is that his last name? I’m not sure.”
Yuri gapes at him and then shakes his head furiously. “Seriously? I thought you’d have known of him already, he’s practically a meme in figure skating,” he grumbles as he unlocks his phone and types in a search in Youtube. He shouldn’t be so surprised that Viktor doesn't know. Viktor can hardly see out of his own ass, sometimes.
Yuuri Katsuki’s Love for Viktor Nikiforov: A Compilation
“Here,” he snaps and thrusts his phone towards his older rink mate. “Everyone in the figure skating fandom knows he has a stupid crush on you, it’s fucking disgusting. They’ve dubbed him Honorary President for your fan club.”
Viktor takes his phone delicately, his eyes transfixed on the screen. It might be odd for him since the only thing on screen was his programs, but it wasn’t his programs that Viktor should be looking at right now. It was the commentary that Yuri wanted him to see.Said commentary was all in Japanese, but someone had helpfully added subtitles. It was 5 minutes long and if Yuri was Katsuki, he would have been fucking embarrassed at how often Katsuki mooned over Viktor’s perfect skating! and perfect form! and perfect jumps!
“Wow,” Viktor mutters.
Yuri snorts.“Disgusting, right?”
“He…” Viktor trails off and Yuri tilts his head as he tries to peer closer at his older rink mate. Are those…tears in Viktor’s eyes?
“He gets me,” Viktor breathes and Yuri chokes on his spit. He watches as Viktor scrolls back to a point earlier in the video and thrusts it in Yuri’s face. Yuri gets a glimpse of the exact same costume Viktor is wearing right now, and he realizes it’s probably from the Trophee de France from earlier this season.
“Stammi Vicino, translated to Stay Close to Me, speaks of longing but, I don’t know, I feel like his longing isn’t towards anyone. I’d say it’s more of a longing for, hm, inspiration or life or love, or something more maybe?” Yuuri’s tinny voice comes from the screen as a recap of Viktor’s skate plays. This was the part of the commentating done in between the skater finishing and the score being projected on screen.
“Oh? That’s odd coming from you. Would you say his skating is uninspired this season then?”
“No!” Yuuri gasps, as if the very idea was inconceivable. Yuri sees Viktor smile from the corner of his eye. “Viktor never fails to surprise me. His whole career is an inspiration!” The video cuts off to another of Viktor’s program. Viktor pauses the video and lowers his hand.
“Huh.” Yuri frowns. “Plenty of people have said you were inspiring, I don’t see what the big deal is.”
Viktor sighs, “No, it’s not that. He gets what the piece is about.” He waves his hand dismissively at Yuri and sighs again.
“I feel like he sees me.”
“What are you thinking about?” Chris asks and Viktor looks up from where he’s slouched on the couch of Chris’s hotel room.
“You’re friends with Phichit, right?” Viktor asks him, disregarding Chris’s question and Chris blinks.
“Hm, you can say that we’re good friends,” Chris responds cautiously.
Viktor visibly lights up.“Can you introduce us later?" He puts his hands together and pouts. "Please?”
Chris tilts his head back and laughs. “I’m sure you can just go up to him yourself and he wouldn’t mind, but sure. Any specific reason why?”
“He has this cute friend I’m curious about,” Viktor says offhandedly and Chris’s eyes widen. He smiles deviously and plops down beside Viktor, lifting his legs up to drape them over his friend’s lap. Viktor lifts his arms to accommodate them and shoots him a curious look.
Chris smirks. “Please, tell me we'retalking about Yuuri Katsuki.”
“You know him?” Viktor demands, and Chris grins.
“We used to skate in Juniors together,” he says casually, and Viktor’s eyes widen. “His step sequences and his spins were amazing, honestly. He had a lot of potential. He’s probably the only one I know who consistently scores higher on his performance than his technical—or well, scored, since he doesn’t compete anymore.”
“He used to skate?” he repeats, his voice filled with awe, and Chris nods.
“Now," he says, mischief riding along in his voice, "tell me Vitya, what kind of videos do you want to see right now? His old skates or his commentary of yours where he sounds absolutely in love?”
“His old skates,” Viktor says immediately with no hesitation. “I’ve already seen most of his commentary.”
“I was hoping you’d say that.”
“Pleaaase go the banquet with me,” Phichit whines. Yuuri vehemently shakes his head, burying it deep into Phichit's pillow.
“I embarrassed myself in front of Viktor Nikiforov enough today, so no thank you!” Yuuri says into his cover. Phichit giggles, and Yuuri lifts his head to give him a mournful look. “I wasn’t even supposed to interview him today! Morooka thought he was doing me a favor.”
