The Courier-News from Bridgewater, New Jersey (2024)

Miscellaneous 551 Fruits Vegetables 76 Apartments (Unfurnished) 87Apartments (Unfurnished) 87 Apartments (Unfurnished) 87 Trailer Homes, Sale-Rent 114 Real Estate for Sale 115 54 I THE COURIER-NEWS Plainfield, N. J. Wednesday, Oct. 3, 1962 SHERWOOD MOBILE HOME PARK SOMERVILLE, 5 large rooms, 2 baths LIONEL trains, complete set with 2 locomotives, good condition, very reasonable. Ml 7-0612.

5 ROOM third floor, heat, hot water, adults only. No 830 Second Place, Plainfield. trailers tor sale or rent adults only. garage, convenient, residential. EL 6- COZY 4-room close to shopping center and all transportation, 2 entrances, large front porch, tree well water, adults.

HO 9-2895. uoriu vauey, M.J., KT. 24. 5484. Guns, Sports Supplies 50 Real Estate for Sale 115 8 cu.

PL 5-3845. 713 WEBSTER Plainfield. New 2- REFRIGERATOR, Kelvinator, good running condition, $25. Must Sell Sacrifice Widow has renovated at cost of thmitaru CRESCENT AVE. SECTION.

Attractive 5 rooms and bath, adults. Call bet. 9-5 P.m., PL 6-5555. i ROOMS, bath, heat, hot water, stove, WINCHESTER model 70, .270 excel DUNELLEN older home, stx rooms, sun tamny nouse, second floor, 5 rooms $120 plus utilities, vacant. CR 3-3211.

newly decorated. Call after 5 p.m. PL lent deer rifle, used 2 seasons. PL 5- porch, convenient to shopping, trans- QUICK living SALE. 4-pc.

modern sectional room set. 755-0507 or PL 5-4685. APPLES Mcintosh and Cortlands Hand picked' larjre size $2 bushel medium size $1 bushel JOCKEY HOLLOW FRUIT FARM HARDSCRABBLE RD. BERNARDSVILLE 766-1595 2-2720. PorTanon.

une naif Block from Whittier School. For appointment call PL 7-7608. NO. PLAINFIELD. New 2-famlly house, second floor, 5 rooms, tiled bath, $130 Plus utilities.

CR 3-3211. NEAR PARK HOTEL l'j rooms, heat, hnt water supplied. Call PL 7-2871, PL STEVENS PUMP SHOTGUN for sale PL 2-8759 5 ROOMS and bath, no utilities, needs decorating, $80., available immediately. LEWIS realty 403 North Dun-el len, 968-1800. STORAGE REFRIGERATOR, 9x3'ax9, 160 cu.

suitable for restaurant, tavern or florist, complete with compressor, cheap. PL 6-2285. and now circ*mstances force talel One. in a decade value. Includes new lasf word tiled kitchen, glamour bath, 3 bad rooms, Hotpoint attic fen hot water oil heat, garage, etc For tht fantastic price of 5-2453.

Supt. Boats Marine Motors 51 KITCHEN. LIVING ROOM, BEDROOM, $16,990 CAPE COD I pptovpr 17' Fiberglas cruiser. Sleeps PIZZA OVEN, gas fired, used 3 cost $2,250 sacrifice $600. Call PL 5-9153 after 5:30 p.m.

2 ROOMS, kitchenette, tiled bath, refrigerator, new stove, residential, near town, adults. PL 5-3330. 2. Flying bridge. Easy terms, trade ac Rummage Sales 78 EXCELLENT LOCATION, HEAT, HOT WATER, SECOND FLOOR, $75.

PL 5-1184. NO. PLAINFIELD, 3rd fioor, 3 rooms, bath, garage, heat, hot water, $95 mo. PL 5-7426. cepted.

Rowe Marine, 968-434-. 2 bedrooms, with stairway to expansion attic, large living room, modern kitchen, breezeway and patio, attached oarage. LOCATION Only a few steps from all "hub activities." LUXURY Elevator impressive lobby, carpeted hallways, air conditioning. BOUND BROOK, 3 room garden apt. GAS STOVE, cabinet; apt.

electric coffee for restaurant. 4 burner; white kitchen size refrigerator; 120 cup maker; hamburger grill 147 Garfield Ave. eve's. RUMMAGE sale, 153 W. Front Plain-field (opp.

Teppers), OcU 5, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sponsored by Woman's Club of $15,500 Qualified Buyer Needs Only S500 DOWN 33' OWENS sedan cruiser. Buy half price, $3,000. See Morris, Hurricane Harbor, TW 2-3100. tnerrv $85 Including heat, hot Are You Looking for Big Rooms? 11' liuinn rnnrn.

hedroom. modern kitchen water, avanapie Nov. 1, HO 9-1146. Warren Twsp. 19' CLIPPER CRAFT, full canvas, many 'WO 3 room apts.

2nd (tiled kitchen. and bath, enclosed porch, $140 Includes heat and water, 1st floor. 114 Westervelt IMMACULATE. M. S.

Mendelson Co. REALTORS 56 Somerset St. PL 5-5151 Eve's and Weekends PL 5-6335 Plainfield Area Multiple Listing Service ncu unim, jra private screened extras; 1961 75 h.p. Johnson (used 10 excellent condition. Sacrifice, BARN SALE: Household goods, furniture, tools, bric-a-brac, some antiques.

Oct. 5, 6, Hartmann, Mountain Warren Vi mi. west Schmalz Dairy. RUMMAGE SALE. Good clothing and household items, 15c, 25c and up.

Moose Hall, E. 2nd St. and Roosevelt Ave. Oct. 4 and 5, 9-5 p.m.

Murines, couple. IU45 W. 7th St. Ave. Call PL 6-8964 or klj-jmi.

SI. 395. Rowe Marine 643 Bo. Brook rMUKin HLAINMELD 3 rooms and Middlesex, dial 968-4343. Path, second floor rear.

neuulv Hvnni. LEASE CARR BROWN REALTORS FA 2-6800 Street Plainfield Area Multiple Listing Service 3 ROOMS and bath, 1st 2 entrances Heat and water supplied. Available Oct. 1. Inquire 62 Westervelt Plain-field.

ed. Rent reasonable. Adults nnl im. BREAKFRONT near new. Imperial walnut, glass doors, serpentine drawer base.

See to appreciate. PL 7-6524. 1957 57' Owens cabin cruiser, twin screw, sleeps 4, excellent condition. No 2-FAMILY fine Dunellen location. 3 rooms down, 4 rooms up, basem*nt, 2-car garage.

Only $17,500. mcaiaie occupancy, call after 3 p.m PL 7-5883. CIRCLE 3 of Watchung Avenue Presbyterian Church, North Plainfield, New Jersey, will- hold a Rummage Sale on Thursday Oct. 4th at 9:00 a.m. in the Parish House.

Only $180 per mo. for 1 -bedroom apt. 27' trades. 464-2487 after 5:30 weekdays or living room-dining room, tiled hath. tr second floor, oc-Call bet.

OLD interior ornate iron room divider, 6 sections, lot, $95; thousands of books 2-FAMILY excellent Bound Brook lo UPSTAIRS apartment in colonial farm house. Route 206. Belle Mead a wr 6 ROOM modern cupant pays utilities, 7:30 p.m. PL 6-5585. gas, private covered terraces free narking.

early morning Sat, or Sun. -VANSEN BOATS in stock, some old, "some modern; an cation, 4 rooms down, 4 rooms up, plus 2 rooms on third floor. Ontv $18,500 Wat elm ii oain, utilities furnished. $80. Call 359-6214 tique wardrobe, $35.

ARCHIE'S RESALE SHOP, Meyersville, open 10-8 except Tues. or jo-ay4. 5 spacious adults. PL siryker Realty Agency, 968-3979. NO.

