4 1 0 0 0 00 THE WESTERN MORNING NEWS, TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1901. Stock 100 London and A W. Perp 4 pc (249 132) stork 100 Lancion and W. 34 p. Pref.
(110 113) 81 Stock 100 Midland Cuns 24 (80 85) 50; North British 4 p. Pref. Stock 100 North- Eastern Pref. 4 (120 132) 920) 31 Stock 100 South Eastera Coda, 49 Pref (140 14) 140, INDIAN RAILWAYS THE MINING MARKET. SOUTH AFRICANS QUIET BUT FIRMER.
(SPECIAL REPORT, -BY PRIVATE WIRE1 LONDON, Monday Evening. Stock 100 Bombay, Parada, (182 187) 185 The South African Market was alightly strengthenedt by Stock 100 Burma Indian ity. Cit Ann B. (101 (27 23) 103; the flea peace cegotiations are being resumed. hat 104) Stack Stock 100 100 E.
Indian Ety Spe (34 there is that, -lightest indication of any increased dispoBengal Pentosula (21 22 14 24 15 sition for buxiness, and the markes was in almost as stag. Eastern IN Ann, 1557. 20) 1-16 Ago Great Indian Stock 1189; lodiao Midland (104 139 108) 1052. 137 nans a condition as on Saturday. Raud Mines hardened Stock Rohilkund and Deb (93 97) 56 1:16.
and Gedalds and oute or two more show similar move. Koran (134 sd) Nizam's Nuam's Gua. Stale Eys. lEgs. g.
(92 95) 93 mitt. Diamonds were best market, De Beers and State De Murt, RAILWAYS- BRITISH POSSESSIONS Prank Smith advancing 1.16, and Jagers Goldfields Stock 100 Canadian Pacite 4 Noo-Cm. (102 104) 102: 54 1 Deferred, after being rather better, are unchanged, but 100 Canadian Pacine4 De 0110 (0014 112 111 1014 104 98 Lagle- French gained 1.16. Stock 100 Grand Trunk 4 W.5 Perp Cons (127 130) 105g) 1291 Rbolesians were again. very quiet, and Chartereds still Stock 100 Grand Trunk pe SHARES.
abow no movement. tuzlo-French Matabele put on 1-16, AMERICAN RAILROAD STOCES (3, AND 4) 34 anti Rhodesia Exploration but Consolidated Belingwe £10 Atalama. Alabama, Sew New Orleaus, Orleans. 048 ood Antonoirs are the former fraction lower. A $100 510 Topeka, 5 pe No-Cm (105 107) 1055 6 99 64 a In the West African Market there was little doing except Kaltimor: and Obio 4 el (56 59) 95 in the Tarbutt group, which, however, a very strong 9100 Chicago la W.
Com (23 201 24 83 3, 4 tone. Recently some liberties have been taken with the 450 Chicago Cleveland G. W. 5 Pittabora. peA.
7 (82 85) 100) sharce of this group, and on support being forthooming pe 55 quite a Lear scrateble costed. Gold Coast $100 Norfolk and Western Common 41 1 6 have relapeed 15, but Wassaus were freely bid for, and 800 Reading Reading Co. Ist Pref Frat 15-16, while Gold Coast advanced and Gold Coast 8100 840 l'olva Pacide 4 Noo-Cum Pref (30 95) rose Levels and Aboutiakoous moved up but F'anti Co. and pc GOLD Deep Alabama Midisad (105 110) 103 Consols are back and it A looks as if the "bears of these will Mines were bid up another Baltimore and Olio 4 pe Gold Stort (101 1261 1 to be 14 rather premium, badly squeezed. Ashanti Goldfields (also Denver and Rio Grande 4 (105 105) 106 advanced and Adolessas and West African Hinterlauds Erie Louisville Add.
let and Cane Saabrille Gen. Mort. 100 (117 123) 102) 119) 1014 cluse A better, but Tete Concessions gave way 1 and Adansis Louisville and Saabrille C'nided (104 105) 106, 14, Ashanti Mines closing worse. Nortolk Western 4 (102 104) 105 Although prices are fairly maintained in the Nortbern Pacite Prior Lien 006 :03) 1064 Australian Market, the blighting influences of the Londop STERLING and Globe Group affair are still acutely felt, and business New cal Orleans A Dbs. (72 74) 95) 72l continues almost at a standstill.
The liquidators' report of Mexican Mexican National is (28 30) 231 the Landon and Globe is better than the market had es. Stare Pant. FOREIGS RAILWATS. pested, but bad is the best. Its assets include such items Stock 100 Arzentine W.
Ord. 101) 100 89 £250.000 Le Boi No. 2 and £300,000 Nickel Corporation. 20 20 Rahia and San Francisco (16, 174) 17, 3-16 la addition to the secured croditors there are unsecured Stock Stock 100 D. Agres and Pae.
4 pc (101 10 menced creditors against over various parties. Now that all the bargains 100 B. Agres Great Stha. Frt. (120 163) 127 for a million.
Actions bave been com10 10 B. B. Agree Astes W. W. Ry.
Ry. Ord Def (20 (9; 93) 84 10 3 15 2 bave been straightened out, the British America CorporaStock 100 Cen. ASTea Uruguay Rly. Nah. 4 pc Perm.
Deb 194 96) 1.5; 30 103; directors consenting to the appointment of a committee of 100 R. W. (203 tion abarehollers have agreed to voluntary liquidation, the Stock 100 Cen. Uruguay Ry. Ord (63 65) 6410 investigation.
The creditors, bowever, abew no sign of 100 100 Cen. Uruguay Es. Weat 81) withdrawing their petition for compulsory liquidation, 100 Cordoba Central pc 77 79 and the Bret petitionera, Mesers. and A. Paull.
10 10 Costa Rica Itall (34 33) 32 9:15 are supported br Dr. Richardson. the official assignee of 10 10 10 10 Cobas Central Central Ord (5. 00, 11, 04)6, 102 1-16 the London Stock Exchange, and by the committee of the 100 100 Culiao Cuban Ceotral 55 4: p.c 190 1611 100g various firms who have defaulted owing to the failure of 20 20 Westero of Brazil (11, 12, the Londou and Globe Corporation. The claims of these Stock 1.0 Great Western of Brazil 6 (103 105) $7 104: brokers against the British America Corporation probably stock IC0 Leopoldins Ely 4 (to 87) 64.
amount to half a million sterling. Lake Views aud Great 100 100 Manila RI: 6 Rio (55 57) 55 13 4 Fingalts rose 1-16 and Peak Hills gained a. hut Acociated 20 10 20 10 Minna and By Paulo Co. ahis (23, 13) 24)) 251 Northern Blocks gave way 3.16 and Golden Horseshoes and Ilia Claro 500 By. BANES Boulder Mainreets A.
Great Boulders and Chatters abed 6, 40 Rank Bank of of Africa Australasia (79 (11, 81) 79 112 New Zealands were neglected and Indians 110) bd. were vere 25 :2, Blank of Earpt quiot, the only changes being a gain of 1.10 in A ysores 10 Hank of Tarapaca Argentina (4) 5 1-16 and declinca of 3d. in Nine Reefs and Kadurs. 50 Capital and Counties Bank (33 Coppers, after an carly show of firmness, weakened 20 20 Chartered Bank of of India. de (11 37 8 owing to the increase in the stock of the metal, and Rio 20 15 and shanghai (80 62) 605 2 Tintos finish with a net loss of do while Chillagoes gave International Bank 12) 12 8125 50 8 Lloyds Bank (32 45) 326 way 1.16.
Hongkong 20 London and County Ranking Co (105 107) in the Miscellancons Market, Rossland fell another A. 20 London and Routh-Western (71, 724) 72 14 but Ymira on the circular issued on Saturday, close as 20 and Westminster (65 67) 662 much bigher, and Strattons gained 1.16, and British 124 Loadon City and Midland 504) 50 Broken Hill Props. and Day Dawn P.C. are 6d. better 15 London Stock Bank.
(36 360 bat Sulphide Corporation shew a loss of similar extent. Joint 37) 60 101 12 Nasional Prev. of England England (62 63) 544) 621 The fallowing are the closing prices, with 75 National Prov. Ek. of (53, the changes on 101 20 Parr's Bani; (64 55) tho day standard Rank of Anoth Africa (74 75) 74 SOUTH AFRICAN.
Untou Bank of Australis (55, 395) 381 100 15; Unico Bank BREWERIES of Landon AND DISTILLERIES 391 1 8g frieca Closing 4 Closing Prices SE Stock 100 Altaopp Len. Sons 7 Co. Onl. (90 102) 100) 5 Deep City of Brew. Deb (110 (152 157) 156 5 48 Angelo Deep Doo? Gold Stock 100 Ind.
Coope, Co. 43 pc 4 25 17 fian Brew. Co. Ord. (25 79) 4 Aurora W.
Stock 100 Style and Winch 4 pc 1st Mort (97 98) 74 100 25. CANALS AND DOCKS. Canal (123 124 Mama Host Stock 100 London Firminghans and India Pref. Ord. (75 73) 127) 78 Consol Stock 100 71 Central Nigel Do and Oast.
Stock 100 London and todia Def. Ord (214 22,) Ceasi a Da Madder, Stock 100 London and lodia A Pref. (10. 105) d'U2 Stock 100 London and lodis 8 Pt 90) Chimes Stock 100 London and India A Deb (93 95) and Nigel Deep Stock 100 London aud India Spe (85 87) Stock 100 Loodon and India 3 peC. (77 79) Da Levels 1.5001.500 sacz Canal Original shares 150) Deep Central 100 Surrey Commercial Da.
(125 125) 1244E COMMERCIAL. INDUSTBIAL, de. Crests, New Kandfoatela Escala Schannis 5 (71 81) 84 10 10 Apollinaris Stock 100 Boras Cons, Ta 45 (103 105) Da I Alous Rritish Ten de Ord (24 2) 84) 21. Itood pt Stand Victoria Bucknall and Sets Ord 5)) 5 5 9:16 Da Desp, City and West End Prop. Si pc 140 51) 4 15-15 5 A Eastitand Ci 1 Coats Ond 3, 3d) 35 Do.