“Your pregnancy comment is making its way around SNS. I’m not surprised if it goes viral by tomorrow,” Phichit offers, and really, he knows it wouldn’t help anything at all, but it’s too fun to tease his best friend.
Yuuri throws a pillow at him, and Phichit catches it easily.
“But fiiiine,” Phichit bemoans. “I’ll just go and suffer the boredom by myself. You’re a cruel man, Katsuki.” All Yuuri does is send him a glare in response before he smashes his face back into the plush pillows.
Phichit laughs and shakes his head, stretching out so he can poke Yuuri's shoulder.“Wanna go clubbing though?" he offers. "I brought my fake ID just in case.”
Yuuri looks up once more from his pillow fort.“After the banquet?" He visibly considers, drawing his bottom lip into his mouth. Phichit patiently waits, until finally, Yuuri sighs, shoulders slumping. "Yeah sure, I don’t mind. I wanna forget how I made a fool of myself."
Yuuri pauses and then sends a deathly glare towards Phichit. “No pictures though this time, please. I don’t want to lose my job because of half-naked pics online.”
Phichit scoffs as he pockets his phone. “Yeah, yeah. You know I just keep those half-naked pics as blackmail.”
“You don't even need your ID, they don’t really card foreigners here as long as you look near 20.”
Phichit hums in acknowledgment. He turns around to take one last look at himself in the mirror before he nods. He isn’t one of the Three Most Adorable Men’s Figure Skaters in Asia for nothing.
“See you in a few hours!" Phichit chirps, gathering his things. "Better be ready, okay?”
Yuuri makes a half-hearted sound of agreement before Phichit closes the door and leaves for the banquet.
A few hours later, Phichit is 100% regretting that he didn’t convince Yuuri harder.
“Phichit!” Chris croons as Phichit passes by their table. Phichit pauses mid-step before he turns to face the Swiss man and shoot him a smile. Chris motions for him to come closer and Phichit does, eyeing Chris and Viktor a little hesitantly.
“So, Phichit, right?” Viktor smiles at him, and wow, up close his teeth are somehow even whiter than Phichit expected. He tries not to examine Viktor’s teeth too much and instead smiles up at the gold medallist. Honestly, yeah, Phichit’s score is nothing compared to Viktor’s. Their point different is in the high 80’s, Phichit couldn’t have beat him even if he had skated a completely clean program, not with his one measly quad that he didn’t even land. He shakes his head inwardly. Next season will be his. He managed to place 4th today, that must count for something. Maybe next season he'll actually get in the Grand Prix Finals and show them what Thailand can do.
“Yeah, congrats on your gold medal!” Phichit chirps as he pulls out his phone. He looks at both Chris and Viktor and smiles, “Can we have a selfie? My best friend is a huuuuge fan of you, like legit.”
Viktor visibly perks up, and he smiles as Phichit brings his phone up into optimal selfie height, at just the right angle for Phichit to look his best. Chris and Viktor both lean in close to him and Phichit takes a few pictures. He brings his phone down and quickly scrolls through the pictures he just took, eyeing it critically. Not bad. It actually turned out pretty nice! Yuuri was going to be jealous. He opens up WhatsApp to send it to Yuuri, complete with the smug face emoji.
“Speaking of your best friend,” Viktor says smoothly, blatantly peeking at his screen. “His name is Yuuri, right? Works as a reporter?”
Phichit freezes, his fingers stilling on his phone screen. From beside Viktor, Chris smirks, his chin on his hand. Chris gives a meaningful look towards Viktor before he wiggles his eyebrows salaciously.
“Oh, you know who he is?” he asks, a grin forming on his face.
Viktor beams.“Yes! I just met him a few hours ago actually, but I saw some videos of him and I’m honestly intrigued.”
Phichit giggles and covers his mouth. Oh no. Yuuri was going to freak. “His commentary? Yeah, his brain to mouth filter disappears whenever you’re up skating.”
“No, I mean, yes his commentary was cute, but his skating! I probably watched all of his skates since his Junior debut until, you know, his injury.” Viktor says excitedly, and Phichit’s eyebrows fly up to his hairline.
“His skating?” Phichit repeats dubiously. Viktor nods. Phichit frowns. As far as he knew, there were hardly any public videos of Yuuri’s Junior days. The only public videos were of Yuuri’s last World’s where he won Silver and in the GPF where he took Bronze. Most of his videos online were private and taken by Minako or Yuuri’s friend Yuuko.
“It’s such a shame he got injured a few years ago. I swear his body makes music! I don’t know how he can say my musicality is unmatched when he’d beat me easily in terms of PCS. His Totoro skate was so cute too!” Viktor babbles excitedly. Totoro skate…Okay, Phichit is 100% sure that Yuuri’s Totoro skate video isn't viewable to the public. The only way Viktor would have seen those private videos were if he had the exact link and the only ones who know the link are…
Phichit raises an accusing eyebrow at Chris.