PLAINFIELD, 2nd rooms, heat, water, garage, 6-8416 after 5 P.m. 4 ROOMS, bath, second Live Stock Supplies 79 Young Pigs For Sale 735-7888 Wanted to Buy 81 Route 22 west of overpass North Plainfield PL 7-1700 Weekdays 9-9 Sat. 9-5 floor. 44 W. HO 9-1075.

Franklin Bo. Brook. GARDEN STATE REALTY Ml 7-1149. BEDROOM SET, twin, limed oak, $150, 2 matching desks, $30 each. 464-0747.

ranch 4V'j LARGE ROOMS, modern. "We Service What We Sell" REALTORS ov. like pr vaie huimc, LOOK AT IT! Buzz super from lobby on inter-com. PINGRY ARMS BUSINESS COUPLE 4 rooms, bath, newly decorated, all utilities, conveniently located. Call PL 5-3602.

41 No. Bridge St. Somervilie. N.J. 968-1442.

14' MAHOGANY speed boat, 35 h.p. (OB) rental $115 plus utilities. Just made for happy family living is this comfortably spacious colonial with 3 bedrooms, den, modern bath with shower, living room, modern kitchen, screens and storm windows, enclosed porch, taxes only "excellent location. Eve LIVING room and dining room suites, good condition, reasonable. CR 7-1952.

RA 2-0906 12 volt electric start, gas tank, padded wat. 6 life preservers, trailer with di aimcifi D. 5 rooms, second floor WE BUY BOOKS P.M. Book Shop, 330 Park Ave. Please Call for Details, PL 4-3900 new huildina, fully air conditioned, sup Clothing Jewelry 57 128 E.

7th ST. Luxurious apt. in a new elevator build IN THE HILLS I ply own utilities, $135. 753-4814. spare tire, many extras, 5750.

PL 4-4115. 1A' SKI and fishing boat, 35 H.P. Evin 606 CRESCENT AVE. COR. E.

7TH ST. vnpic Bradley Gardens, A beautiful custom built home on almost ing, 3' 7 rooms. $157.50. See iuper or call rude, remote controls, trailer. Ready suits, overcoats, riding boots Wolff's, 118 Madison.

TUXEDOS, breeches. JO ULU, i acres of wooded land. This is a 3-bed ri. o-cyo or rL J68I. Somervilie.

J'i rooms. 7- to go, $350 complete. FA 2-5373. room, 2 oain nouse, with a large rec heat Size WILL BUY, sell on consignment, or auction. Partial or complete contents of our home.

HARRY GERARD, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Ill Madison Plain-field. 756-4940 or PL 5-4214. WANTED. Small piano, for child, begin-ner, must be reasonable.

Ml 7-0901, bet. 9-6; Ml 7-0901 after 6. reation room, a den or fourth bedroom available immediately. RA 5-4687 MARMINK coat, good condition. 14-16.

reasonable. PL 5-7651. Wat elm ii door. Machinery Rebuilt Motors 54 GREENBROOK VILLAGE Garden 4' i rooms, immediate occupancy, decorating to suit, new stoves and refrigerators iust installed, close to school, church ana an oversized 2-car garage. Every tning in this house is of the best.

It has SC PLAINS" 4 rooms, bath, adults, con tn school, shopping, transporta MATERNITY clothes, 12-14. All types. USED and rebuilt etectrlc motors, V. Va PLAINFIELD, BOUND BROOK VICINITY LUXURY APTS. oeen realistically priced for a quick tale.

Like new. Hardly used. AD 2-1422. A low rambling h.p., guaranteed, $5 up. Electric Gas ranch home In a es, snopping and transportation.

PL 5-7257 2-7564. FA tion. prerty nillside Appliance Shop, 114 North PL 6-2997. settinn Cn.rin,,. can per.

noon ana p.m. and after 6 p.m. WHITE HOOP SKIRT, for wedding gown. heat ni hath, second floor. living room, dinina 4 small.

Call mornings before 10:30 AD 2- 4 CYL. DIESEL powered 15 K.W. gener JVz k. ter Available Nov. 1.

Busi $35,000 J. S. Ulrich John E. Vossler, Realtor, 108 East 7th Street, Plainifeld, PL 5-4300. Eve's: Mrs.

Minar, PL 5-8519, Plainfield Area Multiple Listing Service 8946. second floor, love- ator, cost $4,500, sell for $550, excellent NICE large rooms, ly location, garage. HORSE drawn sleighs and carriages and old wagon seats, wheels and coach lamps. Phone Ml 7-1149 or write A. STILES, RD 1, Gillette, N.

J. NEED CASH? Highest prices paid for old ness couple. 755-9437. NEW FULLY AIR-CONDITIONED, large 4 rooms, 2 bedrooms, $117; 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms, lVj baths, $140; 3'i rooms, $108 13 cu. ft.

frost-free Hotpoint refrigerator. all utilities includ running condition; 1951 Chev. '2 ton 58 di aimcifi excellent location, 3 ing trash removal. 3 large closets plus pantry, $130 mo. Oct.

truck, sood running condition, $250; one ton Army trailer, completely rebuilt, new 700x20 tires and tubes, $150. Phone 968- IS. PL 7-5022. large rooms, all utilities supplied, adults, $105. PL 7-2171.

Musical Instruments gom, coins, watches and diamonds, "Chen, 3 bedrooms end tiled bath. Recreation room, porch, at-tached parage, nice property, and 4-5130 'cton. Eve'a. PL OPEN EVE'S. 6:30 to 1:30 Patrick L.

Hedden fa! mo silver, antique lewelry. Jay Jewelers. 2299, 9 a.m.-7 p.m. G.M.F., Inc. BUILDS CENTRALLY located, 3Vj rooms, tiled, Kth.

tprnnd floor. $100 mo. References. Appraisers, aa somerset PL "5-9125 uumi-mi oven una cook top, master amplified TV, triple tract storm windows and screens. Available: garbage disposers, dishwashers, and garages.

Each apt. front and rear entrances and outside porch. Free parking, exrpllpnt miahhnrhnnH 55 Miscellaneous Call PL 5-0651. WE BUY old coins, old cold, diamonds silver, stamps, lewelry. Get cash for it.

Reliable Jewelry Shop 177 E. Front St pays highest prices. Call PL 6-1901. SPACE HEATERS; refrigerator; washer; kt pi nrR. 3 large rooms, modern kitch- drop leaf table; tvpewriter; TV, dining OLYMPIC SIZE SWIMMING POOL and clubhouse.

RA 2-6600. 302 Somerset St. Tl ltiu lrenlare In living room t. modern basem*nt for room; chests; kitchen cabinet; china cabinet. Wolff's, 116 Madison Ave.

SALE PIANOS ORGANS TREMENDOUS SAVINGS STADELE'S 478 UNION RT. 28 MIDDLESEX "35 Years of Dependability" ASHLEY GALLERIES, est. 1923, wants to buy old paintings, furniture and NOW RENTING IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 3 AND .4 ROOMS COLONIAL APARTMENTS FROM VERY DESIRABLE OIL BURNER. 100.000 BTU, ducts, tank curios. 54 urove St.

PL 5-0733. Plainfield Area Multiple Listing Service Cavanaush E. Brown "THE HOUSE OF SERVICE" Eh 6-7500 High, low, Inbetween I bedroom Ranches from $11,300 IV-story expansions from $10,800 Splits Colonials custom quality designed and built to order financed to suit yor plans or ours shells land available tor package deals for quality, service, action, call PL 5-1441. 5 Rooms and bath. Crescent Court.

917 complete warm air system, excellent entertaining. Business couple. PL 5-6427 after 6 p.m. 4 ROOMS, bath, 1st floor, heat, hot water, utilities and garage, S125. 752-7881.