Robinso Cen, Da Stack Stock 100 100 Coats Cook 4 20 pe let Non Cum. Cod. Pret. Ord (102 (450 104) 470) 451 102 1 Etoo tield. Lociarao and Son, urd (999) 9g 01-16 9 yo.
Dad usay uh 5 Cory and Son, 5 Cam. (6 1-16 Fo. si 2 Cory 100 Dickinson and Co. (105 110) Freeca dand Stock Ord t'rop 10 10 Gordun Gordon Hotels Hotels pe (15, (15, 33 175) 13, 174 Ge drabuis 100 100 Grand liotel Nitrate 4 (101 106) 101 2 us ita. 6th.
Ho. 3a 10 10 Lever Brue. 5 (11 114) 11 $-16 Heap Lagunas Co. 2)) 22 5 Linotype Ord Pref. Urd.
(44 51) tadsvaal Gold. Las99 Fanta Lipton (18 14 ad) 1 11-16 88 God, New Treasary. Lyons and Co. Ord (45 61) 6 13-15 8 37 Lima op, Van ago Staple and Co. Ord 2: 2 11:16 100 New Tamaruzal Nitrate6 (78 82) 80; Caps 5 Nobel Dynamite Tat.
(16; 17y) Vorau. 10 Pears 6 Patent Candle 30) 1291 124 Jus Jubiles pars 16 Price's Jantiro 20) 36 Deep West 25 25 Rio Rio de de City 5 Imprt. (19 Jupiter 100 100 de Jabeiro 97. Cos Russian Petroleum Ct 5 San Sebastian 011202 10 Asvoy Motel Ord (10 12) Central 218 10 10 Splera Apters and and Pond Poud pe Cam Pref (10 014 10;) 129 10: LAND, calar. 106 FINANCE, 116 AND Joudsute we aunt EXPLORATION.
10 12 100 Vigolia Whiteley Ca. 5 Fret (4, 071000 5343 Pr Explor. Lynda by Bat, Com Stock 99 Willaps Ord (10 11) 19F 95 "New 5 5 and 6 (61 60) 0 9-15 7.16 barusto Coca. Nowstero Share Paid MISCELLANEOUS. Upas Buenos Hart, Works pc (85 (03 107) 1062 7 6 pa Fret.
Bang British S. Africa Co 5 Cons Ont 85 85 Aires 4 Trust 87) 550 Entate 110 A Tran 100 100 Government (104 105) 104g Africa 10 2 Co. of tbe River Plate (33,) 3-16 Head ava Tr, Coal Crass 10 10 Mortgage 5 Cum. Pref. 01 11 g) 11 hrsburg Can.
Lad 1 Pekio Syndicate Ded. (64 73) 78 Con Traas Stock 100 Peruvian Corp. (16) 191) 19: matry undead 100 Peruvian pe (78, 791) 791 9. Weigedaan. 10 10 Tel.
Trust (91 100) 101-16 915-16 RHODESIANS. 10 Globe Govt. Tel, Gen. and lovest. Trust 4 6 (75 (142 15)) ad) 149 15 Anglo- Dev.
stock 100 100 Tat. 4 81 90 78: Gold Stock International (86 101) 81 Beatrice Matabele C. Stock 100 London and Prov. Trust Ord (50 60) 554 Matabele alias. Stock 100 Leaden and Per.
Tst. 44 cCm (83 93) Tradiaz Matabele 10 10 City of London Elec, 1.t. Ord 81 Seize Shares Morten 10 10 City of London Elee. 14. 6 pc Gold Nelly Fioarer Stock 100 City of London Elec.
L. 5 0122 tan) Brit. 5. African 03 Onda Kaplar. Ord 100 City of Loud Elec.
IL. pe 0101 105) Bulawayo Spot. C. C. 18.
Stock 100 Gas Light and co*ke OnL (35 97) Chip Liberter Caiss Rhodesia, Lim. stock 100 South Metropolitan Gas Ord (125 1250) 7 Claris Cons. Khoi. M. sad 20 44s Alliance Assurance (2, 91) 9.
lice tamiltao 4 British and Foreign Marine Ina. (174 18,) 172 Con. Betat we Gold 10 2 Employers' Lability Assurance (5 34 ad) Ca. Ex. 4 Tati Concessions.
15 2 London Indemnity Guarantee Ord (11 (11: 112) 11, 112 Eagle vanda Mutual Marine Uaid United 10 10 Pease and Partners Ord (164 0174 Rhodess Wanderer 0100 $100 U'nited Statea Steel Corp. Com. (51, 35 4 4 3 4. Gold White's 034 $100 8100 United States Steel Carp. 7 pe (100 1010 1022 1 2 3 Clobrand bry Com.
1 1 Vickera, Sons, de. Ord 42) 42 9-16 11-16 Slate bind Zara Stock 100 Vickere, Sons, de 4 pc st Aft (104 106) 1052 Grands Cons 100 De Beers 5 (105 10.) 1074 Rio Tinto 4 (100 103) 101; WEST AFRICANS. 10 20 10 China Cunard Matnal Steam Nav. 6 11 13; A 10rpd 1 Faati Cons IC. 20 Steamship A compel Da la.
Stock 100 Penin. Orien. Stra. Nav. pc 107) 105 Adana 10 10 U'nion-Castle Mail St Or.
(10) 011 3d) 11 African Eat, Do, Asbu 5 5 National Telephone Ord. 84 A Spod. Da Amal Stock 100 National Telephone 3, 90) 89 pl Do. Do stock 10 100 10 British National Electric Telephone Traction 4 Ord. (95 (14, 98) 154) 56 0154 15 a Artelcaia Con.
Fda Prop 100 100 Loodon Gen. Omnibus Co4 (101 105) 101 A LA 10-pd. Himao G4. Iteta W. A 3 8 North Metropolitan Tramways (5, 61) 54 Do.
Da Pars Kumasd Da 0dCal LirA, Asht W. A. THOMAS MARTIN AND SON, 6pd N. Castled. Gold.
Ang Betwi and SPECIAL. DEALINGS IN WEST OP ESCLAND and Trau INVESTMENTS Burto Timpah TELEGRAPHIO ADDRESS- MARTIN, d. Comes 100 Taga, Void U. and A Mining basso BinG W. Adrica 10-al Wassao Gd.
M. Paid AME. Last Present Claude's Asb Warn 10-pJ Shares De per Price Del W.4.04 Tat. 15 paid 10 Bristol Brewery, Com any, Georges and Amos. Financial AUSTRALIAN 26 AND Kalgoceli NEW Mias ZEALAND.
10 Lol, Alines Blocks Kal Kalgurti North Da. On Do. Northa, 3 3 Capital Commercial and Bank A. Isco. 60 till, 1162 36.
A Kauri algurii South Cr, Led. V. la 83 25 89. Loch. 103 615 Cornish Bank, Limited Bet.
Dundee p. ageason 5808 Devou Devon Cornish and Hotel Coro Ecaser, Ca. Fall Bank. Rougerion: Lad 22 Gen Late and View View ula South Hetel Co, Bra. W.
A Lia da. Ordinary W. Bra4 Da. Invest a De reapors, das Ca. Man 44 London dry 100 ah do.
Onliaary Brookman Mills Menzies D. Crtingo 10 Ereter Arcade Com sold Eries Me 10. 20 Stock Exeter Corporation Burbanks das 30 Esater Gas Co, Pret and W. Bald Morgan 1) da Chaffere, is abars Stock Exeter Market Boo'ts Frp 30. Boulder 104.
81gok Great Western Crests Mock A sol Co, Dava Paringa, W. A mociated 415 10 do Prate 12 Merch, 10s ah. do Florence 144 IL Lloyds Bank, Limited Lad. Fraser St Ecte. Progress 100 Lloyd and Vorata, G.
da Golden Link Can. of 10 da. dr MEL10 Standard Exor. 06 Stock: Landon and a. W.
Railway, Tatapa Est. Stock Midland Pref. Coar. Ord. Cons.
Block do Dat. da. Ct boulder Waiti Millbay Hasp Company, Fisgal Corp. Nadonal da. Coal, Hainaut Wathi Grand Man gl.
100 Plymouth Breweries 10 do uroga A. do. Ordinary Prep W. A. 2 Brock Plymouth Corpon tian W.
AL. 10 Dept. a W. Jae. Or.
Star Fingali Stock Gas to 64. Peach 10 de Additiensi £5 Da do New Shares Act, 1379 I rashos S. Ect. 61oct Firmouth Bedratb Brewery Cemetery Debeature Company AMERICAN AND MISCELLANEOUS. 10 do.
Ordinary 12 ch ab da Ontloary Alaska Rytands, Sons, saconda 25dr. Lyell do. A Copper Spiller Bakara, ghat al sore, do. Ord BaL. Amer.
Corp My Mya 15s 10 0 St. a Well Brew. Det Col. Dov. Ass Mysoro sore itfs.
00 05 10 do. Pret. Burma Ituby 106p 100. de. Ord.
Copper Fu. 110 Stock Starker. and and Date Copper 22 Stock do. Dat N. seids of 8.
0. 10 do. Prat, It. an Nickel Corp C5an. do, Orl po Nimrod aye.
10 Targaay Hotel Compass, Pref. Coromandel. Nice icefa 10 da Ord. Lamar Stock Waddle Davenport, Dad. 101 164 do.
Prat. Duncan SO Wile and Dorset Baa's Lad 60 0 Tinto, Enterprise 22 ah. Road Block 1 alad O. W. A FREE VETERINARY BOOK.
Cen. Mining Sad Albino Pref. We bare just econ a copy of the useful little Veterinary 9. pl Jola del Res Book which is being sent free of charge by the Te Salphide Corp 5.C. proprietors This book Candy's contains Goswell-road, from London, Kooteaaz ab Fatima A of Fled, of 16, Desis for instructions eminent Du.