Chris shrugs sheepishly, “I was only planning to show him one video but it kind of got out of hand.”
Viktor smiles, unfazed and shameless. Huh. Phichit’s mind races at the possibilities.
“Say,” Phichit says slowly, “What are you guys planning to do after the banquet?”
Chris and Viktor look at each other, matching sly grins forming on their lips.
“What do you have in mind?”
“Where do I meet you?” Yuuri asks as he tilts his head to press his phone to his shoulder. He buttons up his navy blue shirt and grumbles as the last button slips from his fingers.
“Lobby! Hurry up, Yuuri! Remember to dress hot!”
“Is that Yuuri?” a voice asks on the other side of the phone. Yuuri hears Phichit shush whoever it is before he hangs up without even saying goodbye.
Yuuri frowns and takes out his phone from his neck. He stares at it and opens up his messages.
Who was that??
Oh chris is joining us?? Nice (^▽^)
He looks at himself in the mirror again and frowns before he adjusts his shirt. He brushes his hand through his slicked back hair, hesitantly admitting to himself that he looked pretty good. As good as he could possibly look, anyway. He sighs. Knowing Chris, he probably wasn’t going to keep his shirt on for long.
Yuuri makes his way downstairs to the lobby where oddly, Phichit is alone.
“I thought Chris was joining us?” he asks in confusion, and Phichit beams at him, wide and innocent. A little too innocent, if you ask Yuuri.
“Oh, he said he’d follow. He said we should go ahead to the club,” Phichit chirps. Yuuri frowns.
“Alright,” Yuuri says slowly, “if you say so.”
“I ordered a cab already, it’s waiting outside!” Phichit hooks his arm around Yuuri’s, and Yuuri can't do anything but let Phichit lead him outside the hotel, wondering what exactly his friend is keeping from him this time.
“Go, go,” Phichit urges, Yuuri slips in the seat. Phichit ambles in after him and kisses his cheek with a giggle, a mild scent of alcohol already on his lips.
“How much did you have to drink?” Yuuri asks in amusement, and Phichit shrugs, grinning at him. “Not sure, Chris and Vi—Chris kept giving me champagne.”
“Huh,” Yuuri mutters suspiciously, “Okay.”
《Just so you know, there’s a cleaning fee if he throws up》he says to the dark-skinned man who has another guy draped over him and babbling slightly. The dark-skinned man squints at him and tilts his head. Akihiko opens his mouth to repeat himself. He figures that the foreigner doesn’t hear him over the loud bass of the music in the club.
“I don’t speak Japanese that well, gomen-nasai,” the man apologizes as he bows his head slightly, leaning over the bar so Akihiko can hear him.
“Cleaning fee if he throws up,” he repeats loudly in English.
“Ahhhh,” the man nods in understanding and winces. “I’ll make sure he doesn’t,” he assures, and Akihiko just barely hears it over the music.
“Phichit!” A voice calls out and both Akihiko and the man turn their head towards the men making their way towards them. One of them is tall and blonde with a brown undercut while the other has silver hair. The two of them hold themselves confidently and look fit underneath their expensive clothes.
The guy who had been draped over the brown-skinned man perks up, a pout on his lips, and Akihiko frowns. There's something about him that looks familiar, but Akihiko can't tell what, exactly.
“Chrissssuu,” the guy whines. He stumbles away from, Phichit, was it? to launch himself at the blonde man and wrap his arms around the guy’s waist. “What about meeee?”
The blonde foreigner sends the man a flirtatious smile, patting his dark hair. He says something that must be a greeting before he hoists up the Japanese man with one arm and presents him, almost, to his silver-haired friend.
Akihiko sees the Japanese man squint slightly before his eyes widen in awe and joy. He disentangles himself from Chris to stumble to the other foreigner and throw his arms around the guy’s shoulders. He presses his front up against the guy’s chest and rolls his hips scandalously, and the sight is enough to make Akihiko sigh and look away from the blatant PDA. He still hasn’t gotten used to the bump and grind of nightclubs no matter how long he’s worked here already.
“Yuuri!” Phichit squeals and laughs loudly, obviously intoxicated. His phone is out and when Akihiko glances at the screen curiously, he can see that he’s taking pictures of his friend and the other man.
Yuuri tiptoes to press his forehead against the taller man and says something Akihiko can’t hear over the music. The other man nods enthusiastically, a blush on his cheeks and his striking blue eyes wide open.
Not a moment too soon, Yuuri pulls away just to grab the silver-haired man’s hand and drag him to the dance floor.