7th elevator, heat, hot wator. Uni. USED plywood, mm. 4 ft. wide, 3Vj ft.

condition, $300. PL 7-9144. tor service. Available Oct. 1.

$120. Adults high. Must be good on 1 side. Alsn washtub pump and stockade fencing. PL some an-PL 2-0693.

MOVING Bedroom furniture, tiaues and toys. Call after 2, Realtor i. Hyman Abrams, Realtor 6-SS4J. BO. BROOK.

New 2 bedroom fully air conditioned, science kitchen. 4 233 SODA MACHINE, 3 flavor, 600 cup; also PLAINFIELD: Oversized Cape BALDWIN pianos and organs. Drastic reductions. DUDKIN PIANO North Ave. at railroad station, Westfield.

AD 2-8811. Cod. FURNITURE, china, silver, pianos, lug 4 W. Front St. PL 6-0181 Member Multiple Listing Service large rooms, tiiwi coffee-hot chocolate machine, 500 cup.

exparKlt i gage, guns, tisning tackle, too s. men's WALTER S. BIELICKY, REALTOR 307 E. Second Bound Rronir closets, basem*nt, $115 mo. plus utilities.

$104 After 6 p.m., all day Sun. EL 6-3635. Tinisned basem*nt. PL suits, shoes, riding clothes, boots. Wolff's, 6-3395.

EL 6-0250 EVE'S: EL 4-0123 1 waaison, kl 6-245. EL 6-8808 ana tL o-ut. kT tinrtlierl. Rooms (Furnished) 88 BEDROOM SET; dining room, wrought CONSOLE PIANO; snare drum; trombone; violin; trumpet; TV; zither; small accordion. Wolff's, 114 Madison Ave.

iron: lamps; Danish modern tables; oil 4 ROOMS neat ana nui mo r-i Wanted to Rent 82 nniuuLtbbx, single room, on bus line. paintings; TV; stereo; Oriential embroi 2-FAMILY, assume S1-. $14,300 morf- MmLTi" svstem, low down payment. Principals. PL 5-7735.

$75 mo. PL i soiow avanapie. iau jifrpr 4 nm SCOTCH PLAINS. Cape Cod, lot 80x130', low taxes, fine residential neighborhood. 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and paneled den.

Beautiful patio, $18,000. PL 4-4648. FAMILY OF 5 urgently needs 5 or 6 SPACIOUS 6-room Pnvare 968-2997. rooms In Clinton School area. Oct.

1 Rent $100 to $115. 755-7485. pr me resiaennai orco, nui Dining room and den, 3 bedrooms. Private entrances. Available.

PL 6-3484 or 755-9189. Television sets, reconditioned, guaranteed, table models, consoles. Combination phonographs, radio and television from $5 down, $1.25 weekly, T. H. FULTON 416 Park Ave.

PL 6-7900 WANTED. Small furnished apartment HOTEL VICTORIA, 326 Central Ave. l'j blocks town, parking. PL 6-0700 Singles from $3 daily Doubles from $5 Weekly rates $15 up, single Housekeeping rooms, $19 up, single Stirling, Warren Township area. Write 3 ROOMS, private porch, 2nd floor, irfntial.

heat, hot water, business Featuring: Extra large rooms, ultra modern kitchen. Free Maintenance and VILLAGE GREEN GARDEN APARTMENTS Z-106, Courier-News. Veterans No Down DUNELLEN $13,500 24" RCA TV Table mocel with match ing stand. Excellent condition, new pic 4 rooms with heat, hot water and ga Custom Built, $10,990 Will custom build completely finished 3 bedroom Ranch, full basem*nt, on your lot. Jersey State Realty PL 4-3630.

COLONIAL, situated on a 321' deep lot, 4 bedrooms, den. 30' livina rom with NICELY ture tube. Call 968-3565. furnished room, bath with deries; typewriter; etc. all 3 months old.

Must sell. 356-4381. MOVING THIS WEEK, MUST SELL: File cabinet, $20; large refrigerator, across top freezer, A-1 condition; 5 PC. dinette set, $29; antique white chest drawers, brass handles, $25; floor lamps; garden tools; double bedspreads; new stereo records, 3 for $5. PL 5-0105.

BABY BARGAINS Moving crib and mattress; playpen, car bed, high chair; stroller; child's fire engine car; youth bed (new mattress) $25. PL 5- 0105. WARREN TWP. Moving sacrifice: bedroom furniture; Frigidaire; gas range; tables; chairs; wringer washer; misc. AM 7-148T.

rage. Must be freshly decorated. Private entrance. Older couple. To $80.

PL 4-7424. shower. Kitchen privileges. Near town. PL 4-4499.

RESPONSIBLE family transferred from pie-available Nov. 1. PL 6-5720. FIRST FLOOR ail utilities provided, 3 short walk to LR: Fin. residential area.

$115 mo. Call PL 7-H900. rooms. bVss: $100 Others availably Nathanson Agency, Realtors, 311 Madison Ave PL 6755. Plainfield Area Mult.ple Enjoy ranch-like west seeks 3-bedroom home in Bridge- DELIGHTFUL room in private home for living In fhls fireplace, large dining room and kitchen.

room Altenburjsr's Elizabeth, X. J. Open Daily Til 9 Sat. "Til 6 New Jersey's Oldest and Largest Hammond Orran Dealer Clearance Sale of Used Organs bungalow home water area. RA 2-3555, Ext.

19. ON JOHNSON SOUTH RIVER. N.J. j-car garage, excellent condition. Owner: wenueman.

oooo location. Reference Reasonable. PL 7-9098. trees, on beautifully i.X." ZLmny. r-i e-vev or PL 6-9696.

URGENTLY needed, unfurnished houses. car oaraoe. Non-Veft $450 down. (Adloinlng South River High School) Model Phone: CL 4-4498 Plainfield area. JOSEPH H.

VITOLO, CUSTOM BUILT CAPE COD, 4 LARGE FOR GENTLEMAN. 757-6331 Listing Service. KUjfv: nu BATH, EXPANSION AT REALTOR, 129 North PL 4-6927. Eve's: Bert O'Leary, PL 6-7234. Hammond Solovox 95 Leslie Organ Speaker 235 Wurlitzer Electric Piano 295 TIC, PLASTER WALLS.

GARAGE. LOT uxiso, NICE NEIGHBORHOOD, MID- PLAINFIELD Extra large 2-room first floor, heat, hot water, available Nov. 1. EL 6-2557. Furnished Houses Rent 84 ut5i rable large front room, (double), Estev Concert Chord Organ 345 WESTINGHOUSE, new, $125.

Call ULfcSfcX. EL 6-4793. ELECTRIC RANGE, model KDH-30, like eve's, PL 7-5065. Wurlitzer 2 in 1 Organ 395 csiut-Miiai, waix-in closet, private park ing, references. PL 5-1182.


Ideal lo Estey 2 Manual Electronic Organ 395 cation. Immediate occupancy. Weekly 4-Room bungalow, lot 394' deep, $12,500. FURNISHED ROOMS for gentlemen only. 3'A and ii room apts.

from $112 to $130 wiLBfcRN AGENCY, REAL ESTATE Hammond Extravoice (Used) 450 Lpwrey Starlight Spinet Organ 495 Hammond Chord Organ (Used) 495 BUSINESS or middleaged couple, 5 rooms, tile bath, heat, hot water, garage. Newly decorated. PL 5-1134. MANVILLE, joomi, bath, full base-OTnt utilities. $70.

Call RA Z-4BJ per month. Now available for Immediate or monthly. Call PL 4-0403. WAR RENVILLE 3 charming rooms, suit Rt. 22, Green Brook Twp.