Na 2 da Veterinary Surgeons the treatment and cure of ail- tad meats and accidents affectang Horses, Dogs, Cats. Linares 5.3 Velvets. Poultry, Castle, and Birds. L. and C.
ands dis mi? Whitewater Gald Condre Flind is a Magical Cure for suffering animals, Montana, pi. bas nearly bad ball an enormous and as a cold Veterinary all remedy for The Companies marked with an asterisk in sale a century, is by Che and the above list Stores at 1s. per bottle. We strongly recommend all are dividend pagers. Owners of Animale to write for this Veterinary Book to Conde, 16, Goswell-read, London.
No charge for book have The resolved directors of the declare Golden interim Horseshoe dividend Estates Co. Limited), or payable on the 10th July to shareholders registered on the 27th to an of 64. per share, Jane. Rain has fallen there generally indications throughout the province of Stratton' In dependence. Shipment, May 215 tons, Manitoba, and are that more will fall, averaging loz.
1 gold, vaine £1,500 May 27th, 215 in which case farmers state that a good crop is aneured, toss. averaging loz. gald, value, £1.250. THE AMERICAN MARKETS ACTIVE AND HIGHER. (REUTER'S TELEGRAM 1.
NEW YORK, Monday Ereeing. The Stock Market opened strong, but the early strength invited beery profit-taking by last weeke professional buyers, causing sharp reactions. Operations for the rise were then reaewed very large sale, especially 10 Western and West Railroads. which advanced. Rumours the scope of the Pacific agree.
and plans of great financial powers to foment renewal of speculation wete enculated all day. The market at the close was irregular. Government Bouds were steady and Railroad Bonds sarong. Atelson Shares advanced 2. Aschicon Ballimore Shares, and Southern Shares Atebison Adjustment and Wabush Pref.
B. Canadian- Pacific, Erie Fins New York Onteno. Pennegivania Shares, and Balumore Pref. i. Milwaukee Common 2g.
Union Pacific Shares 3. Erie Shares 1. Denver Common and Denver Pref Louisvillo Kanens Shares Kanses Second Mort. gage 14. Missouri Pecte 4.
"Nortolk Common and Southern Pred J. and Read Shares, Reading First and Southern Pacific 3g. North- Western Ordinary declined 1, and Union Prei Money steady, Sterung Exchange cony, Commercial Bars A higher. Cotton declined on expected beaver receipts, and more favourable private crop advices, but closed steady: spot quiet Cotton oil firm. with prices verbangod.
Petrolrum. redned dull. Lard, cash steads. Wheat declined. ewing to rains 10 the North- West, but adranced later.
00 reports of crop damage in Kansas, and closed strong. Flour firm. Corn advanced on light and small North- Western receints, but reacted on generally bearish and closed steady: spot steade. Sugar barely steady, without quotable change. Cofce has been depressed by foreign selling and large receipts at Brazilian points ports, fall.
and closed quiel: spot doll. Tin easier, at 25 Iron easy. Copper quiet. May 31 June June 3 0.5. Passed Lain Be 11.59 Waters Union Telegraph Atebicon, Topeka, Ragta Pe 8hrs Do.
New 4 pa. Gap. Mort. 1059 Da Fret. Shares.
4 pr. Baltimore and Da Poet. Canadian Pacino 105 Central of New Jersey Chicago North. Western Da Coat. Chicago, Ali waukee 5t.
Paul. Do. Pect. Denver Rio Grand Da Prat. Erie Railroad Shares Da Fret.
Da General Lien Bonds Central Louisville and Nasarille. Alichigan Ceatral Missouri, Kansas acd Teras Do 2nd More 4 Gid. Mia Missouri Pacido New York Lent. and River New York, Ontario, and Western horiberu Pacine Common 100 bid Do. Norfolk and Western Common Da Pref Philadelphis and Beading Do.
Lat Pret. Do 4 pe Morteage Bonds Goutbero way Shares Do. o. Southern Pacido L'atop Pacino Da Wabaeh, St. Louis, sad Pacido Com Do.
Pref 60 ver Commercial Bars Cotton, Day' a Ausa porta Lia da Golf ports 6001 Da Do, Exporta do. La Greas Britain 2.000 Continent. Do. Putares, (Juno deli vi Jaly July de. (Aug deliri 35 sept Hit 11a.
Ming, Uplands N. Y. Va. do at Near Orteaos 13, Petroleum Rat in camas. 7.90 Do.
Stan. White ac N. 6.90 Do. do at 6.63 683 Do. Credit 1.05 1.05 1.
J5 Turpentine, Spirits of 845 Western 8 45 Prima City Fias Kedeing Do. Centrifugal Core, New Western Do. Futures. Judsi July July Da. Sept pt Sept Wheat, Spring No.
1 La Med Winter, Er Goi Da July Ja's Do Sept pt Callee, Rio, No No. 1. Low Ord. De 1 July Do da. sep Spring, Wheat Clears 2.10 Tree No.
2. Non here, Foundry 155) Tin Straits 2425 28,00 Copper on Accel Itails 3 Freight tr Grain Steamer to 11 Da. to Landon per busted Da for to Liverpool Chicago Wheat July July July Jaly July Do. Cora a EXCHANCE Call Money, Cablo Exchange 1 do raasters London Paris, Sterlia 60 60 days Two daja. 160 askol THE METAL MARKET.
-The weekly shipments from New York and Capper. more were advised by cable as 1,007 tone. The reanit of the fortnightly stocktaking in Liverpool sad Swansea WAS An ime crease of 928 tons, which has apparently exercised a de. pressing inflance on the market, opening transactions shewing a drop of ta 3d. Despite that reduction, the demand remained within narrow compass, sales being only abont 250 tous, and raines at the chase of the frat session registered fully 7s 61 loss.
Cash sold st £49 2a 6d, mid 200 5s, and three months £69 152, The resnit of the statistics published in the afternoon, which was already anticipated to the morning. had no further effect on valves, which tes remained well maintained, 350 although dealings comprised varranta Total turnover, tons cash. at £60 Sa: three months end the end of August, £80 158 settlement price, £60 24 6J. The monthly figures shew a decrease of 304 tons against an increase on May 15ch of 480 tons. Messro.
H. R. Merton and Co. (Limited) 16.700 give the total supplies for May tons 48 22,600 year tops, against 22.813 tons a azainat month ago, 25,240 last tons. 17.146 and tons respectively, making stocks in England and France 22,406 tons, against which 22,010 and 22,354 tons.
The tons visible supply totals 27,251 toon, compares with 27.555 a month and 20.204 tons last year. May, Chili charters, totalled 2,100 tons, The deliveries do not include 100 tons shipped to America. Tin was rather quiet, only a moderate business being pot through on first 'Chance, Mingapuro c.i.t.. London, was caster. being reported round abont £123 Sm, but otherwise no special feature affected this market.
The support was rather poor, more particularly for forward tin, which Inst whereas a demand prevailed enah stuffs. these being readily ateorbed by prominent bolts and their valse, after giving way 151. recovered half the Sales aboat 300 tons cash, £120 to £120 2a ad the end of the month, £129 108 the same, sellers oution to double, £127 158 to 5128 and buyers option to double. £131 end of August, £128 and three months, £127 153 to £127 108. The afternoon session was dat.
and prices gave way steadily on realisations by tired the close heing weak at decline of 22s ed for cash and 378 6d forward. Cash and near maturities went st £129 24 6d to £128 12s 6d early June, sellers option to double. 2128 5a: end of June, sellers option to double, £127 108 August and three months, 0127 158 to £126 128 64. Total sales, 500 tons sotticment price, £129 5s English ingota, £132 to £133. Pig iron dull but steady.
hematite, Scut 576 prices, Seuted, 7jd Cleveland, 45s 64 91. Lead 60. golet, Spanish, £12 63 31 to £1276 6d: English, £12 178 Spelter dull, 0.0.8., £17 12 6d valse: spoctal brands, £18 2 6d, Tinplates Arm, 15 1jd f.o.h. Wales, for 1.C. a.
Zine sheets steady as £22 fo.b, Stettin for Silesian, and £22 Antwerp. Yesterday. Friday. Stad. Three Copper Price Months 438 15 9 69 18 07p 1 ngilab Tough Best Selected 10 Strong Sheets 90000 70 Tin.
Fine Foreign, Months Cash 127 128 17 0 120 3 00 128 12 17 6 130 7 Taree 129 2 Vooficial closing quotations, -Tin ingots, £133 108. Lead -Spanish, £12 68 34 English, £18 £12 17s od. Spatterbelgian, £17 12 10. 6d: Silesian, a. 6d Zinc- Silesian £22 0s V.M.
£22 ANNOUNCEMENTS TO-DAY. Theatre Charley's at 7.30. New Palace Theatre. -Gritin and Dubois, Paul Langtry, Trim, and Variety Company at 7.30. Metropole Shadows Greas to aid of Albion Record Presentation Food.
at 7.30. Pier Pavilion -The Scotch Ladles' Orchestra, Mias Marie Beauton, and Mr Prank Wileon at 3.15 and 8. St. dame's Mrs. Victor Andre, the European Mia tase, and Company.
at 8. W. Mar.be the Comet of Deven to So at 10.30; to Love To-morrow. Saltash and Dietrict Strambial Company Circular Trip at 10.50. to the Break ester to land st 10.30.
to the River Yealo at 3. Four Rivera Trip at Steamboat Company -Your Rivera Trip at 2.50 Oresten and Turochapel Steamboat Company. Livers Trip Wesleyan to Bazaar. the Weir Compton Head -Opening at 2.30. Service at 3.15.
St. Augustine's Courch. -Sale of Work at the Blind tretito tien. North bill, on Tuesday and Wednenday. Harris and Galleries.
George-street. -Spring Exhibi ton el Pictures by Mr. R. H. Carter and other artists.
Newton Coaching Compony -Daily Trips ofer the best parts et Dartwoor, leaving Newton Station Dartmour Coaching at -Heller and Lee's Cape basca ltare Borer Station 10.15 and 12.20 daily. FUTURE ENGAGEMENTS. Theatre Royal -Neat Monday, "The Mikado." by the Three Torte Amateur Operatic Society. Metropole Theatre. -Nest week, the Foot el Abe Agricoltoral Amociatica.