Chris slips in beside Phichit, laughing loudly and the two of them bump shoulders with matching pleased grins. Akihiko takes one last look at the couple wrapped around each other on the dance floor before he directs his attention to the two foreigners asking for drinks.
[image: Phichit and Yuuri smiling at the camera in a train station]
November 23, 2015
❤ v-nikiforov, christophe-gc and 2054 others
phichit+chu Had a great night with this one (winky face) Unfortunately, bby Yuuri decided to take some time off and stay behind in Japan. Safe trip back to your hometown, BFF! I’ll miss you lots <3 Can’t wait to see you soon!
>v-nikiforov ???
>christophe-gc ^^^ ???
>phichit+chu @v-nikiforov @christophe-gc aww yeah, he said he was homesick. don’t worry about him!!
>pikapika damn, i was expecting to see some funny Katsuki commentary during the GPF :-( sux
See 342 more comments
[image: Chris and Viktor in a dim club, both biting their glinting medals]
November 23, 2015
❤ v-nikiforov, masumi and 8022 others
christophe-gc Now, the real celebration came after the banquet.
>pollymy omg u guys r so cute together!!
>v-nikiforov @yuri-plisetsky shhh language @pollymy i’m cute. chris? debatable
>christophe-gc @v-nikiforov @pollymy ouch
See 805 more comments
[image: dance floor of a club, people dancing in the background]
November 23, 2015
❤ christophe-gc, mila-b and 9944 others
v-nikiforov I have never felt as alive before.
>christophe-gc *eyebrow wiggle*
>v-nikiforov @christophe-gc shut up
>effaaacongrats on the gold medal <3 you deserve it
>Darla K can’t wait for the GPF!!!
See 923 more comments
“Why hasn’t he messaged me?” Viktor whines as he glides across the ice, phone in hand.
“Nooooo,” Viktor moans dramatically, an arm draped over his face. “I am heartbroken, Yakov! You don’t understand me!”
“I never understand you!”
Mila giggles and skates up to Viktor.
“What’s up with you?” she asks in amusement and tilts her head. “Who’s not texting The Viktor Nikiforov back?”
Viktor eyes her cautiously, blue eyes narrowed. Mila raises an eyebrow at him in response, unfazed at the calculating look he’s sending her.
He sighs loudly and pouts—honestly, it’s ridiculous on his face, he’s 27 years old. “It’s been 3 days. Yuuri Katsuki,” he groans, and Mila gasps, pressing her hands to her face.
“Yuuri Katsuki, the reporter?” she gushes.
Viktor nods enthusiastically.“You know of him?” he asks excitedly, and Mila smirks, shrugging.
“Who doesn’t?” she answers cooly in response. It’s true, one of the best things in figure skating is Katsuki’s wild af commentary of Viktor. Out of all people, she’d have thought Viktor would have known of him earlier.
“He’s beautiful,” Viktor whimpers, and Mila tilts her head. Viktor skates away from her, a forlorn expression on his face and his phone still in his hands. He drops off his phone on the wall near Yakov with a surly expression and skates away.
“Work on your combination spin after your first step sequence in the Free,” Yakov growls. “It’s sloppy, Vitya. It’s a disgrace!”
From the other side of the rink, Mila can see the disgruntled look on Viktor’s face as he goes into a camel spin. From the other side of the rink, Mila hears the loud ding from Viktor’s phone. Mila is treated to an up close view of Viktor abruptly stopping, ice spraying around him as he stumbles slightly.
Viktor races towards his phone, ignoring Yakov’s yells.
He picks it up and skates away from Yakov, his blue eyes wide.
“He replied!” Viktor screeches and then—what the hell, does a flip with his phone in his hand.
“Vitya, I swear to God, I will confiscate your phone! The Grand Prix Final is in two weeks!” Yakov screeches, and Viktor sticks his tongue out at him like a child. Mila snickers and shakes her head before she skates up to Yuri who’s taking a break on the side.
“Aww look at him, I have never seen him like this,” she coos.
Yuri rolls his eyes. “I’m trying not to look at him,” he grumbles and takes a sip from his water bottle.
Mila watches Viktor and sees his ecstatic expression slowly fade and turn dark.
“Uh oh,” she mutters, and Yuri looks up at her. She nods towards Viktor and grimaces. He follows her gaze and frowns.
Viktor is staring at his phone as if it’s betrayed him, a furrow to his eyebrows and a tension in his shoulders that Mila can see from where she’s at. She watches as slowly, Viktor drops his arm with the phone and skates solemnly towards the wall. Yakov opens his mouth to yell something again but Viktor shakes his head furiously and practically slams his phone down.
He skates away, blades cutting harsh and deep into the ice, and Mila’s eyebrows raise.