968-0076 hiivoic entrance, snare Kitchen. Rf. 22, Green Brook. Call 968-1837. NORTH PLAINFIELD $14,900 thta el'rer rooms, soacious living room, tZ, Subject to VA and FHA Approval Suburb Realty Aecy.

occupancy. Conn Spinet Organ (Blonde) 595 PLAINFIELD optional 2-familv. 4 room able business coup e. $100 per mo. I A nra.

nuum, private oath and en- Wurlitzer Spinet Organ 5951 2 kitchens, l'-a baths, oil heat, autnmxtir Phone 755-0871. after 6:30 p.m. FRANK H. TAYLOR SON INC REALTOR 23 So. Harrison E.

Orange OR 3-8100 PL 6-3792 Lowrey Holiday Spinet Organ 695 nor water unit, large garage. $9,500. 414 Baldwin De Luxe Spinet Organ 895 fc. 4tn at. Dial Ml 7-2083.

BO. BROOK. 3 room apt A-1 residential section, $95 REFRIGERATOR, G.E.; 2-PC living -room; rug; dining table; air conditioner, i ton; rip saw; brass andirons. PL 5-3779. MOVING to Florida: Sheridan dining room set, mahogany inlay.

Call PL 6-6923. TRANSFERRED Kelvinator Food-a-rama twin refrigerator freezer. Perfect condition, $200; dining room suite and other misc. furniture. Reasonable.

AD 2-2349. AIR CONDITIONER, Emerson, 2 covers, excellent condition. $65. PL 5-9057. 7 ROOMS, 4 bedrooms, 1V2 baths, ideal for sharing by school teachers, engineers, etc, $225 etc.

KRINGLE AGENCY, broker 968-0915 Hammond Spinet Organ (Used) 995 Lowrey Lincolnwood F.P. Organ 995 3 BEDROOMS, dining room, kitchen, full 5 ROOMS, modern, heat and hnt water ronce, win unturnisn, off 7th 426 Pleasant Plainfield. Business couple preferred. Apply before 6:30 p.m. STUDIO, NEW HOME, PRIVATE BATH, ENTRANCE.

PARKING, BERKELEY MIN- RT- GENTLEMAN, REASONABLE, 322-5418. mo. Call EL 6-5169. oasem*nt, garage, older Plainfield home na floor, conven ent Inratinn. Imma.

Hammond Church Organ and unhCDM rnrani. IstjflOOT, new 2 Asking $13900. Geo. E. Block Agency.

Speaker (Used) 1700 aiaie occupancy, adults. PL 6-9257. antrnnrK. aarage, basem*nt, Unfurnished Houses Rent 85 uunenen. ve-iie.

1737 E. 2nd St. large yard, $130 Plus utilities. PL 6-5305. KENTIN9 SPECIALISTS No Fpa Rpanirori 1-2000 Altenburp: Piano House, Inc FA 2-4434 AonnD rravn heat ana water FOR WATCHUNGWatchung Hills Realty Assoc.

Realtors PL 7-1977 jersey state Realty Realtors. 474 3-ROOM BUNGALOW, all utilities, $100, lease. Call after 6, Warrenville, HO 9 1850. 1150 E. Jersey Street Elizabeth, N.

J. ed. convenient 10 condition. MEAT aomerser no. Plainfield, PL 4-3630.

Plainfield Area Multiple Listing Servle. CASE, 12', excellent Call PL 7-7760 $75 mo. Call after 5 p.m. kl. i-ivu.

RENT A TV: Vacation, fllness, repairs; BRIDGEWATER new 5-room ranch, 1 BRIGHT, comfortable, single room, ideal business person, share bath, near all transportation. 207 W. 7th after 4 p.m. weekdays, all day Sun. 2 ROOMS, private entrance, close to all transportation, near town.

Call PL 5- 50. PLAINFIELD, 2nd fl. 3 rooms, bath. New 2- and 3-beoToom Ban -to am delivered, daily, mthlv rates. heat, hot water CHATHAM Compact bungalow, mi.

from RCA. 2 bedrooms, lot 6 ROOMS. 3rd Cods, located In Rr.rfJ.4Ll neai, noi water, uci. 585. PL 6-5762.

floor. Call latest portables. PL 6-0700. Open 24 hrs. KITCHEN SET; 2 window fans; tapestry living room chair; lamps; clock; elec until 6 p.m.

PL v9cworvT. pr mrirmn furnished, wo. rvuiltown KO. La II fE 9-1903. ail UTHlTiaX.

i it acre, move right in! Very REASON $15,900 7-0582, A. Perna. to S17.SO0. 21" EMERSON TV, M. Santacross, Broker, CR 3,1540.

NEW SPLIT LEVEL luxury home on table model, excel PL 5-2923. tric hedge clippers; misc. electrical, ap pliances and items. PL 5-4333. lent condition, $35.

rooms, heat, hot SHANI Dm -rw river view lot. Branchbura Two Plr. SECOND FLOOR, 6 Call until 6 p.m 59 Flndeme Somervilie 6 rooms, newly deco-Oil burner. Call PL 6- $10; backyard PRIVATE HOME. Room for business person only, newly decorataed, conveni- HO a-149 319 E.

2ND rated, $100 mo. 0882, 10-12 a.m. water turmsnea, w. PL 7-0582, A. Perna.

HAMMOND spinet organ with percussion colonial cherry finish, older tone cabi NEW car bed, S30. 755-1 365." ALMOST swings. cnuy locates, lail pi 6-5278. SOMERVILLE BROOKSIDE GARDENS MODERN APTS. 3-5 ROOMS refrigerator, gas range, heat, hot water supplied RA 5-2958 RA- 5-2909 nimci i pm.

rooms, bath, ina Tioor, turesoue view, 90x270' lot, 3 bedrooms, caramic bath, 7 closets, large living room, dining room, kitchen, rec room, laundry and garage with shop area. Many other quality features make this en exceptional buy. Phone 369-4248 or 369-5511. net included. $1,000 firm.

Please call after 6 p.m. GE 9-2504. Delivery can BANKRUPT STOCK Unit Heaters; type Count mitt airy warm room, newly installed utilities, avaiiaoie not. rv Livin? SOUTH SOMERVILLE Established com munity, near schools. 8 room, 4 bedroom new split.

Landscaped ui acre. be arranged. mo. Dial y6B-ju3. j.muwci, iree parxing space, for busi nessman.

PL 5-8952. i writers; "dding machines; calculators; desks; ch; rs; filing cabinets. Lewistan, 1010 Elizabeth Linden, HU 6-3493. TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES, At It's Best Good commuting New York. Dial 359- 3Vi ROOMS.

Couple only Ideal tor mio- AMPLIFIER, Danelectro, two 12" speakers, $50; excellent condition. Call AD 2-6430. NICE clean 3910. room on quiet street in eaged. Hear ana water lurnrancu.

No. PL Plainfield. 219 Netherwood Ave. Am II HILLSBOROUGH 3 bedroom ranch 5 ROOMS (semi-furnished or unfurn- 7-4353 or PL 6-3157. isneo), near Barn's.

Privat entrance. Living-dining room, fireplace, wall-to- "ounrain Ave. In Union Vlllaoe Z'Sir Jhli neat Too sSui 3 MODERN rooms, heat, not water, pri new, used and rebuilt, all makes, all prices. Also, will rent or buy. Graphic, 245 W.

Front PL 4-8797. PIANO, larae upright; 2Vi'x3Vi'' mirror; f- A A ff CONN CAPRICO ORGAN MAHOGANY FINISH. BRAND NEW CONDITION. PL 5-3626. wall carpeting, l'j complete tile baths.

Marking. rL nome. references, opn. Lcvei, now vacant vate entrance. Avaiiaoie uec.

i. ru to be email, near pus, tall 5U 9-1597. sold. For Inspection, call SCOTCH PLAINS $19,500 XOX VETS $.000 DOWN Beautiful 8-year old home located In one of our finest neighborhoods, situated on a lot 165' deep, with 4 bedrooms or 3 kitchen with built-in breakfast nook and appliances. Large wooded lot.