-Show at Yealmpton 65 June 5th Welcome Bose to the Active Service Contingent of the 2ad Devon Voianteer Battaling ca June 10th. Bath abd West and Southern Counties Society. -Meeting In the Western Law Court. Guildhall, at 3.30 co Friday. Royal Cornwall Agricultural Bedmis en June 12th and 13th.
St. Austell Sporte. -Grand Cycle Races. Horse Jomping. is the Bocky Park on Feast June Stb.
Church of England Waite and Strays Society -Opening of the Truro Home for Bore, Belstoo. TeCamellord Jobice Cattle Fair and Hoove Show on Friday, June excomico troice De vanport Water Company -Annual General Meeting el Stockholders OD Thureday, June 20th. Wesleyan Methodist Adult Bible Class. -Steamer Excurmoo to the Breakwater and Cawsand and the Weir Head To- morrow. Teal Sbow, Wednesday.
-Cooper'e Char leave the Garden street News no 10.15. Agricultural -Exhibition cu July 23tt. Excursions per Duke and duch*ess of Dercaabire. Wedareday, Dulce, to Ex leaving 10.50. Palgates afternoon.
to Dartmouth, leaving 8.15. Torquay 4.30. Brutam 5. Duchasa, to Targasy and leaving Ermouth 11. Teigamoota 11.
to Sidmouth, inving Torquag 2.45. Paigatoo 3, Eamouth 4.30. THE EULOGY OF HORLICE'S MALTED MILE. -Tale product contains all the in predicate which are most necessary for tbe sustenance of human lite in their proper proportions. does not any free starch, cane the sugar, animal pepsie.
or vegetable fate, but is a with combination those of nutritive pasteurised elements af barley and wheat food of pure dairy mik. it in complete cooked their highest value for who are deprived at where a mother's milk, to all Burring mothers, and tn any food is highly concentrated, and digestible all classes merite have been proved 60., times 64, out of and 11s. sumber Send among for samples Of and full chemist, 2. to Horlick and 00., 34, London. 2.0.-(Advt) 18472 YESTERDAY'S MARKETS.
Kingsbridge yesterday, John Sydenham Carpenter, jan, was charged, with pretending to act as a solicitor without certificate required by the Solicitors' Act, 1874. Mr. J. Y. Woollcombe, Plymouth, prosecuted 00 bebalf of the Incorporated Law Society, Defendaot pleaded guilty to technicat offence.
Mr. Woollcombe explained that the certificate which should have born taken out in November. was not obtained until April He suggested a fine of 210 in one case only, the otbers to stand over. As a plea of guilty had been entered and the certificate taken out, he would not ask for the costs of the prosecution. -Mr.
Carpenter stated that some correspondence had taken place between himself and the Incorporated Law Society concerping wrong name being mixed up with bis, and the taking out of the certificate quite slipped his memory. 58. each Tbe Beach 6ned defendant £10 for the first offence and for the otber offences, £11 58. altogether, the costa of the and advocate's fee to be taken out of the prosecution penalty. -'The money was immediately paid by defeadant'e AGAINST A DEVONSHIRE SOLICITOR.
ANGLING. to ASHWATER. of -Although in the the rivers, rain the wind 00 has changed made south and west, and the sky has been from the east to The deaded. Carey is Friday now and a succession Saturday of were still pools, end the only good days. Sakaole a Lake, strong eeling with sport coulter has met with with wind.
No has been reported. At Blagden a success. Out of twelve books basted wish dead auanow, the average catch is 6. On Tuesday morning ten one hooks. cel over pound was found to have swallowed Two trout of about Alb.
each have beca caught Saturday Sy-fishing com the boat with a red palmer. On the your correspondent fisbed she Tamar and gos amongst which The wind welcomed was blowing Tamar fishermen. Shuwere, too. fell strongly upstream, as always intervals, which, with a coded by bours' from 11 gave excellent prospects. During six of which 8 small ones were trout turned were the river.
out The best sport was bad at the landed, and as 4 to tail end of the deep pools, p.m.. 7 duriaz fish a hoary shower. it was grand, as in one cast. pool The good trous were landed, the last two being st one condition. The were thes above wed were average a black silver twist the size and in spiendid for a trader, blue for a dropper.
The same two 'fes and a all peaco*ck the fish, which speaks well for the strength of the caught fishing tackle sold by Mr. C. Hayman, of Launceston. UPPER TAMAR AND NORTH CORNWALL STREAMS -In spite of the lowness of the waters it has been a sporting week, and good baskets have been got with the alder, black palmer with elver twist, and the green possibly the fall rite is ret 10 come. Ore angler fishing drake, The drakes are not very numerous: days out of the six lest reck basketed 31, 26.
of 15 (driven off by rain), 43, and 35, whilst 40 per cent. Sve those taken had been returned. Nothing big was taken, but the average run of fish was very good. Jewell Mr. got 26 on Bank Holiday, same Mossrs, and the Messrs.
Rattenburg got Woodley and good Fave bad dishes on the succomful trips. The same flies will bold day, some on a while longer. Thursday's rain bad little effect on the volume of water. WESTERN POLICE COURTS. Pearse, tabourer, Wittiame, 1, 8 Mount-street, charged Florence Cook, aged years.
in Beaumont Park. Henry with Anale age years, Willian Farmer, commercial traveller. said at 5.15 park p.m. Saturday or Are be saw Ettle girls prisoper seated lying on around the clothes in the four wire disarranged. Witness satched Pease for some him what git two seen.
girls and He went Pearso to sald. prames done the told bim be had to you for you to prosecute Witness followed to Mount and gate information answer Detective Martia. Detective Martio said prisoner. Park for the to said be bad not bera la Beagmwot dog. The evidence, and a lady who to the park did cot Chief Constable said the children were 150 ferward.
The the case. Jaba care to on tramp from Southampleo, was charged with Frank begging Ford Park road. and with assaulting The going from constabie house same so the bruse priender at 11 50 en being mouth. Sunday cautioned prisoner etruck the constable violently which he to head the in a and lureatening from his pokes Prisoors a admitted there Wie a struggle, and he drew tale knife, magner. baite to keep the a was.
Sent to the 21 bard la bour Herbert Croft. 43. rile road. was target with stealing 2. from 4.
Lets Market and Robb, buildings. cycle East dealers treet, Allred on tout the the led 5rd been in his empley for a Since money. or three shillings at a time, bad been miteed from a bet a amali office in the bop. The previous day be marked elver entas sad coppers That shillings he examined been the moten at eight o'ckek and found two Prisocer was told that coney had been taken. and he be had three half pence nipper, and also two shillings silver.
which his father banded him to pay into a club shillings were the two market pea stolen from the P.O of arrested the lad anal the found en bim a number bicycle At police statice aid be knew about other moser. bus be bad taken the two Cruft pleaded guilty This Die Sentenced to receive taelse stroke with the Ellen 0' Brian was summoned tor kept dianaderte house at 18. Brib-street en May. Twery 12.30 a.m. be tound the door of Prose way open.
Fie was about to enter Er caught in doorway. P.C. Cornich extricated him. The police catered the house and found a large number of men and women there, Defendast adered the cotortables a sovereign each not to report the The Chief Copetable cald defendant was over years of age, and had been twice previously coprirted for similar feace. The bone was her owe For het offrace she was fined £15 and costa.
$15 and conte. Nathaniel Adana. 5, a was to contribate towards the maintenance of the three children of Catherine Barkler, Mr. W. Antonia, clerk to the Board of Goantiane, call ibp woman and children to the Workhouse.
Defendant received about 233 year pension, and had week. been working so defendant. englae-driver launch at per Mr. Brian. for Adores was pow out of work, and had calr his pension to CD.
Defendant had to trave his empiny became of the conduct c4 the Toe Beach made an order for 49. per each child until they attained the age of 18 reara. Montell, 12, trom charged steal. a metal watch and chain, value cricket bag, to a Dell at Peanycrosa. Thomas farm labourer, Bore Alston, said be was playing in a cricket match as Peany.
erosa on Satarday afternoon betwero St. Barnabse and Alston. Retore going out to the he pat hie watch club bag. in winch was ales a queatity of clothing belonging to the members. Frederick Pascoe, school teacher, of mouth.
sand whce watching the match he ew the watch in bag, which was open, and kegs hoe ere co it. Ile the prisoner minutes down beetle the bag, and looking round later the boy had gone; also the watch. He lad near a hedge, anel outed him if be bal got the be be hast sot Witnese thro telt his pockets found it. The tad pleaded and under the Fire: Act he was bound ever for air months. H.
Gardioer. summoned 00 40 onder to pay 27. arrears far the maletreanre of mother, sas farmer. given a fortnight to pay of go to for prison. takeman.
Melborough, was keepiog dogs Backawton, when he bad had on May exemptions a terrier for dog James Crocker. without a As detendans did not appear be was deed and costa. Weston, farmer. Blackawton. wan charged with baviog dogs without licenses or exemptions.
Defendant saint thought 11 was the duty of the Farter oficer to sent exemption certificates. In fining defendant Te. the Beach exemptions must be taken out exactly as an ordinary John Hannaford, baker, for riding a Nevete at rate of 20 mica an hour daal 10, The Bench defendant endangered the Live of several women and children who sere on Areton bridge. Frederick Ryder charged with having is his possescion 0g May 5th wire for killing salmon ca the of the Aron. Martin, bailie, said defendant had been cautioned times, and asked him to overlook the matter.
There several salmon Mr. to W. the diver at. Sirenige Pool at the In reply to Barr, who appeared for the conservatore, said defendans had no right there an 15 was property. The Beach, in Uning defendant 10.
and costa, penalty would have been heavier had he quoteded taking a Matibew Upham was sent to prison for a begging in Samuel Whition. drunk disorderly. was fined 150. or 14 dare, William Laurence. labourer, drunk and refusing to quit the White Hart Hotel.