“Oh no,” Yuri grumbles. “I don’t know what’s worse. Viktor pining like an idiot, or Viktor angry.”
“Definitely Viktor angry.”
***Mari walks in to her little brother crying.
“What’s wrong?" she immediately demands. "Are you okay? Do I need to beat someone up?”
Yuuri looks up at her, tears falling down as his face as he blubbers slightly in an effort to respond, “I—I—Viktor.” His breathing picks up, his pupils blown wide and his fists clenched tight on his sheets. Fuck.
Mari rushes over in front of him and holds her hands out.
“Can I touch you?” she asks seriously, and Yuuri nods frantically. Mari takes his right hand and places it on the center of her chest, her other hand coming up to rest on his shoulder to center him.
“Breathe with me,” she orders.“Inhale,” she says, and Yuuri takes in a shaky breath. He's shuddering, his whole body trembling, and she can feel it in his hand that's pressed to her chest.
"Exhale," she continues, and Yuuri shudders before he lets out a harsh breath.
They repeat this until finally, Yuuri’s breathing evens out and he slumps over to hide his face in her shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” Yuuri says wetly, and Mari shushes him immediately.
“What did we say about saying sorry?” Mari reprimands gently, and Yuuri laughs, hiccuping slightly.
“Say thank you, not sorry,” Yuuri murmurs, and Mari nods with a smile. ***
“What’s wrong?” Mari asks hesitantly, after she's sure Yuuri's okay.
Yuuri sighs. He looks up at her, biting his lip before he looks away.“I may have met Viktor Nikiforov,” he mumbles and Mari’s eyes widen. She glances at the posters plastered on Yuuri’s walls and her eyes narrow.
“Did he do anything to hurt you? I’ll beat him up if I have to,” Mari grumbles, and Yuuri shakes his head immediately, his eyes wide.
“No, no!” Yuuri squeaks. “Viktor was, he was…” Her little brother trails off, a soft smile on his face as he gazes at the poster Mari knows is his favorite. “Nice,” he continues lamely, a blush high on his cheeks. “He was nice,” he repeats and looks away from the poster of Viktor mid-program.
“What’s wrong then?” she asks. She tries to hide her smile at the lovelorn look on Yuuri’s face.
“I somehow managed to convince him that I was cute too,” Yuuri grumbles, sounding completely serious, and Mari coughs. “He likes me, and I don’t—I don’t understand why? I’m just another dime a dozen reporter who used to skate, and the sooner he realizes that the better. Everyone says I’m just a Viktor fanboy and—and it’s true, that’s all I am, and I can’t…I don’t deserve him.”
Mari wants to ask who dared to say those things to him, but she doesn’t. She knows the answer would just break her heart. She hasn’t seen her little brother in close to 5 years but she knows that the answer to who’s said those things is the same as always. Her brother’s biggest enemy is himself and no matter how hard Mari tries, she will never be able to fight him.
“How did you guys meet?” she asks instead and it’s enough to make Yuuri smile again, albeit a sad sort of smile that makes Mari ache a bit. Yuuri tells her about the interview, and Mari’s seen it, she’s laughed about it enough with their parents but she pats his shoulder sympathetically when he tells her about it.
He tells her about Phichit dragging him out to a club, and Viktor and Chris just happening to be there. He tells her about dancing with Viktor that night and making a fool of himself—but somehow, Viktor loving it, Viktor smiling at him and laughing with him instead of at him. He tells her how Viktor and Chris brought him and Phichit back to their hotel room and the chaste kiss Viktor had pressed to his cheek and the number he had left in Yuuri’s phone. He tells her how Viktor made him promise to text him.
Yuuri tells her that he’s been avoiding texting Viktor once he sobered up for the past three days despite Chris’s and Phichit’s texts to message him already. And finally, Yuuri tells her how he finally texted Viktor back.
He shows her their messages.
Hey, this is Yuuri
Yuuri!!!! What took you so long ))) I was so sad waiting for you
Sorry, I’ve been a bit busy.
It’s okay! I’m glad we can talk now
Look, Viktor
I'm not who you think I am
I think it's better if we don't pursue this
What? What do you mean you're not who I think you are?
This is Yuuri Katsuki, isn’t it? Reporter, commentator, Journalism student, former figure skater, cute Japanese boy who can dance very well?
I’m nobody and you’re you. We’re not going to work out Viktor, it’s better if we end this before it even starts.
Wow. I honestly thought you saw me as more than a Living Legend but I guess not.