$175. SU. PLAINFIELD. 4 rooms, heat, hot 5-4871. 3 ROOM 2nd floor, heat, hot water large blanket chest; antique trunk.

water, i-or app't call unt 7 i kuuw, clean, we hvaterf. Lease. RA 5-7551. PIANO, upright, iust tuned, excellent tone, quick sale, $85, free bench. Cooper's, 115 Madison Ave.

VI 4-2693. privileges, business couole. or supplied, inquire ZU4 uioeny riom- 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, all conveniences. on woman, rancing space. PI field.

i-uukim sr. near Plainfield Ave. 4 automatic washer, 2ar garage, fenced SMALL apt. size piano, full keyboard; room apr. Hu us month's urnr tv i-kuc ciean room, central.

PLAINFIELD yard, ideal for small children. $125. Near privileges, ladies. Pino in i c. PL 5-5235.

bedrooms and recreation room with kitch electric Supro guitar with amplifier. Both excellent condition. PL 4-5598. R.C.A., Rt. 202, Somervilie.

Dial 722-0185. 730 PARK AVE. enette off recreation room, 2 full baths, Josepb H.Vitolo,Realtor 129 North PL 6-6927 Eve Bert O'Leary, PL 6-7234 Plainfield Area Multiple Listing Service brick, beamed ceiling house to aol prec.ate It. Four bedrowns, 2 baths. North Plainfield, near West After 6 onl'- Pt- "762.

LARGE ROOMS, 2 baths, heat, hot water, refriQeratori 3-rnnm ant uarv Call PL 5-2210 or PL 6-3801. WASHERS, useo and rebuilt, lareg selection, $25 and up. Electric Gas Apol'-ance Shop. 114 North Ave. Call PL 6-2997.

BUY a Frigidarre automattc washer, rebuilt, guaranteed, $5 down, $1.25 wit, T. H. FULTON, 415 Park Ave. PL 6-7900 MATTRESSES Factory reiects, from $4.95. Alben Bedding Manufacturers, 257 W.

Front Plainfield. science kitchen, large livina room. 1-car 4 ROOMS $160 Immediate LARGE corner front room, second floor, attached garage, tun basem*nt, plus city clean, bus at door, adults. PL 6-3518 entrance, $12 wk. After 5:30 3V2 ROOMS $130 Immediate SALE PORT.

CHORD ORGANS w. rn PL 7-2495. PLAINFJELD 4 large rooms, heat, hot Larae rooms In most desirable elevator sewers. CRESTVIEW REALTY CO FA 2-1777 water, centrally located. in rn i.

lect, MU 8-3548. wi" ren studio room with kitchen privileges. In garden apt, CalfFA 62 1777ineM woman- Rferences. Rambling Ranch home in a fine location. 3 Bedrooms, recreation room, 2-car garage.

Available Nov. 1. Lease at $200 mo. Eve's, PL 7-3843. OPEN EVE'S, 6:30 to 8:30 Patrick L.

Hedden REALTOR 302 Somerset St. Tel. PL 6-7326 Plainfield Area Multiple Listing Service 111 Terrill Rd. Scotch Plains Mon. thru Sun 9-7 apartment building, spacious closets, full kitchen, all new metal kitchen cabinets, formica tops, fully automatic gas range, 12 cu.

ft. combination refrigerator-freezer. Convenient to rail and bus transportation. 821 FIRST 4 rooms, bath, first flnnr. AUDION HOHNER all utilities furnithed ti3C mn it.

LICENSED BROKER GOOD RESULTS CALL Rt REALTOR Rt. 202 (bet. Qrtho RCA) RA 2-4628 PL 7-0905. RUGS Oriental (all kinds); stair carpets; pad, 9x12, throw ruS, $1 up, 132 North PL 5-5467, Iran Rug. Co.

CASH REGISTERS (2), one electric, one 25 FOOT REC. ROOM and a 1959 7-room ATTRACTIVE, sunny first floor room, 'nation, 403 E. Seventh St. rL O-T620. See Manager on premises.

PIANORGAN $99 $129 $139 $149 $159 SO. PLAINFIELD 5 rooms, in town. home; $19,900. Walter Koster, Real NORTH PLAINFIELD-Cape Cod, 2 bed- ATTRACTIVE 4-room apt. in Plainfield, heat, hot water supplied.

$100. 968-1886. ESTEY tors, 409 Park Scotch Plains. Call anytime, FA 2-6363. excellent location, heat, not water sup spring mechanism.

Excellent working condition. Call Mr. Schargel AD 3-1111. room, KlTcnen. Mr nuH West 5th St.

ROOM, for 1 or 2 persons, near bus. Dial 753-6556. Porch. SILVERTONE ROOMS, bath, second floor, heat, hot water. 1745 E.

Wrmri plied, 110. PL 6-2159. PL 7-2831, eves. NO. PLAINFIELD East End 3 bed E.

7TH ST. 3 rooms, tile bath, heat, ga Plains. PL 5-5467. After 5 p.m. FA 2-5314.

RENT or SALE Split-level home, top location, near excellent schools and all facilities, 3 bedrooms, tile bath, knotty pine kitchen, laundry room, big recreation room, basem*nt, attic storage, attached S1.900-Col-ONIAU 6 rooms, sun rom. SEWING MACHINE, Kenmore, like new, reasonable. Call PL 5-9366. rooms, $800 down, $17,400 FHA mort 1 OR 2 LARGE rooms, kitchen, bath. rage, near town, Business coupie.

tan ii ki rtent Mil gage available. Location good, taxes low. ou.iury privileges. Near R.C.A., Som- PLAINFIELD 3 rooms, 2nd garage. PL 4-3996.

ull alrSrn near. Principals only. 889-8822. Fourth mlddleaged couple, uti II- FURNITURE, hand made Italian. Dining room table and 2 chests.

Call after garage, Va-acre lot. Owner transferred welcome. RA 2-4504. ROOM, in private home, for 1 or couple Asking $18,200. PL 6-5154.

MANVILLE Fine location, kitchen, liv-ing, dining, pantry downstairs; 3 bed nes suppuea. rL s-ohiv. TERMS AVAILABLE Griffith Piano Qo. 627 Park Plainfield available now, call owner, PL 5-0105. 2 p.m.

PL 7-3019. John Kripsak, Realtor 34 S. Main Manvllle Manville RA meais if desired. Call PL 4 ROOMS, bath, heat, hot water, garage, WATCHUNG 6-room Cape Cod, nice loca REFRIGERATOR G.E.; Hotpoint elec rooms ana path upstairs. Excellent con 5-6511 tion.

Lease security, $150. PL 7-5944. large living room-fireplace, dining and bedrooms, colonial kitchen, private en tric range. Good working condition. dition Asking $17,500.

PL 6-135. Prin Member 212 BATHGATE South Bound Brook, 3' 1 room almost new 4 family, rent $90. Call EL 6-3948 or WA 5- 0625. DELUXE 4 rooms sun porch and bath, suitable for dentist, first floor heat and water furnished. Call PL 5-0797 after 7 p.m.

Multiple Listing Service cipals. HO 9-1093. Open Mon. to Fri. 'til 9 HOUSE FOR RENT trance, storage space.

PL 4-5556. p.m. I3 'mN I 1 VAT'E TILE BATH CLEAN, FRIENDLY CAUL1 PL ton Fedders, $60 Sat. to 5:30 p.m. Tel.