Aned 15. or 14 dage, Padlip feberman and pensioner, pleaded guilty to stealing valee property of James Heury Corber, Manor Farm, 08 an. George Hannatord, bind, auld defendent asked for customary jar of cider for the and also for a and some bread and cheese for lEmmelt, which were given Defendast on his way out of the yard entered the and stole the eggs, Preercator eald be bast been loving for but did not wish to press the charse. Detendant end be had been a naval atoker and bad a pension el £15 which be would toed it convicted. The Bench a penalty 20.
or 14 date. sold they bad tato consideration the gross ingratitude of defendant. -Botan Domaitasi. Italian organ who refused to are away from Mr Ora's ebop In Bank when ordered, res feel 5 Patti was daed for keeping a dre et cat a licence. Wm.
the ewearing in lie own house in was da of Higter Brook was over to keep the prose a toranis Biaache a neighing: The letter applied the erporation order, stied ber. ber was bound ever to keep the peace but assaniting his Maddrke. tabommes. chargel horse thresteard tipsy, to on remonstrating he stated that beer husband do fur and fu to. struck WArD Err enter was bow a good bus band.
Care adjoussed for moutha to the prisoner becaved SOUTH MOLTON -Jane Mettera, of atreet, ber neighbor, Lavinia for breaking a page summoned 44 ant Mc6. Metters was clarged with throwing water over Mr. Courienay Stettere Mrs. 24. Courtesy was Gned bi.
and 121, crate. For 12 14 slate to Pach Card allowing his bu to be 60 Gee Hargreaves was LAUNCESTOS Karo was Gned top erading his son Ernest Dirtie to school. TUSKEARD Before Neura Bae, W. Settle, and Blamey, Geerge Abbot. lan diord of thee Red loo.
pleaded cot 20:18 co Mav S. Peara said abortle before 11 pm tre attentino was to the bouse by trawling, ononting. and toughres catering. be saw James if Merrymeet. in the drunk, and called attrotina the making no reply DA Bigman tracing the premales, he unable to Last walk.
was placed in the ceils tug the night. aud at the Court tr the Info. detendant a that when Rigman came in be bad dnating. and atcer be hail had two lee refused to bio with more, but allowed Aim to remain to ile drank porter and brandy be raging to other PC Bail corroborated Defendant card his retting supply be advised him to go tame, and be raring ware two came in. with be staved, when detentant's back 14-001, drank up Liquor Frederick tat or.
the evidence, Mr. A de Glubb. 00 behalf of the Brewery Ch. own the house. defeatant bad an agreement to quit the tan by the 1420 Inst.
A One and costs was impost. the Besch dreid.og pot 10 endorse licence TRURD -Isse Simmons was Deed 40 or a wrath for drunk and on the Towa Quay. It took LAG arables to get hee to the police etation It was bee conviction Frank Day. a butcher. charged with ing Fredench B.
Oruin. Land ani of the Victoria Hotel called for a glass et beer. and bring drunk be Torn he took up another man's ber7 and drank it. trying to get conte oat Day knocked bias Pard 13 and or 14 dare. The Church of England Wails and Strays Society the end of March had under its care 2,831 cindrea.
there are 81 homes in various parts of England Wales. The average cast of maintaining a child society is £15 a year. The society wants annual scribers, collectors, offers to assist with the maintenance of the cases on the waiting list," the loan of roots or grounds for the holding of meetings in the work, sales of work and cotertainments organised the beards of the society, ladies to undertake the of individoal children, and gifts in kind for avenece Bank Rate of Discount 4 per cent. (February 21st, 1901.) Tan previous ruses baring bees 4 per cent. since February Seb: 5 per coat.
January 3rd, 4 per ceas July 1001; 19ch 3 cent June 14th: per cent, May 24th: and 4 per cent. per Jacuary doth, 1900. Settlicg Page on the Stock are as STOLE AN SNARES Catar's-Mondav, June Jrd. and Wedsasday, July 3rd Centango Days. Tickes Days.
Pay Days Toursdas, June 15. Friday, June 14. Monday. Jaly 15 Tuesday, July 14. Wednesday.
July June 26 Thursday. 27. Friday. June 1 17. July 20.
Tursday. July 30. Wednesday. Jaly MONETARY NEWS Mipss Carry over Tags. Toeday.
June 11, Tuesday, Juno 25. Foday, July 12. Friday. Juty 25. (BY PRIVATE WIRE 1 47, FLEET STREET.
LONDON. Monday Evening. Now that the end of the month requirements have beco met money in the open market. is more abundant. There has been more than two millions released in the abape dividend pavments, and the India Council is also renewing until the end of the month, upon easy terms, not more than 34 per cent.
heing charged. Advances until to-mortow bava been made readily at 2 to 24 per cent. All the loans due at the Baak bave been repaid. The easier condition the short loan market and the absence of any forcign inands for gold have had a weakening effect on discount three months' Bank Bills being taken in 60120 instances at 37 per cent, or leas. On Wednesday a call balf a million will fall due co the last issue of London County Stock.
The Silver Market is firmer at 27 9.16d. for spot, 27 13-16d. for forward delivery. Rupec Paper closes 63g The premium on gold at Buenos Ayres has fallen from 133.80 per cent. to 133.70 per cent.
The sum of £37.000 in bar gold was bought by Bank. The steamer Lucania left York with £49.200 in specie. On the Stock Exchange to-day markets as a whole bus there to be more buyers than sellers, and most tolerably cheerful. Business is by no means estensive, appear of the changes are upward. Consols are firm with a slight further rally in the quotatien, after allowing for the divi.
dend deduction, and leave off at sol to 3-15 Higher. 932 938 ex dividend for money, and 93g ex dividend the account, the New lane being quoted premium. War Loan is slightly casier. 971. Foreign Government Sec*ntire have not movel do.
much. Spanish has improved 3. Turkish 18 2, Brazilian and do lesuca 4, have Portuguese, and Italian A whie given way to Great Eastern Home Railways continue dull, Midland Deferred are lower, and Brighton Deferred weak on the tratic decrease. 14 is somewhat difficult follow the decline which has taken place in the Southern Stocks in view of however, the is that excellent the traffic various dividends will show returns, The general impression, considerable diminution. in the case of the Scotch a Stocks there is a further decline in British Deferred, and is prohahly well that this shonld not be followed.
There is certain to be a reaction when the full traffic in with the Glasgow Exhibition seta in, Districta have nection maintained their improvement. Great Fasterns been somewhat weak, hut the Continental traffics aboold an increased demand for these stocks, The today generally is flat. A decline Second. of 34 A in has ditto taken Ordinary place Chatham First 3 in ditto and Caledonian Deferred. 3 in North Britisb and SouthFoster Deferred, 4 in Brighton Deferred, Metropolitan, Midland, and Great Nortbern Deferred, 1 in ditto and in ditto Deferred and Great Eastern.
The cundition of the New York: Money Market, and the too of the rivalre between the 1'nion and Northern Pacific interests, have strengthened the American Market, there seers to be a good deal of specalative buying on other side. The feat are is the sharp upwan! movement Milwaukees on consolidation revived scheme. rumours Unions respecting are the appreciably North. Western higher. The tone sere has been firm from the opening to the Guish.
alvance of 10 having taken place in Chicago and Milwauker, 5 in Illinois Central, 31 in Union Pacific, 3 in ditto Pref, and York Central, 23 in Atebison 1 in ditto Common, in Denver Pref. and Norfolk 24 in ditto Common, and to 4 in most othera. As regards Canadian Grand Trunk First Pref. has improved 1, while Second and Thini Prefs, bave given way 1, and Canadian Facile There is very little doing in Foreign Stocka, only movements noted being a fall of a point in Buenos A pres and Pacific First Prof. and 4 in Mexican First Pref.
'In the Miscellaneous Market there is little of interest Anglo- Americans are firm, Machinery Trust Cactionally better, and Fuller's Sweets are down Canal and Dock Stocks and Shipping Shares, dealings have taken place in Birmingham Canal Stock 124. London and India Docka Co. Pref. Ordinary 774 78. Surrey Commercial Dock Ord.
124; (exceptional amount at special price), China Mutual Steam Navigation Pref. to 111. P. and O. Steam Navigation Three-and-a-Half Cent.
Debenture Stock 105. Union -Castle Mail Steamship Ordinary 11, Indemnity Maxima Mutual 4 9.16 Blarine to 41. Insarance Eastmans Vickers, Sons and Ordinary Ordinary 3 to 34, Hudson's ditto Bay 224, Deferred 10 13-16 Telegraph Pref. 984 by 982. 11 3-16.
and Eastern Telegraph 1414. The Coupona due June 30th of the Imperial Japanese Goverament Four per Cent. Sterling Loan of 1899 will paid by the Yokohama Specie Rank (Limited), A Now York telegram says that the negotiations opened by Vickers, Sons and Maxim for the purchase the Bethlehem Steel Company have been abandoned, to one of the New York bankers interested, never he resumed, as an agreement was impossible. The list of applications for abares in the South African Aeration (Limited) will close on Wednesday four p.m. Dividend announcements, -The Mint, Binuingham, per cent.
and bonus of 2a. 6d. per share: Electric General Investment. 5a. and bonns of 28., equal to 35 cent.
for the year, founders' shares £50 per share Cory bonus and of 5a. per share, making carrying per 246,933 forwani: year, Showell's Son, 10 cent, for the Brewery interim, 6 per cent. per annum Guaranteed, 7 per cent. per annum on and 10 cent. per annum on Ordinary shares, Traffic receipts, Tramways.
-Increase for last Bristol. £3,550: Calcutta, Its. 2,028. Railways, for last week -City and South London, £381. Decrease for last week- -London and Brighton.
£4,617. Suez fur Saturday and Sunday, 330.000 francs, Sweetmeat Automatic Company, last week, £275 increase. THE CONTINENTAL BOURSES. PARIS. Monday.
Rentes Three per cash). 10122 Three and a Half per Cent. (for cashl, 101 Five per 9780: Spanish Fours, 71:90 New, Otteman Bank, De Beers, Rio Tinto, 1,440 Robinson, East Rand, Randfontein, 82 Rand Mines, 1.070; Consolidated dells Deferred, 200: Mays Chartered, 89: Village Mainreef, Private Discount, 2 be per cent. Market quiet. BERLIN.