Forums >> Kiss and Cry >> 2015 Grand Prix Final
2015 Grand Prix Final Men’s Free Skate
is it just me or is Viktor’s FS looking different
(sweetlovely, Darla S, Yaas and 12 others like this)
Mimamima said:
is it just me or is Viktor’s FS looking different
same!!! can’t decide if he looks sadder or like he’s in love or what lol but look at those close ups of his face?? still so beautiful but? idk how to describe the look on his face
I feel like I’m watching something very private here. Viktor r u okay
Haha wait who has the livestream link for Japanese commentary? kinda wanna see what Katsuki has to say about Viktor’s skating today
LOLLY said:
Haha wait who has the livestream link for Japanese commentary? kinda wanna see what Katsuki has to say about Viktor’s skating today
Katsuki isn’t commentating right now afaik, Phichit posted a goodbye pic recently
Francis M
Lemme just be honest here, I cried a little (a lot) during Viktor’s performance
(Yamaru, Swaggeronme, sweetlovely and 7 others like this)
Francis M said:
Lemme just be honest here, I cried a little (a lot) during Viktor’s performance
tbh me too
Page 5 of 12
“Next year, I’m going for Gold,” JJ announces confidently to the reporters. His girlfriend smiles up at him and he grins at her. “That’s JJ style!” He laughs boisterously, forminghis signature double J hand sign at the cameras. They flash brightly, and JJ’s smile never wavers on his face.
“Viktor and Chris are here,” one of the reporters say and everyone’s heads turn towards the ballroom entrance where Viktor is entering with Christophe, their gold and silver medals hanging on their respective necks.
The reporters rush towards them immediately, leaving JJ alone with his girlfriend.
He frowns and Isabella immediately pats his chest.
“I’m so proud of you,” she gushes and the frown immediately disappears from his face as he smiles. “Thank you,” he replies sincerely, and she smiles back.
Now, JJ wouldn’t say he was friends with Viktor or Chris, but it’s JJ style to notice your competitors. He notices immediately that Viktor looks stiff and frustrated.
“Can we have another picture with the medallists, please?” A photographer asks him sweetly when he’s near enough to Chris and Viktor. The two of them look up at JJ and they shrug before motioning JJ to move closer. JJ squeezes Isabella’s hand apologetically before he pulls away to stand beside Viktor. He doesn’t miss the way Viktor’s eyes narrow at their previously joint hands.
The photographer takes their picture and JJ smiles widely, puffing out his chest proudly. He deserves to be here. He’s 18 years old and in the same picture as some of the skating greats, not as a fan, but as a fellow medalist.
“Thank you.” The photographer grins before he ambles away to the women’s medallists.
“Hey,” Viktor says abruptly, just as JJ is about to go back to Isabella. He turns his head and swallows nervously at the intense way Viktor is looking at him.
“John Jack, right?” Viktor asks, and JJ flinches. Chris rolls his eyes and slaps Viktor’s upper arm exasperatedly.
“Just JJ,” JJ mutters awkwardly, and Viktor nods.
“Your girlfriend, she was a fan of yours first, right?” Viktor asks.
JJ frowns, going stiff. “Yes,” he replies guardedly. “She was president of the JJ girls fan club, why?”
“What’s it like, dating a fan? How do you handle it?” Viktor asks brusquely, and JJ’s eyebrows rise in surprise.
“Be a fan of them too,” he says simply and glances at Isabella. She smiles at him gently and JJ feels his shoulders relax and loosen. Viktor may have beaten for him Gold, but he knew Viktor was no competition at all for Isabella’s heart.
Yuuri K
You skated really well
Congrats, Viktor
You watched the finals?
Of course I did. I wouldn't miss one of your skates.
Thank you. That means a lot to me.
Yuuri K
You know, your commentating is actually really great. Perfect blend of sass and technical knowledge if you ask me
Oh, um thank you haha what’s brought this on?
I’m rewatching my competition’s skates and I wanted to watch the one with your commentary
I didn’t even notice that Altin’s camel spin was a little sloppy until you pointed it out
Well, it’s my job to notice those kinds of things :P
And you do a very good job at it
Yuuri K
My favorite skate of yours is the Totoro one, probably. It's cute and sweet.
Who showed that to you?? Phichit??
No. Chris, actually
oh my god im going to kill him
pls dont, how else will i get the links to your old skates :-(
Yuuri K
Viktor…Why are you still texting me?
I know that you don't want to date me.
I don’t really understand why but I respect that and I respect you
If you don’t want to be more than friends, it’s fine
But I'd like for us to at least be friends, if that's okay?
Yeah okay, I want to be friends
Yuuri K
Are you ever going to go back to commentating or reporting or whatever?
Of course, I don’t want my degree to go to waste
I’m just taking a break right now
I’ll have missed your snark, otherwise :P <3
Yuuri K
Have I ever told you how amazing your step sequences were?
It’s the only thing I can still do now actually
Anything more than a double is too harsh on my knee
I’m glad I can still at least do some spins and steps haha
I want to skate with you someday, Yuuri!