PL 7-3800 Walking distance to shopping, church school and buses. Large living room stLUND floor, 5 rooms, bath, good BUILDER'S CLOSEOUT A fine new 3-bedroom ranch comolete AIR-CONDITIONER, PL 7-0825. cunaiiion, neat, nor water, good neigh- 1 acre, Branchbura, near Somervilie. I AOrr i zL room' 4 Calf lS.0O0. J.

DILEO AGENCY kitchen with dining area, 2 bedrooms, washing machine, and refrigerator. oornood, near buses and station, $120. Cameras Supplies 65 heat, hot water. FREEZER Admiral, 14 cu. 1 yr.

old, $100. Call after 5 p.m. PL 7-5272. easant room, semi private bath, parking space. Phone be.r- lo wnie t-ioy, Lourier-News.

DUNELLEN 5'j rooms, $115. PL 2-8679. House is Immaculate. 1-Yr. lease.

Avai Listed $18,900. Today $17,990. See it! J. R. CHARNESKI AGENCY, INC.

Realtors RA 2-0700 able Oct. 15. Must see. Joseph B. De oner p.m.

BBV-3V5. MODERN 4'j room good residen SEWING machine. Singer, round bobbin, NO. PLAINFIELD 4 rooms, bath, heat. Andrea Realtors, 1522 Park Ave, tial section or Plainfield.

Call PL PLAINFIELD AVE- STELTOM portable, $19.95. Fine Sewing Center, 93 DOWNSTAIRS MOVIE SHOP Film library for rent, sale, exchange. New and used equipment. Call or write 136 Stout Middlesex. EL 6-0198.

pC double rooms. Hartwick's hnt water, aarage. near town, redec PL 5-5273. PL 5-2100 Realtors Somerset No. Plainfield.

PL 6-3235. CH 6-1000 orated. $95. 99 Manning Ave. PL 5-3074.

COLONIAL 6 rooms. Hi baths, gas heat, r- pleasant 4 rooms and bath, washer REFRIGERATOR, Admiral Dual-temp, near schools, station. Principals only. screened Business oc ciitaDetn m. and Canal Rd So.

Bound Brook. EL 6-9679. rMl-oif room: Preferred. Call after 5 p.m. AD 3-3290.

6 ROOMS, 2nd recently decorated. WARREN porch, $135 mo. couple. References. 5 rooms, Nov.

1st. After 6 p.m Mid $20's. AD 2-5932. freezer top, good condition. Call 753- ana aryer, sv.

22 Lharlott So. Stamps Coins" 67 desirable location. Children welcome. 755-5435, 4418. hii.

tK 0 all masonry hw beautifully landscaped lot. 3 bedrooms. 2-car garage, screened -In v- Gr'eer?" oreen Knoll elementary vhi pouno prooK. el 6-605. 1ST.

E. 9th 6 rooms, air cond WESTFIELD 9 Bedrooms, large living $100. PL 5-3008. 3 ROOMS. 1st floor, convenient loca 4-ROOM HOUSE, $7,000.

Somervilie, N. J. Green Knoll Realty, Licensed Broker, 326 Somerset phone 755-1800. SOFT WATER it's cheaper than dirt. Rooms (Unfurnished) 89 room, dining room, sun parlor, fire oecorated, tiled bath.

heat, hot water. course, and Bridgewater-Rrlt ui. Buy or rent a Portasoft for as little as 13 per month. AD 3-4300. Nights PL 5- COINS, stamps, and supplies.

Full line Indian and Lincoln coins, etc. Will buy at highest prices. Daily 9-8, Sat. 9-6. John T.

Coppola Sons, 1118 South Ave. tion, heat, hot water, $100. Eves ana place, garage, completely redecorated hoi uost, 1 aauits. PL 5-6847. School, ,900.

For app't: Call RA 5-2428. weekends, call PL 6-5247. newly Installed oil heat, $180 mo. AD 2- if b8tn' 'iQnt housekeep- 1278, LI 8-4605, RA 5-1238. AUTHENTIC COLONIAL Imposing frame 2-story, 6-room colonial 3 ROOM all utilities, gas.

eleetrir. 8970 for app't. "'3' Winnies. 33-IJ65. hot water, oarage.

CH a.imi: w. di PLAINFIELD 1st 4Vi rooms, bath basem*nt space, heat, hot water, ga WATER SOFTENERS. Repairs and sales. ELECTRIC AND GAS APPLIANCES, GREEN BROOK TWP. 3-bedroom split -luyo.

Pets and Supplies 68 Rooms with Meals 93 home. Improved. Spacious grounds, 2-car barn garage, near Millstone. $18,000. rage, $115.

PL 6-0713, 8-10 P.m. level, large lot, quiet neighborhood 114 NORTH Plfd. PL 6-2997. Tucker-Bojum, Inc. Re' Insurance 172 Somerset N.

Plfd. PL 5-7361 Tn-County Multiple Listing Service PLAINFIELD, 3'2 rooms, 2nd floor, base Lease and security. 968-1030. J. R.

CHARNESKI AGENCY, INC. DUNELLEN 4 ROOMS, 2ND HEAT WILD BIRD, Feeders, Seeds, Suet Cakes "ivat th, breakfast and dinner Mnn ment, garage, ou include ru Beagle Puppies Tropical Fish AND HOT WATER SUPPLIED. $95. 4-BEDROOM 2 bath ranch. In the hills, j-jzi 1.

Realtors RA 2-O070 REFRIGERATORS, reconditioned. excellent buys; guaranteed. T. H. FULTON, 415 Park Ave.

PL 6-7900 wcctwios, SChOO teacher PL 2-1267. pre- Plainfield Pet Shop ferred. PL 6-2070. 1'3 BEAUTIFUL ACRES Plus 6-room ATTRACTIVE second floor 5 large available immediately. JOSEPH H.

VITOLO, REALTOR 129 North PL 6-6927 Eve's: Bert O'Learv. PL 6-7234 204 Watchung Ave. (opp. P.O.), PL 6-6085 3 rooms, bath, BRADLEY GARDENS utilities, $85 per month. permastone Cape Cod.

Low down pay rooms, convenient to transportation, Offices-Desk Space 99 RUGS, CARPETS NEW USED. New KA 5-228. BEAGLES (running); red Dachshund pup good location, heat, hot water. Available ment to qualified buyer. Plaster walls, hot water heat, garage, trees, brook.

Plainfield Area Multiple Listing Service pies, AKC, males, females. Reasonable. BOUND BROOK: 3 and 4 room Garden mmediately. $120. PL 6-56.

SOMERVILLE OFFICfe, centrally located i-rencntown 996-2656. pts. r-eitenv-riae ia co Mno int Bridgewater. $17,200. Williamson 8, Wil 4 ROOMS and bath, cellar, enclosed f1cn' wnines, gas heat, 2-cer garage c' school? churchS stores.

Reasonable. After 6 p.m. PL 2-5240. 2-FAMILY 3 and 4 rooms, 23" living, screen porch, modern kitchens, baths, 2 car garage, $19,900. PL 5- 5V3o.

DAVID E. RINGLE AGENCY Realtor inciirw Room Size REMNANTS PART ROLLS. Savings to 65. New 9x12, $25 up; Unclaimed used, 9x12, $19.95 up. Plainfield Rug 124 Watchung fcret.

E. Front E. 2nd Sts. PL 7-3748. Apartments (Furnished) 86 EL 6-0097.

N. PLAINFIELD Hersig Realty Corp. GOOD home for 10 yr. old collie, needed liamson, Real Estate, Meadow North Branch. RA 2-1005.

RA 5-2909 RA 5-2958 2 l'j rooms, 1st $60 Vh immeaiateiy, owner in. No charge AD 2-5617. 4 all utilities except gas. Immediate occupancy, $95. Call PL 5-8100.