Mondar. Austrian Gold 100.40, Hungarian 99.10. Italian Turkish 24.70, Russian Four per Cent. 100.10, 216.15. Egyptian Unified 107.0.
Mexican New Loan German New, 88.10, Canadian Pacife New Chinese Loan 96.80, Private Discount 3, per Market orm. VIENNA. Mondar. Austrian Gold 117.90, Paper 98.50, Hungarian 117.45, Lombards 94.0, Lemberg 537.0. AngloBank 230.0, Napoleons 19.10, Private Discount 34 cent.
Market quiet. RATES OF EXCHANGE. in The following are the latest rates of exchange quoted the principal foreign centres on London: and Parts, abort. 2516 Genoa, Constantinople, 3 months, 3 26.03 Do, cheques a 25.19 Berlin, eight days. Rio Janarla was cher Harcelona, Do Valparaiso, 90 days Hamburg, three months Buenos Agree Frankfort, short New York, York, 60 days the 8:.
chree maths 95. 85 Caloutta transtars Amsterdam, sight Hoagkuns, four months Bombay Madrid, Liston, Antwerp, abort. 4 to holiday no sew quotation has born received. in STOCK AND SHARE LIST. DONE.
FROM OFFICIAL LIST.I desotes small boodle, esceptional 6L at epecial prices, and call pending. Business Dosa To day's To-das. o'clock After Oficially Recorded. Of cial Price GOVERNMEST AND FOREIGN SECURITIES, Console pet 1303 4 4 14 de do Account and per Accorda. 14 red do Arcount June Nat War Lana pa 3 pc Redo 8-UR-11905 do.
Local Lonna Stock Bankot England Sue bud Jodie Bank 5th 1351 ate of I 3 1 In Rope Pr Canada 4 Do not COd I red Wales, New Zealand, 1914 do Consola of Que 130. Victoria, rolled Canada, 8. Aes4 pc bae Vic4 pelt Isai la Abbot do Lets of 1286-15 pc las coN Car bet Treat Cone told bero do 4a strung do 6 Funding. serve Bo He do do 1229 to do 6 Chitias 1051 and pe do Ft lied a po 100 do 101 po 10. do 1604 8 pa the 4 do Ape Keates Honderas 0 being Gold 1651 Jason 5 pa locals 4915 Mexican 3 1300 Paraguay, do Pref do the Porte 3 down.
Banian Nio Rail do Converted 4 Spanish poseal Bda, Sentish. at and do Series do and do the do cub Uruguay NE A da Gold Renter of French Neates 559 for do Rentes clothing United various Fed Debt CB CORPORATION AND COUNTY STOCES. Free of Stamp Duty. Metropi Con 101 105 110 da Spe 67 London do DO Cou 45:8. Corp London I pc Bds do De pe Debs Bath Corp 3 Bristol 3 da De do 1 Deven Count 3 pc de port 3 pc Ked Dorset County Exeter Crp po Gloucester Corp 5 Newport Men Cr Spa Corp Plymouth 24 pe pe Somerset County 3p a Swansea Corp Cor Spa tad Weston Torquey Carp ape Red L.
Bipo do 3 pe Meds 04 HOME RAILWAYS Ordinart 1125 of do Caledonian Del Ord City East Looden Consold 3 Cocal4 Or Glasgow as Wastrart do Deferred, of Great Central, de- da Lastaro Deterred. Great do Deferred do PIC of Great Western Con Or Mull, it a Lane and or Lou. and da Deferred. Lover to Westero Los and ape Prut Western Coar Deterred de the London, Tubury, Con Lyntons Bans pi Ord Metropolitaa Consid Lands da are da da da anitas Pref o. de Card to North London Coasd (197 for Northsiad 407 107 The Drapta WJu.
109 106 109 Tan do Deterred 65 D. FOREIGN AND COLONIAL HALLWATS. Bengal Nag 4 A PO and ladad, is do Jut. AD.4 bengal A to Canada Lastero 4109 Grand Canada 12 do 4 po do 14 Lectersatio do do da and it ope. 44 Mi idlaad, Alabama Us.
S. A. con- do 8 Or Ate sonS nial 3 have Cossa pea Unio ke and Onio Balt. Com, Caicago, Mi a close Den ver itio Uraade do bpo. Pret in Erie 54 do N.
Cist Pet. do 4p do Pet. Central bus Louisville Nash rills M. sourd, Aans. Texas caay N.
do York Ontario, Va. dirpila de, 35 Nerfolk West. Northern Pacino 1100 and Pennsylvae the Cod Pail. so. Co in Southern illy.Com biz da Ep Non-Cum.
PL. Pacid: Co. 843 bad. Feel do Bait Onion New Central N. Jersey apo 2 la Argratina U.
W. 4 DO issues ditto da 4 pc Ltd. 112 Ayres Go. Cent. the do Ape do Do Mexican BaiL.
Ord. do 6po Ape Las tad i'rel. Fret. to Nitrate itaila L. Und.
do do Pret. Ooo. As da vet. Con N. W.
Uruguay Let lat Pref Suk. at do Paulo 6pe to South W. Ay 24. D. 105 11 TELEGRAPHS per A 57 11g.
do 6t Pref. 100 United 10 Eastern, Limited to do do Prat da Westerd, be MISCELLANEOUS L. ARsepp Sons Pret Ord. of 40 a Cam Limited and A Sons di will do 6pe Aerated Bread, throw. 4: bodega, Limited at Brunner, Mead do 1 De Cum Bryant sad May.
I and per 10 Clay. Marriano, teary Ond Barbers Go 0 Wm. Milner' a Safe, Led and San Jorze Nitrate Pablo While, A J. Lim Ord OP da 6 pa c*ms per of Auck 6 mi pe Greenamar week-. Torunto City past Wellington pow West port dir pOI Canal Mud Queens ca Bay dior LaUr Co.
Trustes Est de Up Mercantile do Submarine Cabio Let Som bay Oss, Limited de Neg do. do el Elec po lat Mart La Lob A Italian a 9 Mon. Leb Turkish Do and Deferred steam do 6p lets 100 100 Kimberley 10. Cold Tara paca Waterert 9-16 BUSINESS DONE IN STOCKS NOT MENTIONED IN THE FOREGOING LIST. 96.60.
The elcing (3 o'clock, are given in parentheses, Roubles ERITISH FUNDS. 4c. 97.50. India Stock Red. or after 5th Octbr.
1906 (86 87) 80) a 102.90, CORPORATIOS AND COUNTY STOCES- 1 -UNITED KINGDOM cent. Brighton Corp. 34 pe (107 103) 1072 (Free of Stamp Dats Corporation 3 Red (94 90) 444 Gold Portsmouth Corporation Corporation 34 (101 107 20) Nottiugham (99 102) 103) Austrian Staffordahire County Connell 3 Red. (36 98) 97 per West Bam Corp. 3 (32 85) 931 COLOSIAL AND PROVINCIAL GOVERNMEST SECURITIES.
Newtoundland 3 1947 (80 (104 82) 106) 814 105) Queensland 1913 at South 1507-16 (101 105; South Australia 1916 (103 105) 1041 REGISTERED AND INSCHIDED STOCKA. 021, Canada 4 (100 (106 102) 108) 107 1007 Canada 5 pc Cape Good Hope, Loan of 1883 (109 1 111) 1105 Cape of Gond Hope 4 (105 104 108) 107 Cape of Goed Hope 39 Cons (91 (103 sd) 105 Natal 3 83 xl) 924 4 New South Wales 3 (30 100) 99 Now Zealand 4 (112 114) 113, 13 128 New Zealand 3 (37 08) 097 Quebec 3 pe (91 95) 914 20. Queenstand las (105 (102 104) 110) 93. 1921-30 1021 31: Tasmanian 35 (101 103 3d) 1018 Victoria 1881 (107 109) Victoria Loan of 1895 (109 111 107; Victoria 34 (102 104 x4) 103 3 De (95 95 3d) 911 amounts Western Australia 3 pe 1920-35 (100 102) 101; Western Australia 3 1927 94) Bar. 11.
CORPORATION STOCES-LOL. AND FOREIGN. Mexico 5 193 100) 98g Hour Stock: 100 Montreal 3 93) S2 100 Sydney 4 105 105) 104 100 100 Timarn Har. Bed. Sp (0) 103) 1074 100 100 Timaro liar, Md.
5 1916 (106 105) 107g FOREION STICKS. DONDS. (Coupons l'ayatie in eden.) Argentine Argentine B. Ayres Water Supply (28; 834 1800 3) (58 59) 1 91 8 4 pc 720 714 0 709 4 Bonita 1897 (69 70) 600 Argentine 5 4 pc Bonds 1830 (69 (68: 10) 693) Argentine 4 a Bonds 1900 (69 70) TO 4 1880 683) 68; 9. Amallian 5 pe W.
of Minas Rig 2 Brazilian 5 pe 83)) 831 Brazilian 5 pre Funding Bonds 934) 3, 3 Ceilian 1807 4 Chitias 1595 (78 80) 78 Chinese 7 Silver Loan 0100 102) 101 7 2 Chinese 5p Gold Loan 978 64 Chinese 881 61 Greek 5 1881 Greek 5pe Funding Ext. Debt 07 178 Jayan 5 (F. 904 Japan 4 pc Norwegian Bonds Abroad.) (38 100) 38; (Couposa Payable German Imperial 3 (37 88) 871 Sh. P4 SHARES AND STOCKS. Stock Stock 100 100 London, Caledonian Prefd Ord, 8.C.
Pf. Ord. (171 85;) 174) 173 RAILWAYS-DEBENTURE STOCKS. Stock 100 Caledonian 4 (132 135) 1334 ALeck 100 Central (134 137) Stock 100 Great Eastern 4 4 pc Deb (127 130 sc) 1294 8 Stock 100 Great Western Western 41 pe pc (38 1133 113) 136) 134, 140; 100 Great Stock 100 Great Western 45 (149 132) 149: Stock 100 Great Western 5 (165 163) 166; Stock Stock 100 Great Landon and North- West. 3 pe (102 106) Western 24 (81 87) 103g 4, Stock 100 London S.