Maybe someday.
Yuuri K
Please watch me later, Yuuri.
I'm skating for you tonight.
I always watch you.
[Gifset with 4 pictures, subtitles below]
Reporter: So what were you thinking about during your Long Program?
Viktor: (smiles and winks) Someone special to me.
Reporter: Oh? New girlfriend?
Viktor: (laughs) I wish he was my boyfriend.
Reporter: Oh. Um.
Worlds 2017, Post-Interview
1) first of all WTF is with the reporter?? girlfriend?? seriously?? Viktor Nikiforov is as gay as it gets
2) lol Viktor’s shut down doe #savage fuck ur heteronormative bullshit
3) WHOEVER THIS IS, WHY THE FUCK R U REJECTING VIKTOR? boi if he doesn’t want viktor, i volunteer aS TRIBUTE
omg wait we know that Viktor’s FS program is about longing and tbh, other commentators pointed out that he’s skating it differently ever since the GPF but holy shit, i think he really is skating it for his mystery man and asking him to stay close to him
I think Yuuri Katsuki gets first dibs if Viktor’ Mystery Man doesn’t want him lol
Plot Twist: Yuuri Katsuki is Viktor’s Mystery Man
Yuuri Katsuki Tries to Commentate on Viktor Nikiforov’s World’s FS While Drunk
omg the secondhand embarrassment is strong i feel so cringe!!!!
if no one’s sent this to Viktor, I will
Katsuki’s Drunk Commentary: A Translated Transcript
(non Japanese speakers, you’re welcome)
[00:04] gooooddddd he’s beautiful, look at that!! Look at that!
[00:12] You have no idea how much I wish I was there to watch this in real life
[00: 20] But honestly! He’s so much prettier in real life—wait, wait shut up HE’S GOING TO START SKATING
[00:25] Yuukoooo, why does he look soooo saaaad?
[00:34] If he, if he wants me after everything, I’d make him happy, I sweaar
[00:51] Did I tell you I met him?? He is so nice! We went clubbing together
[01:05] a-Amazing jump! Salchow! I can’t tell if it’s a Triple or a Quad, Yuuuuuuuko what was it?
[01:17] Whatever jump that was, it was perfeeeect!!!
[01:28] (unintelligible here, sorry, something about texting?? Viktor texting him? not sure)
[01: 40] fuck that quad flip, god, why do other skaters even try to quad flip when no one can do it like Viktor
[02:01] IM NOT CRYING IM JUST REALLY SAD OKAY? (unintelligible for awhile)
[02:34] combination jump! Three jumps? Axel-Loop-Toe Loop maybe I don’t know
[02:42] this is—this is my favorite part, this always gets to me
[02:59] oh my god that combination spin he’s going so fast, i miss his long hair when it’d spin around?? remember that yuuko? when his hair would spin?
[03:17] even if he looks so sad i’d still kiss him, I swear I’d kiss his frown away if he’ll let me
[03:42] (he kinda just cries here for a bit, lol)
[03:53] Wow!! He jumped so high there, that’s a Lutz, I think? Amazing Lutz
[04:03] I don’t want this program to end
[04:11] remind me to text him after (unintelligible IM SO SORRY I REALLY TRIED)
[04:28] Nooooooooooooooooooo, I’m going to call him, you can’t stop me
There were some parts where it got really hard to understand him, I’m sorry! I tried, but I couldn’t hear what he was saying
also holy shit apparently Katsuki and Viktor have met already and gone clubbing together?? when was this
tbh i kinda want them to get together now?? but if anyone had any doubts about Katsuki’s Big Gay Crush i think this is the final proof
[image: Viktor smiling with Makkachin, a castle in the background]
April 5, 2015
❤ christophe-gc, mila-b and 9944 others
v-nikiforov Ninja! #hasetsu
“Viktor? What are you doing here?” Makkachin perks up. He has never seen this human before in his life, but that voice. Makkachin knows that voice, he’s heard his Dad listen to it over and over at night on his tiny box. That voice always talks about his Dad and it always makes his Dad smile, so his Dad must love the owner of that voice.
“Yuuri, hear me out, please. Don’t decide for me what I deserve, because fuck, I know you don’t think so, but if anyone doesn’t deserve anyone here, it’s me who doesn’t deserve you,” his Dad says softly.
Makkachin tilts his head curiously, and he whines. He doesn't like how Dad sounds so sad. Dad must be happy!
“Don’t say that,” the other human says, his heart rate picking up and beating louder in his chest, enough for Makkachin to hear it.
“You said…You said that if I still want you after everything, you’d make me happy. Yuuri, you already do make me happy. I’ve never been as happy as I am with you. You make me feel things. You bring light into my life and you make me feel so alive,” his Dad murmurs, and the soft smelling human is silent.