NO. PLAINFIELD. 2 rooms, kitchen, bath porch, fireplace, 3rd floor, convenient, rooms, jra su neat, hnt uiAter all utilities, private, $20 wk. PL 4-8187. CHOICE OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE MOVING: Two beautiful end tables, pair of living room chairs, priced for quick sale.

PL 5-7340. 228 E. 9th PL 6-4757 or EL 6-5362. 3 LARGE ROOMS, bath, heat, hot water. TRAINED BEAGLES sold on trial Call AX 7-2665 after 8 p.m.

3Vj ROOMS, bath, heat and hot water, Art. Lavenhar, Realtor 523 Somerset St. Plainfield Area Multiple Listing Service 350 Park Scotch Plains FA 2-5800 Ceilarbrook School Brand New front ant. 431 Park Ave at Kth private, newly furnished, business cou sq. TT.

Ot modern, neui nrf TOY POODLES. ALL COLORS. Tinv (Across Tele. Co.) Phone 968-1751. pie.

968-1806. parklr9 available. Reasonable iiirie oeauiies, Internationa breed na. RUGS 9x12 oriental type, rose 9x11 gray twist stair carpeting rust twist all good condition. PL 4-7255.

CEDARBROOK ine. neart or downtown Plainfielri rn THIRD FLOOR, 4 rooms, bath. heat, hnt ATTRACTIVE 3 to 5 rooms from $115, 3 ROOMS, private bath, residential. Bus! A.K.C., stud service to white toy, 2V2 tiny little chihuahua, 8 mos. PL v.

Kea tor. 7.sonn nu water, refrigerator, adults. Nov. 1. ness couple preferred.

141 Prospect PI some air conditioned, beautifully A nrne. somerset sr. a nfiein Are. 2 split level homes. 3 bedrooms, Vh baths, rec room, and den.

l-car attached 5-6849. 414 W. 8th St. 4 -bedroom home In this most desirable There is a larae liuinn Middlesex, EL 6-0645. shrubbed areas, swimming pool.

Meadow- area ta. fviutiiMit? Listing service. brook Village, 1001 East Front Street, GOLDEN retriever, female puppy. 10 SCOTCH PLAINS, 2-room and bath effi 2-ROOM in desirable location, suit i rep i ace, formal dining room, large ultra WANTED TRUSTWORTHY PERSON TO take over 3 rooms of furniture released from storage by lending institution for balance due, $289. (Account -578).

Origi AKC, champion sire. $150. PL ciency business woman orpferahle OR 3-8100 or PL 6-5996. Frank H. Taylor Realtors-Managing Agents.

able for business person. Call PL 6-2159 FOR RENT: Professional offices, recently r.vaca,ed, by attorneys. In the heart of micnsn witn oisnwasher and 5-8896. Call 688-9689. ucti.

steam neat, 2-car oaraoe. 3 ROOMS, bath, third floor, heat, hot r-iauineia, aa scent le evrel ent nirL nA ioveiy snruooed lot. ROOMS and bath, 2nd all utilities. AD 3-3514 after 5:30 p.m. water, redecorated, central location facilities.

Please contact manager. Strand ROOMS, bath, heat, hot and cold water furnished, business couole preferred nal price S549 includes 3-pc. living room set, tables, lamp, bedroom set, budoir lamps, dinette set and 9x12 rug. Terms SIAMESE Sealpoint kittens, 9 affectionate aristocrats, trained, $15. After 5, PL 6-7865.

business couple. PL 7-5879. ineater, Hiaintield, or call Real Estate garage. Sheltered park-like lot. Only $23,900.

Irv. Velinsky, Realtor Call PL 7-8900 Anytime 43 Somerset Street Plainfield Area Multiple Listing Service 1009 W. Front PL 6-1096. ROOMS, utilities included. $110.

Lease, manager ai rs l-IOUU. 2 BEDROOM modern kitchen, small maculate both inside and out. Taxes only $23,900 J. S. Ulrich 8, John E.

Vosseller, Realtor, 108 E. 7th Plainfield. PL si 4300, Mrs. Minar. PI sio bi.u.

security required. Near RCA, Rt. 202, sj week, choice of reconditioned RE FRIGERATOR or TV. MATTHEWS FURNITURE 1ST FL. Beautiful living room with living room, modern bath, separate Somervilie.

Dial 722-0185. larae hav uinHnjus. 0 herfpMm, entrance, heat, hot water, electric sup HOMES, wanted for 6 wk. Calico kitten, female; also for snow white mother cat 4 yrs. old.

Telephone eves. Bound Brook. 469-2498. 316 W. Front St.

PL 4-0054 PROFESSIONAL OFFICE, Park Ave. suitable for 1 or 2 men, 6 rooms, effi clent modern layout, 2 entrances. Cal PL 6-1712 or PL 5-9244. kitchen and tiled bath. Front and rear DUNELLEN 4-room apt.

and garage. 112 plied. Immediate occupancy, $30 wk Adults only. Mrs. Rotola, 1000 Jackson enirances witn porcn.

win redecorate." North Ave. $75 plus month's security. FIRESCREEN; buffet; draperies, iust field Area Multiple Listing Service. COLONIAL in Mar- wo" aye. nuuiia.

rL J-4301. rL SOJA, So. Plainfield. Call in person. cieanea; mirror, gooa conaition, rea- tNCjLlSH SETTER, male, 1 yr.

old. Bus. Places for Rent 100 YOUNG WOMAN, to share lovely home with young business woman, reasonable sonable; call evenings AD 2-6635. TV TESTING EQUIPMENT. Scope, tube tester, multi-tester, fly back and con-denser tester.

$180. RA 2-3543 after 5 p.m. urepiace, a en, full dining room, porch, garage, wooded lot, handy location. Call Rockview Realty Co Martinsville. EL 6-3400.

Charles B. Clark Co. PL 5-3000 AUTO REPAIR SHOP, 32'x50' suitable for EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? for right party. 756-1719 after 6 p.m. By Blake wnn papers, nouseoroken, used to chil dren.

Call after 6:30, 968-0473. 6 ENGLISH setter pups, 8 wks. old, From good hunting stock. PL 5-3632. GERMAN SHEPHFRD diiddim oiner purposes, un Rt.

22, Somervilie. Call bet. 8-11 a.m., A 2-5368. 3Vj ROOM private bath, private entrance, all utilities, wall to wall car NORTH BRANCH AREA Permastone Cape Cod. 6 rooms, baths playroom and pet, $125.

RA 5-2298. Garages-Parking Space 102 DACHSHUND puppies, red all A.K.C., rea- COLONIALS garage in basem*nt. lVj acres, trees, brook. Only $16,700. RA 2-281 HEBREW LANGUAGE lessons on 12 records with instruction; 2 PC.

maple china closet. PL 6-0653. WASHER, Norge, wringer, auto, timer, pump; 3 way floor lamp; mahogany Drexel co*cktail table. PL 2-3663. SO.

PLAINFIELD Private 2 room apt. with bath. All utilities, parking, $90 PL 5-8905, EL 6-3045. sunaoie. it.

o-uu. After 3 p.m. BABY PARAKEETS, all colors, $1.50 and up. Talking strain. Also cages.

1210 So. Ninth So. Plainfield. 3 GARAGES near town, use as warehouse 491 CAM MANAGE 6-year-old split level In or rent maiviauaily. Call PL 6-3957.

HlllSbOrOUSh. too recirientlal FOUR BEDROOMS An Im-maculate well maintained property. 14x16 panelled ialousied porch. Attached garage. Aluminum screens and storms.

Evergreen school. 2-3 ROOMS, utilities furnished, house UL keeping, refrigerator; business people; Schools, swim club, stores within short walking distance. Large lot. 3 BEAGLES, bassets, collies, Dalmatians, Setters, Crosses. Varimie nther Irlnric MUST SELL at sacrifice, lovely 2 yr.

old Drexel mahogany buffet, at V3 cost. PL 5-0787. all transportation. 426 North Ave. Storage Space Wanted 105 provision for fourth.