W. 3 CA Cons. (101 104) Stock Locdon and 8. (101 104) 102 Stock 100 Midland 24 (85 86) 844 Stock 100 North British 3 pc (59 101) 904 100 RAILWAYS- SHARES AND STOCKS. Stock 100 Caledonian 4 Cons (1.30 133) 1314 Stock 100 Great Eastern Con.
4 pc (127 130) 123; Stock Great Western pc (163 165) 162; 100 London and N.W. 4 pc (131 154) 1321 3 24 8 Stock 100 100 North Midland British Cons. 3 23 pc. (81 (37 84) 120) 4 Stock stock 100 North British Pref (126 129) 127; RAILWAYS- PREFERENCE SHARES AND SIOCES. With dividends contingent on the profit of each separate year.
Stock 100 Great Eastero G. E. 4 pc (124 127) Stock 100 Great Eastern 1890.. 4 (107 (125 110) 121) 108; 125; Stock 100 Great Northern Con. pc Stack 100 Western 5pe (160 143) 97 1623 1 Stock 100 Lancashire and Yorkshire Cons, 3 (96 (158 98) stock 100 London, Brighton, 161) 158 Stock Stock 100 London, Landon.
Chatham, And Pi (10 74) 744 Dover (107 109) 14 Stock 100 London N.W. (131 134) 152 Stock 100 Louden and W. Rail. pe (130 136 REVIEW OF THE BRITISH CORN TRADE. THE MARS LANE EXPRESS The weather dung the greater part May sunny and dry, with a higher dev and a lower might temperature than the overage.
The rainfall in some of the leading alable counties was scarie so einall the look of the soil would cause one to suppose. and the North over two toches were averaged But a her home and row bein counties were the erene of severe hand the West had only holt of that liberal re be fall alich it experts. already clear the Britasb crope of 1901 mill be very irregular. Hav will be scarce in eume of the regions where the Field nont to be greatest. Spring com wall probably be best L19 the North.
brat best 111 the midland ard eastern countie. We fear that was late and inogular in the southeast. vouchern. and western counties. Wheat backward everywhere.
but June come 10 with tune bowers, and we do pot despair of whent an average, now inevitably late. yeld. The tipula grub and other peste which in a very dry surtace coil are rauch in evidence this ecason. Foreign intelligence indicates a good promise tel Amer.ca. Russia.
Italy. Spain, and Alegria, but there ong mod ocre outlook in France. Austria, Mungory. ard Turkey, and dietiocule less a3 average promise in Germany and parts of Poland. The ca'es of English wheat for the last week of May were fairly liberal, but the imports of four are showing a decided The total supplies were somewhat lous than tire requirements.
The quantity of wheat on passage shows a eubatantial decline from before suctide, and is no longer in excres three million Toe total on May 1st wras 3.250.000 Amenco cables a visible supply of wheat of 5.010.000 ore. against 5.785.000 ors. on June 1st. 1900. but 3.185.000 only on June 1st.
1899. The quantity of four on passage 19 408.000 sacke, against 361.000 co*cks a year ago Ther. are nearly million quarters of thaize 00 pas: age, The market for barley seems practically lunited to sorts. and ibere were not sales in London of Englah barley from May 24ttr to Sub for an average to be struck. Of course.
the 27th vas a holidas. but it would have been thought that on the 24th and 29:8 sale would have reached fifty quartoes. Oats are A weak market for the moment. bar. as we fancy.
for the foment only. There should be a good sale this season fo: all old and seasoned oats and the very poo: promise of the growing crop in England. France, and Germany 1s Some pre. meal. and four bas been itported.
but not more than is pended to meet be wants foreigners amonge, 43. The dry Mas has led to an increased importation of bay from the Continent and America, PRICES AT MARR-LANE -Whute. per 504 20s. to red. 278.
to 308 chicken or feed. per 10 276. Barley -Malting. per 4481b. 266.
to brewing. 24s. 10 263.: feeding. per 21s. to 25s.
Malt English, per 336.b.. Sis. to Scotch. 36s. to 38s: back.
30s to 334.: brown, to cryatallised. 338. to 358. Englub. new winter, 128.
to 21s: Tartars. 199. to white. 18e. to old winter, 21s.
to Tar. tarv. 208. to 218.: Scotch. 20s.
to Ir.sb. per 304. 176. 10 188. Rve.
per 23s. to 258. Beans. Pigeon, 10 43.. winter, 31.
to 35s. Peas. Sett marrowiat, per 304. 125. to 81, blue boiling.
08s. 10 76:: dum. 31s. to maple. 385.
to 425. English. per 504.b.. 52e. to Scotch, 723 to 74s.
ant at dat beasts, TO 224 cach. an average el 544 per and to 34 grazing steere to £17: 90 sheep. principally fat eves, 42s to 50s carl. or per and 8 pigs Mr. C.
Revell disposed of cows end £14 to £23 grazing steers and beiters, £3 to £11. 19 pigs. 19 to care, rouad 61: maize. black 228 Laban per cale. quarter: 18s: BALTIC GRAIS -There ate anveral arrivale of wheat.
laden camels of ibe coast. the ball DE to the Continent. tore of the markes is The Torrape Rook. true arrived. gold Candor, 15.000 quarter.
Cast hilt lading. Febeuery 13th. mad. 1044. the 13.000 quarters, Colt loading.
94. and Nereide. 12,000 quartere. blue stem. April.
00. 328 two moothe bid Californias, coast, 30 144 art sebed: for Wales. came 30e met Plate beid ore: markes value. Maize unchanged: ed and 18 18. paid Danube.
ofloat, and fuse, American. pot offered: hid June July, Plate steamer Barley lad rate quiet, enchanged. The quantity of wheat reckoned on passage this to the touted Kingdom 1 mE 15.000 000 bat has 45.000 quarter to the Maize 40.000 quarters and 10.000 quarters to the Lasted Kingdom and the Continent respectively Barley locreased 20.000 quarters to United Rington and 5.000 quarters to the Cont Parcels 80 1. What. 1 Spring.
Juse July. 2. Maze. atrericap. Mav.
130 Wheat futures epeond June. 3 August. to and clued June. 6: 2ad: Adjust. Sad.
ber. 44 Maze futures 4s 140: September. and cherd. Jeer, September, LONDON CORN sicat comical: whole when to red. 276 to Na.
aciding qual ty tuore fredy held since last hand Nd. hard Kansa, 304 and 30 64 Flour is Lept. up by the plead nowa sheal: twat, 24 6t store P'erelsa 34 Date and Ameriran white clapped scarer. Maize vochanged. mised American.
sew. 203 es chip. CORS -Wheat quiet. to dearer. Matte quiet, advance Bed 1144 to 11,4 tr 5a 11,4 Mised American du y.
3 to 3a September, 3a 1140 to 3. CATTLE A beasta 13 Scotch. 680 Eastern count.ca, and al Dervas. laquiry was if a grueally quiet aod trade, at late price, Baric quiet purgress for bath prime ead second! qualities. For mope were in quies from country buyers.
Scotch, 4- BI: De 4 48 4d to 45 61: Lipd8 21 to 48 44: fat 3e 8d to. 3s 101 burinese per 8jh. both Fair wethers eupply of steep was and lambs. act alibough in and pups slow. late quotat uns acre appreciable bange.
to right stone Down clipped, 24 to 4d; etour, to ten stone halt breve. 48 to eight Scotch. nice stone de bi to do ten stone Down to de 20: eleten stone 81 to 3a 104. Jamba with slow support. dre stone fat Downs, be 61 to ta 80 per sis store.
to 55 24. per Silo to sink the fat Calf trade and supply nominal. to de No piss odered Mischa rows 4. ad. Soots, de, 61 840.
Coarse and Interior 24 44 to 20; Sa 00 tr to: prime large 48 20 to 41: Coots, Sc. 61 to 48 84. end interior 35 21 to seconda, 44 41 10 4 8d. Orste. 3a ba 50 latte.
da 84 to de: seconds, be 21 to 60 60: firsts. da 61 to 56 B4 gib. LONDON -Satch beef. 3a 104 10 3a 4s to English, 103 to 4s: Ameriras (Deptford da 114; Liverpool, 84 to Ja 101: 24 to refrigerated 4.1. Scoteh bind-quartern, mutton, 10d to 40: 20 4d to 4s 61.
Eagliah wether. to 4s 44: Dutch real. 4s 3 to 3s 4d. Lamb. 54 40 to 58 40: English and to 40: English park.
4s to 44 20. Dutch. 3a 101 to 4a per Bib. LONDOS PRODUCE. -Sugar: Home refined steady, ut changed.
Foreign cubea quiet ready bat steady: mold German granulated slow, Z.R delivery, first marke, Jose value 118: July August done 118 to.b Beet quiet cale: August dree 9. 5jd to and weaker! b. Hamburg, Sache. September. 91.
and Match. 3le 90 Tea: Indian 9.000 alterel: Inturra, done packages. One era ire and sell. POULTRY other anate rather fools. LONDON GAME AND Verbehire 2 63 to Bi: to de Eases.
23 60 1. to 61: 2 to 20 80: Surrey. Irth, Boston. 2 ad to 61: 2 ran. 2 to 20 c4: turkey de 4 to goslings, to is; pigeons.
74 to ducks. 4. to bi. wild rabbite. ed to Bi: tame.
101 to is 20 each: Australian. or 61 to 61 per dozen: fowls. 1, 14 to 40, partridges, 1a 10 to 18 4d: ptarmigan. la to 14 24: Mack game. le al to' la 5d earb: Dutch egg.
3 per dozens, BRADFORD -Trade not brisk in merinoce, but steade. There a roasiderable consumption of lower grate trot the supply pending in quite equal general to the taking demasad. and prices cemala unaffected the up of Pates for domestic wool are uncertain, bat pur. emmers ia ireland ore abore those current here. Export yarn trade COTTON.
quiet, a Witte falee. more doing in pierce. LIVERPOOL 5.000 bales; and esport. 300 4,200. I.mited demand bus prices quotation.