“You said that if I’d let you, you’d kiss my frown away,” his Dad continues as he laughs softly. “God, Yuuri, I’d let you. I’d let you do more than that. I’d let you do anything to me.”
“I…Do you mean that?”
Makkachin has had enough. His Dad and the human his Dad loves both sound far too sad, and they shouldn’t be sad when they’re together! They should make each other happy!
He butts the back of his Dad's legs with his head and his Dad stumbles with a grunt at the unexpected push. He trips into the soft human’s arms and they both tilt backward, flailing around with their long, pale limbs.
They end up on the floor, and Makkachin trots over to them to lick at both their faces apologetically. The two of them look at each other and laugh before they reach out to pet Makkachin together. Makkachin likes that!
“Viktor…” soft human says softly, and Makkachin sees his human tense.
“I meant what I said. I…I promise I’ll make you happy, I swear, and I promise I’ll prove to you that I deserve you.”
His human lets out a long breath before he smiles down at the man in his arms.
“Done and done. You better have other things planned for our relationship if those are the only two criteria you have.”
Viktor Nikiforov News @viktor-news
Hi guys! Livestream is up at ISU Figure Skating’s Official FB page <3 Let’s all support Vitya today during the Cup of China! Can’t wait to see his new programs (heart face)
Skate 101 @skate101
omg Nikiforov looks so good in his SP costume? so sexy *fans self*
Lamallae @LlamaIce
Viktor on the ice right now!! His music sounds so sexual though lol
Flora B @florab
Yellow Yellow @yoyohaha
Giacometti Love @giagiaigia
Unpopular Opinion: Chris is still sexier than Viktor. #sorrynotsorry #Eros
Misha C @mishasworld
ok everytime i think Viktor won’t surprise me, he does. On Love: Eros is the hottest thing to come out of figure skating. #Eros #GPChinaCup
Allie G @actuallyallie
can i just say, that smirk in the beginning??? i screamed
Viktor Nikiforov News @viktor-news
interviewer: what inspired your SP?
Viktor: Eros itself
VityaFan @vitya143
in reply to @viktor-news
Chris G FC @gia-fc
in reply to @viktor-news
Guys, honestly. #Eros itself can only be Christophe.
Nikifan @nikifan
(click to see 12 more tweets)
Figure Skating Gossip @fsgossip
Vote for who you think #Eros itself is!
Trending Worldwide:
“Congratulations on your gold medal,” Yuuri Katsuki praises, his eyes sparkling. “Beautiful program as usual.”
“Thank you,” Viktor replies, a fond smile on his lips as he gazes at the reporter. His eyes never stray far and they stay fixed on Yuuri’s face.
“Is there anything you want to say to the viewers?” Yuuri asks in amusement, and Viktor hums thoughtfully.
“Yes, I’d just like to thank everyone who’s supported me. My coach, my rinkmates, my friends,” Viktor pauses and gives Yuuri a sly look as he bats his eyelashes. “My boyfriend.”
Yuuri freezes and he splutters slightly before he shakes his head in an effort to calm himself. “Wow, um, that is, I’m sure they’re proud of you, your perfor—”
Viktor leans in and wraps an arm around his shoulders, bringing him in for a kiss. Yuuri’s eyes widen before they flutter closed. He’s too in shock to do anything but let Viktor kiss him chastely, once, twice, before Viktor pulls away and smiles at him gently.
“I’ll see you later, Yurochka,” Viktor murmurs, just loud enough for the mic to pick up, and he brushes his palm on Yuuri’s cheek, before he pulls his hand away. He looks straight at the camera and beams a heart-shaped smile before he winks.
“I, yes, okay Vitya,” Yuuri splutters and Viktor sends him a sweet smile before he walks away.
“Um, going back to you, Hiro-san,” Yuuri squeaks and the screen switches.
“Well,” Hiro says. “That was unexpected. Thank you Katsuki-san for that interview.”
Viktor Nikiforov kisses reporter
Uploaded by viktor101
The reporter is his boyfriend Yuuri Katsuki
Comments • 834
Sammy W
View all 50 replies
> QueenB
Yuuri Katsuki and Isabella Yang taught me to never give up on my dreams
> Luna Wolf
praying that I pull a Katsuki/Yang w Chris Giacommeti lol
Just wondering if this is the guy Nikiforov was talking about after World’s??
View all 10 replies
> biooh4
Yah lol did u see that video of Katsuki’s drunk commentary haha funniest shit ever
> mamamia
I’m betting that they got together during that time Viktor went to Hasetsu
The cameras flash, but you only have eyes for one person.
“What inspires you?”