Larae kitrhen Hin. up. PL 2-6197. ing room, livina room. rr rrwv, it.

WANTED to rent. Barn or storage area. Ask for Mrs. Schultz 1-2 ROOM APT- MAID SERVICE baths, laundry area, attached earaae $18,900 FIRST CLASS Beagles, sold on trial must be dry, for storaae of emotv Free parking, 2Vi blocks town. Hotel Excellent condition.

Fine in, -zoo? prereran aftr cartons, at least 2O'x50'. ground floor on Victoria, 326 Central Ave. week days, anytime weekends. Call 322-5552. 50o' owner, 359-6580.

Priced to COLONIAL, custom built bi-level. choir. l'j-ROOM efficiency utilities and TV included, 4Vj ml. west of Somervilie Fforists Nurseries 71 STORAGE SPACE Prefer dead storage, ideal for boat trailer. $6 monthly.

Call 755-5985. circle. RA 2-5130. Bridgewater area, a marim rnnn. DESPERATE Watchung Home fit for a King, Vacant, 5 or 6 bedrooms, 3 baths, den, acres, hot water heat, brick, iust 2'a years old.

Owner will listen to any reasonable offer. Former price $59,500. View this home today. and 8 YARETIES potted ivy and other hardy plans Barofiin. pioshay, 233 Johnston EFFICIENCY full housekeeping.

2'a baths, 2-car garage, superior workmanship throuahout. S74.onn Private entrance, private bath. PL 7 0400. Williamson, Real Estate. Mearin on North Branch.

RA 2-1005. FINE HOME FURNISHINGS at a fraction of the cost. Modern TV-radio-phono (perfect), $J5; 2 more 21" TV sets, $50 and S60 (one remote control); dining room sets from $25; new rugs, 5'x5 6'x9', 9x12', $5, $8, $12; lamps; secretary; glassware; new swivel TV chairs; beds, from $18, complete; refrigerators, $25, $30; old hand wrought torch type wall fixtures (must be seen), $15; modern light fixtures, 50c; sofas; chairs; knick-knacks; pictures, frames; fans; mirrors; heaters; antique furniture; hall tables; kitchen wall cabinets; andirons; thousands of other items bought and sold, N.J. licensed dealer. Coopers, 115 Madi-son 753-7495.

DISHES, $7 set; electric cari opener, never used, $10; girl's 20" bicycle, $10; tricycle, folding chairs, $1 Plants Seeds-Bulbs 72 MIDDLESEX, kitchen and bedroom for woman, near bus and shopping center. Ask for Mr. Thiel $48,500 NOW IS THE TIME to plant harriu SI week. Call EL 6-4174. Hpn mtime "Antimn' Stores for Rent 111 STORES: (2) completely renovated 1200 sq.

ft. Ideal location for sandwich shop and bakery. New Brunswick. CH 9-3800. BOUND BROOK.

100 location, air PPrx- 25x100, full basem*nt, suitable for Kiddie Shop, lirtens and domestics, iewelry, auto supplies, etc. Call Klompus, EL 6-0940. Today's Best Buys! $20,700 Make your selection frnm war Af Ann choice field grown plants including deco- Fresh white 3-bedroom Colonial aiivca, pompons, cusnions, spoons, buttons, and recent All-American award $600 DOWN is all that Is needed by a Qualified Buyer for this seven room Colonial. Located In the Evergreen School Area. It has 1'; baths and a two car garage.

Price reduced and owners open to offers. Immediate occupancy available. 2-room main floor Air-conditioned, '2 block town Mrs. Oates, 13 Grove N. P.

WESTFIELD 6 rooms, centrally located, separate entrance, all utilities. AD 2-8393, eve's PL 5-7346. winners, at the F. D. Hensler Nurserv.

Woodland Green Village. N.J. of Fanwood's most beautiful tree-lined streets. Vestibule, living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen with large breakfast room; basem*nt recreation room; garage. Priced to sell quickly at $20,700.

swings, mngle gym, $10. AD 5-5232 Soil, Stone, Sand, Fertilizer 73 UKArtb like brand new. For picture LIGHT housekeeping room, private bath, -private entrance. Must have car, park-ing free, convenient location. HO 9-2861.

Ask for Mr. Bradley $16,500 $22,250 windows. Grey with green leaves Lamps, also. PL 6-6881. SMALL building, 540 New rviarket Rd New Market, next to Lehigh Valley R.R.


HUNGERFORD. Texas-bound owner must cart with til. EXTRA FINE, top soil, stone free. Pick up or deliver. CR 3-6078.

FARMLAND top soil, free of stone, de-livered. Lou Rotnberg, PL 5-2024. sparkling 3-bedroom Split Level only 4 I tAM BOILER, 1950, 40 h.p. Superior, 2 BOUND BROOK, 55 Talmadge 3 rooms, bath, $65 pay own utilities, private entrance. Immediate occupancy.

RA 2-2574. pass, complete oil burner and valves yrs. young. Conveniently located In Fan-wood, near stores and transportation. "STATELY" Center Hall, 4 bedrooms, 2 bath home living room, dining room, den, sun porch and open porch on 1st fl.

Beautiful 180 299 irregular plot 2 car garage A fine family home. $750. Greenbrook Bottling 25 Green Excellent condition Inside and mt. im proox No. Plainfield, PL 6-0945.

EXCELLENT TOP SOIL; river gravel for Sub base, fill dirt, unlimited lim mediate possession. $24,900 ply; delivered, reasonable. Sisco Excavat- TABLE SAW, dadoes and table, 3 4 h.p., $80. PL extensions, 6-4161. Apartments (Unfurnished) 87 3' 2 ROOMS, 1st path, heat, hot water, porch, convenient location, $100.

PL 7- 2064. Need 5 bedrooms? Gracious older home looking for an active familvi Oil hot water Ask for Mr. Wodrich $32,900 ing, FO 9-5391 or FO 9-7971. FINE TOP-SOIL PL 5-1432 Call 968-2117 STORE, suitable for beauty parlor, 500 sq. n.

of working area, lounge, nicely fixtured, ample parking, $150 mo. Sam Siegel, Broker, ISO Park PL 6-5050. DUNELLEN Large, near main intersection, bus stop. Suitable numerous enterprises. Long lease if desired.

PL 6-3524. heat; first floor lavatory and laundry; finished room on third floor. Deep wooded GAS DRYER, Kenmore de luxe, 3 4 drying time settings; sofa, modern J-pc-' semi-circular, Naughahide, seats a adults, both like new, priced for quick sale. After 4, Ml 7-2928. i i mr 10-3 NORTH PLAINF I ELD Excellent location, 6 rooms, bath, $140.

The Molter Agency, PL 6-3000. Rummage Sales 78 Charles B. Clark Co. REALTORS PL 5-3000 ftArS 5, 10, 20, 30, 100 gals, at retail price. PL 6-2945 aft- ioi; garage.

Throw away the car keys walking distance to everythingl H. Clay Friedrichs, Inc. Realtors 256 South Fenwood FA 2 7700 233 North Westfield AD 3-0065 NO. PLAINFIELD: 4 rooms and bath. AQUARIUMS, less than 2 6 p.m.

RUMMAGE SALE BUYER When your sale is finished call 3(177 (g) King Fcaturw Svndicite. 197." World rights STORE, Watchung opp. Post Office. PL 6-6085. 740 FOURTH Plainfield, 13'x26', $40 month.

Call HO 9-1399. secona tioor. Business couple. Call P'. 4-3770.

1026 South Plainfeld Opp. Netherwood Station Area Multiple Listing Service.

The Courier-News from Bridgewater, New Jersey (2024)
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Name: Jonah Leffler

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