1-324: demand middling. Egyptians, 100. 410 onraanged: to 841. hotter but irregular priors. Surata quiet, quiet, steady, 24 points advaneed the dag: June daly 4 September 4 3 61.444.
fourths. CORK 680; BITTER superdoe, -Firete, 83a: strenda. cholocet 81: boxes, thirds, choice. 848 CLYDE SPOAR. Market but steady: doing.
CHARD -The entry was beasts very was large. about 3,000 being driven in, bot the trade realized good, especially ibat for heifers and calves 3a The 64: prices were: to -Couples. Sia to 6d: bora Down lambs, Down 218 pace. to 223 64: 42a: store croas bred 6 358 to come and raises, £11 to £14 heifers and calme, tambs, 20. to wethere, 6 to 214: barresere.
ca la £10; etcers, £9 to £11; in-calvere, SI0 to £12 and Son offered 247 sheep. 214 lambe. 18 tat bollocks, and to B'etore bullocks Fat betters, £14 158 to £20: fat to Sta fat 2a wethere, 6d: 378 64 fruta 61: tat £15 lambe, £20 to pair: Sia; beat store beet. beasts. 18 to 2 per 118 11s 31 per second.
10a 10 108 60: wether mutton. 74 bogs. eve mutton. Sid: lamb, 84 to 91. Trade fair for beat beet and muttuo: good clearacee.
Attendance fair. PLYMOUTH CATTLE -A market and very quiet of English A heads, tow come 6d to 74 per lb; good or pigs, per £1 2a trade ani calves made £17 to £13. £3 slip to 21 6a corb PLYMPTON CATTLE. Fairly markets. briak at prices considerabig below those of many about Moderate demand for coms and catres at 609 per Store cattle toet with to large: prices Sos to 52a per About 200 beep on ready sate An unusual supply of fat cattle: demand! was pigs Mr.
John Pearse of 30 lat 22 60: harieymeal, CA: 21s: Bihbr a Pearson's linseed decorticated cake. 08 cotton 108 per £7 ton: Har. 60: harice, of 260: English whest. wool, Fair often BOOMS CATTLE -Fair attendance. 58 10 60s per (good St sale).
at £12 to £14 cach, cors and calves, moderate: to to ed per lb: wethers. to 81; Bj4: pert. 31: mutton. 64 to 8d: Jamb. 91 to 101.
61 14 carcase, id Sj4. hame, 5jd to 6d: bacca, Sid to bid: 10 boner. Al: eggs, per dozen: four. 24 to 306 maize, BILLINGSGATE FISH to 1a salmon. 1s to le 100; Scoteb, La 11d: 40.
Irish. stipe. is 9d 10d to 10d: red trout. 1a (el to 1e 9d: soles, la to is turbot. 78 to Ba: brid, la: de to 7e; la 3d: desere, 24 per English Sa Paroc.
60: lemon soles, Se. Jos, whiting. plaice, to bd: ve alone: 10: skate. 8s: bream, be: dead cod. 184 per lex: English hake, Aberdeen plaice.
de suraard. Co: 6d quackerel. 12a atone: per live 60: pele, fresh 200 haddocka. 14 per craft. punk: locee, per dead, made £7 FISH.
148. -Only feh the market, one lot of BRISHAM fri which one FISH. landed clack from supply of all kieda Plymouth trawler pries. Few the, bome grounds a cateb markerel. made 5,000 a good down, to 20s per Lowertoft bundred boats with Catches of catches book el 15 dozen down.
2a to 28 bd per dozea Few lobster. 04 per tb. At p.m. weather doe: wind S. W.
Trawlere at POLPERRO FISH. -Whiting. to 248 pe: cut: mised hoed deb. 14a to 17e per ent. All beats at scu.
MINING SHARE LIST. MONDAY. Neut ABBOTT and WICKETT, Redroth, Mines 8 East Pool South Crotty fully paid Agar Coited 44 5 West Kitty Cara Bres Gooninnis W. Grenville Tincroft Levant 15 16 Wheal Kitty Ltd. 2 N.
Polbreen Natal. Er. Doleth S. Condurrow plosives f. p.
Do. pref. t.p. 14 WEST COUNTRY BANKS Bolitbo Bank 31 52 Cornish Bak. 404 415 Devon Corn wall Bask 95 97 Messrs.
W. ROWE and Camborne, grate Basset Minas Dolcoath Carn Tincraft, Erea Dolocath 12 S. Sonth Condart Crofty 15,6 East Went Kitty paid. Gooninnis. W.
Grenville N. Wheal Kitty WEST COUNTRY BANKS. Bolitho Bank 31 32 Cornish Bak. 414 Devon Carne wall Bank 95; 97 THE HEALTH OF PLYMOCTA. Analysis of births and deaths registered in the week ending Saturday, Jove 1501.
during Births Stales, 23 I cinater. Total 21 Deaths 10 Natural Increase 6 Age at 1 year Betweeu I and tears 6 00 Between aled 00 years et Aged 00 sears and upwarts 4 In du 00 AD and EC pitat or a 003 1 hom*ongh Hospital Death trots dracases of Inquest Peat are Erred) all 4 12 traD win 1 fool F. 1 trim measles. on Last rate per 1.000 part nabola Average teach rate deaths Average have from sewer of 29 mint 03 the eldest 83 Pre miletered week of Deva britta the endin. Mos the age death rate in 33 great of Enzland aunt I airs per 1.000 .000 their that to heath Fato to mund 1b? higheet.
being 15 4, Wolverhampica, 226, was the P. 31 WTECTAMS, 3rd, 1901. Medical of Cutidhall. mouth, June Health. Addresses.
A Powder to be ALLEN'S jato FOOT. EASE. the Your Ices feel swollen. nervous. and 001 cel tael is.
bate acd a toe leet vi light cary. Cale leet. pain. and sad and countort Believes package FREE 8000 Dealers everywbere. Trai rest Try by r45 ALLEN OLMSTED, 1.
FOR NOTICE OUR FREE GIFT. 10,010 OF THESE SETS IN DAILY THE LARGEST SALE 0:: THE WORLD. SUITABLE FOR A SOBLEMAN'S TABLE Tabe Koine 6 1. a Desert Kalvee, Sort Table Forke, Forks, Mustard 6 Desert Pair Moist Sugar Tongs, Dessert Buster Sugar Knife. Spoon, Table Ira Spoons, Jam Spoon.
And a Mastivels mounted Bread Kate 43 Pieces. Ze EVERVOUTE our SILVER. Factory prepared in of for the band Finest Quality and to dated by acids and or The are pimend wear oced TO Handles, PAY -Send 3a to start Steel with. Bindes and guaranteed. HOW in we mill end sou the ed parcel, and and complete one of the 44.
purchase more Monthly Payments ANOTBER WAY. -Send 3a it to parcel, and gart, and 228 mill upon receipt the complete me you gut of a Handsome P'air mounted Carvers as Bonus. EMANUEL AND WHOLESALE 51, CLAPHAM-ROAD, MANUFACTURERS LONDON. AND IMPORTERS, S.W., AND AT BIRMINGHAM AND SUEFFIELD. Establlebed NOw IN THREE STRENGTES.
MILD, MEDIUM, AND FULL ALLAHER'S "TWO TOBACCO. The King King of Tobaccos, Tobaccos. The King of Pipe Tobaccos GALLAHER'S "TWO FLAKES- TOBACCO. Blended from the Finest Selected Americas Lest GALLABER'S FLAKES" TOBACCO. Sweet and Cool.
Lovely Aroma, Lovely Aroma, GALLAHER'S TOBACCO. la compact lot. and tice, Secured Patent Brand GALLAHER'S -TWO FLAKES TOBACCO. Lasts Longer than other Late Longer than Laste Longer than other Tabascos GALLAHER'S FLARES TOBACCO. Owing to the numerous imitations of this Excellent Tobacco, recommend Smokes Now buy it in IN our THREE aed 4cs.
STRENGTHS, MILD, MEDIUM AND PULIA Goid Everywhere, GALLANER (LAusiind), THE CRY OP THE PRESENT DAY that nothing de so good as it used to be. and this Mica to set entirely without foundation. for with many manufactures tendency to lessen the cost of prodaction by cheaper and inferior materials; on have the other hand there Arms she, eparing no expense, gone on year after steadily improving their reliable manufacture, article; for the instanco being result tote and thoroughly STIFF'S STARCH was first cold in the early part of last century. but every improvemcate have been made, and to-day is stands uartralled IT IS ENTIRELY FREE FROM WAX, RESIN, TALLOW, AND CHEMICALS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION; GUARANTEED PURE, and will sot lojare the moat delicate Len. Bear in mind you cannot and that anything better STIFF or coonomical than pure Starch, the same de Dos a guarantee of the bighess quality.
EFFECTUAL STORES. GOUT PILLS. la STRAND. and Sid. LONDON, per At Hotel flotices.
PLYMOUTH. HOE MANSION PENSION, 2024, ELLIOT-SIPLET. 1 Billiards. Every Terra Sca View. Batbo, 60410 weekly, daily, Mr.
Prince vers Moderate, Clabs Cum all Special to BREARFASTS, lag 10 Caresere its to the C.W R. Co Erratin 0. 804 T. Co HENRY Steamer BALLARD, Countess General Manager. the Firm ruth Co stars DOWNDERRY.
ST. GERMANS, CORNWALL SEA VIEW HOTEL the Sea a m.les at Sande Sate Bribing ed Fish One said from Church and Sanitation Pertert. Moderate Terms Appir T. BEAL Macao Conveyanone greet traina. GROSVENOR BOARDING Picasnotly Situated.
Close Baiblag 10 Sea. Cores. Caproce Parade Table d' Blote. Daily Liberal Table, PROPRIETRESS Moderate JIBS. PICKETT.
G.W HOTEL METROPOLE Tara NOW OPEN. EEDS. Comfort: elegas quiet Moderate minutes up to date Unexcelied Every convenience Carefully Two Wises. Station. walk trom jest.